
Auror's Work

Auror Davy, An Auror that somehow got involved with worldly matters. "Sigh, This is way above my paygrade".

supremelder · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

Cho also felt suprised, it felt like the two so called worlds that was said they'd never meet would finally merge and become one.

"Ho not so fast, we are not going to introduce ourselves to the muggles just yet, we are merely forming a diplomatic relationship with a top spy organization because of the muggles technology becoming much harder to deal with". Said the chief.

Davy and Cho reigned in their suprise and listened to the chief, although they felt it a disappointment that they weren't merging but it was understandable why not. Afterall a baby has to roll before it can crawl and it has to crawl before it can walk,

There are steps to everything and just this diplomatic relationship was already a giant step for a people who have been hidden since the dark ages.

"Well it's still is a big thing even if it is a hidden one, i assume even our people won't know?". He asked.

"Yes, not yet anyways, they'll know once those old heads think it's time". Said the chief.

"Now, i am telling you this because you two are going to be our ambassadors for this mission, tomorrow an Agent of theirs named Coulson will meet up with you and bring you to their director, their chief". She took out a file that had the covers of a dark cloth.

"This file hold documents that only he can read, because we only trust him, it is covered in a dementors cloth and a seal that will suck the soul of anyone that isn't allowed to touch this file, drip a bit of your blood on it so you can touch it". They both dripped their blood onto the center of the file and the cloth sucked the blood.

"Why do we trust their director only?". Asked Cho. Davy nodded too.

"Because he was secretly helping us during the war". They turned their head from the file to the chief as soon as they heard that. "Wha what do you mean he helped us?".

"He met one of the heads and saved him from dying, i don't know the story in detail but the head said we can only trust him".

"Which head?". Asked davy.

"Your father". She replied.

Davy felt extreme suprise hearing that, even more when he thought deeper about that it was his old man that almost died.

"Well then if my father says so then it is so". Davy trusted his father the most in this world.

"Now your mission is to stay at his side for some time and to assess his organization, we may be able to trust him but that doesn't mean we trust his organization, you will stay there for a year, investigate in secrecy and your assessment will be our answer".

"What is their directors name". Asked Cho.

"Fury, director fury, he is a black man with an eyepatch".

They talked a bit more, their investigation will be given to other aurors.They left HQ to prepare for the mission, it seemed that they would be remaining in the organization's headquarters for most of the year.

The next day came and they both lefttogether to meet up with Agent Coulson, He was waiting for them when they arrived at the location.

"Hello, you must be our mysterious guests the director was waiting for". He said.

"Yes we are and you must The agent they sent to pick us up". Replied Davy.

"Yes, I am sorry i can't give you a tour just yet, we have to catch up to the director before he is in the air".

They entered the car and drove off. "I sense that you are in a hurry?". Cho observed the agent.

"Ah yes, uhm i have a small situation i have to take care of thats all haha". Agent Coulson laughed it off, he didn't know wether he could tell them or not so he didn't.

"Ohh i have been there, must be quite a stressful thing if it's even affecting your driving". Coulson came to realization as he looked at the speed he was going, he decreased his speed.

"Ahaha yes it's a stressful one, well since you'll know later i might as well tell you know haha, apparently an extraterrestrial called Loki came a stole a cube called the tesseract, in the wrong hands that thing can cause mass genocide and now everyone is looking for him before he uses it".

Davy and Cho listened carefully and were shocked with what was happening. "I must say i was expecting something like a plane hijack or something like that, not Aliens hahaha". Davy laughed and was interested in seeing aliens for the first time.

"What does this Loki look like". Asked Cho.

"Well i haven't seen him but he looks just like a man, We are here". They stepped of the car and walked to a helipad where a chopper was waiting for them.