
Auror's Work

Auror Davy, An Auror that somehow got involved with worldly matters. "Sigh, This is way above my paygrade".

supremelder · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

They checked up on the location of the mystery man, which they codenamed Rust. He was traveling on a plane it seemed, due to the slow speed he was crossing the sea.

"Weird, why not use a portkey? or fly with a broom". Questioned Cho.

"I don't know, i'd reckon the sea creatures have something to do with him not trying to cross over with a broom and maybe he has no portkeys". He replied.

"a far stretch both your reasons but it's all we have for now until we capture him and his companions".

"You think he has more unknown eggs he is trying to sell".

"Lets hope he doesn't or else we would have to find out where he got them from and im sure you don't want more work now do you?".

"We'll see". He said.

Cho left the house and went to het own place, Davy went to sleep.

The next day they met up at the Headquarters and went to write their reports as there was nothing they could do, their investigation was going slow but steady for now.

Elsewhere deep underground in what seems to be a military research building, a blue cube surged up making the space around it distort, an alarm went off and everyone in the base immediately got on high alert, the surging continued on for a few minutes before it calmed down, the space around it also became solid once angain.

A scientist came inside the room where the blue cube was located, he went to the computer and tried to find the reason for its behavior as it never had done anything like that.

In another location a man with an eyepatch was alarmed by one of his subordinates about the weird happening of the blue cube, he immediately got equipped and stepped on a helicopter that was ready for him to go, inside the helicopter a woman was sitting there waiting for him, he entered and went to the base.

When he arrived at the base, there was an orderly chaos going on with soldiers marching left and right setting up defenses, the alarm was still blaring even though the cube had returned to normal.

He stepped out of the helicopter together with the woman and walked to the base. A man was waiting on him to report.

"How bad is it". Said the black man with the eyepatch.

"That's the problem sir, we don't know". He replied.

Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesserect four hours ago". He continued reporting as the walked to the lab where the tesserect was.

"NASA didn't authorize him to go to test phase". Said director Fury.

"Yes but he wasn't testing it, it went off by itself sir, it was a spontaneous event". He replied.

"It just turned itself on?". Asked Agent Hill.

"What are the energy levels now, is it back to normal or what". Asked Fury.

"It's climbing sir, although its behaving normal, the detectors displayed that its energy level is climbing, the doctor couldn't shut it down so we ordered an evac". He replied.

"How long to get everyone out?".

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour sir".

"Do better". Said Fury. The agent left after reporting to take care of the evacuation.

Director Fury and agent Hill went on to the room.

"Sir evacuation may be futile". Agent hill felt it would make no difference if the stayed or not.

"We should tell them to go back to sleep?". He replied.

"If we can't control the tesseracts energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance".

"I need you to make sure that the phase 2 prototypes are shipped out. He changed the subject and ordered her.

"Sir is that really a priority right now?". She asked.

"Untill such time as the world ends, we will act is if its still spinning on so yes it is still a priority right now, clear out every piece of phase two and go". He said.

"Yes sir. Agent Hill left and took two soldiers with her to clear her mission. Director Fury entered the Lab, there he saw Dr. Selvig and others obseving the tesseract.

"Talk to me Doctor, what is the problem". He asked.

Dr. Selvig looked away from the cube and walked up to Fury. "Director, it is misbehaving".

"Is that supposed to be funny at all".

"No it's not, the tesseract is not only active, she is…..behaving".

"I assume you pulled the plug?".

"She is an energy source, we turn it off and she turns it back on".

"Where is barton?".

"The hawk?, up in his nest". He pointed up to the roof. Fury turned to his comms and called Barton to come down. Soon enough a man with a bow and arrow came up to fury.

"When i gave you to watch over this detail i'd assumed you would be doing that".

"I see better from a distance". He said.

"Well what did you see then, you see why this thing surged or?".

"No sir, i was watching all the time and nobody came in and Selvig is clean". He stopped for a bit before continuing.

"Sir you said that this thing can open up another side of space right? what if its being opened from the other side then?". He asked.

Before they could continue their conversation, the tesseract surged up again and the earth shook, it formed a beam like light and fired into the other side of it, the tesseract continued on powering the beam, a hole opened up and something seemed to materialize.

After a few seconds the beam exploded into a harmless light, at the other side where the light of the tesseract was the hole closed up and a man wearing an ancient green outfit with an helmet with two big golden horns materialized. He had a spear in his hand, the tip of it was glowing.