
Someone you admire

The warm morning sun rays pass through the window into Aurelia's room, giving it a lively sensation. She yawned lazily, stretching out her body like a cat waking up from sleep. Aurelia wasn't the kind of girl who would wake up early as she prefers to sleep all through the day without disturbances.

' Bang '

" AURELIA! Where are your manners? It's 8 already!" Maria yelled from the door, gazing at the lazy girl on the bed who was yet to climb down.

Aurelia blinked several times and turned on her sides to close her eyes.

' Kpak '

Maria hit Aurelia heavily across her back. She does this almost every morning as the latter was a sleepyhead.

" Ouch!" Aurelia exclaimed in surprise and tried rubbing the spot. " I haven't had enough sleep,Maria, you know that." She grumbled unhappily.

" This is not about getting enough sleep, it's the weekend you brat!" She scolded lightly and took off the blanket from Aurelia's body.

Maria eyed her playfully and sat beside her. " Child, you're nineteen now, in this Kingdom,many of your age mates are already married or planning to and not sleeping all day in their room."

" But I haven't found anyone who loves me; marriage has to do with love, right?" Aurelia pouted.

Maria shook her head, " nonsense child, love is an affection, marriage is a custom. I believe you have someone you admire. Now, stop being lazy and get your butt out of the bed." She added and ambled towards the door.

Aurelia was quiet as she thought about what Maria said. Marriage? Do slaves get married? She thought to herself.

" Aurelia! I can't believe Simon came this morning!" Vivian squealed in excitement and pulled Aurelia into a tight bunny hug.

" Simon? Why did he come?" She asked and patted Vivian's head. Then she recalls Maria's words earlier, was it because of this? Aurelia knew Simon admires Vivian alot and she does the same.

" He actually brought some things for me. You know he's kind of rich." Vivian said as red blush spread all over her face.

" Whoa! That's great, will you mind if you remember me when checking them out?" Aurelia beamed sheepishly and Vivian understood perfectly what she meant.

" Aye, how would I leave you out of it. Well, see you later." She giggled sweetly making Aurelia smile as she strolled away with bouncing legs.

Aurelia sighed and touched her messy hair, she was still putting on her night dress and socks. " Silly me." She said and was about to walk back into her room when…

" You really have grown up into a fine lady."

A fire suddenly sparked in Aurelia's heart on hearing that voice. That voice? It was too real to be true as her heart palpitates against her chest. Her feet froze on the ceramic floor and her eyes looked as if it would pop out at that moment. It has been two good years and she didn't set her eyes on him.

With a stiff back, she turned to look at him. This time he wasn't as far as she had thought. He was standing there with an indifferent smile on his face.

Her eyes brimmed with tears as she was yet to believe he was real. " Louis," she called with wobbly lips. She didn't know when she called his name neither did she care.

" You left me." She said in between silent sobs.

Maria was walking back to Aurelia's room to tell-off at her again but what she saw made her halt.

Louis was taken aback by her reaction. No. One thing he didn't want for her was to see her cry. He gently pulled her into his arms for an embrace. Patting her head tenderly like a child, he recalled he did it once two years ago,the day he left.

He didn't expect this from her but in his perspective, he could tell she had missed him alot. Her petite body was still the same as there were only little changes. Her black long hair was filled with tangles as Louis ran his fingers through it.

Aurelia cried to her heart's desire and turned calm. She didn't move away from his embrace, she remained quiet, wishing it would go on when a feminine voice interrupted her sweet moment.

" Louis?" A girl with short brown hair called, making Maria who was peeping jolt in shock and surprise. As for Stanley, she hasn't set her eyes on him since the morning. Now she could tell why, perhaps he was still sleeping in his room.

Aurelia didn't leave his embrace even after hearing and seeing the girl behind them, instead she held onto Louis tightly, indirectly telling him she didn't want him to go.

Louis smiled and touched her face, averting her attention from the girl to him. " I'm not leaving again. Don't think about it. Stanley told me you aren't the timid girl from two years ago," said Louis.

Aurelia didn't speak a word as she stared into those beautiful dark red eyes. After a long time, he now seems more handsome and mesmerizing than before.

" Now you aren't wearing your shoes," he said, displeased with it. Aurelia curled her toes absentmindedly and slowly untangled her hands from his neck.

Aurelia swallowed an invisible lump on her throat and replied weakly, " she's calling you." It was as if her strength had been sucked out of her. She then ambled to her room without saying another word.

Louis knew she was unhappy about the presence of the new female in the mansion, so he came to stand in front of Maria who was now having her head down. " Accompany her, I'll be back."

Maria nods in acknowledgement before walking towards Aurelia's room.


Aurelia folded up her knees in a way that touched her chin as she stared at the blank wall in her shabby small room. Her heart ached insignificantly as she kept recalling that face in her mind. More tears well up in her eyes which she hurriedly wipes off when she notices Maria open the door.

Maria wasn't a child and knew Aurelia was crying before her entry. She ambled towards the small bed and sat on it. " Aurelia, do me a favor and stop crying." She pleaded.

" I've been in this mansion for as long as I can remember, now, I see the Duke and Stanley as my own children despite the fact that I'm the housekeeper. Louis is unfriendly and cruel with his words but he never lets anyone look down on you. Though he bought you as a slave, he didn't treat you as one. Till this day, I've seen only one person change Louis that still shocks me."

Aurelia was quiet as she listened with rapt attention. Perhaps what she said was the truth. She had never lived as a slave before and when Louis bought her, he didn't treat her like one.

" That person is you, Aurelia. You're the only one that can change him entirely, always keep that in mind." Maria then stood up and walked towards the door. " If you want him, don't just sit facing the wall and be a cry baby. There are more ways to take a man." She then winked at Aurelia before leaving the room.

Aurelia almost laughed when she thought about the last part Maria said to her. The Duke? How could she like the Duke who was her master and she, his slave. That was the most stupid idea she had thought about in her life.

Slowly, she composed herself and went into the bathroom to get herself ready for the day. Diana might be stinking right now. She thought and shook her head.

After washing up, Aurelia toweled her body dry and applied a skin oil Maria bought for her. Putting on her inner wears, she proceeds to find an appealing dress. Going through her clothes desperately, Aurelia was devastated to find nothing but faded clothes in her shabby closet.

" What? So I have nothing to wear?" Sne questioned no one in particular and kept checking through. She then found a bright orange dress with a thin belt and corset attached to it. After putting it on, a sheepish smile appeared on her full lips. Now she understood what Maria was talking about but she was nervous.

Vivian was walking down the corridor towards the North wing in the mansion when she sighted Aurelia on the West wing staircase. Actually, the mansion has the same style as that of castles. The North wing, South, West and East wing were opposite each other and a four manner way.

" Aurelia, I believe that isn't you." Vivian Cackled.

" What? Do I look funny?" Aurelia asks while frowning hard.

Vivian shook her head, " I don't mean that, I mean …why are you all dressed up because I can see the extremely tight corset."

Aurelia laughed foolishly and scratched the back of her neck. " Maybe not." She said to herself and went back to her room to get the dress change to a casual one.

Meanwhile, Louis was upstairs admiring the beautiful lady in bright orange dress. He frowned when Aurelia shook her head behind Vivian and ran off to the direction of her room. Perhaps he would love to see her reaction. A cynical smile made its way on his face and he walked away from there.