
Magic needle I

Louis amble towards Aurelia's room with lazy steps. Even before reaching her room, he could see the door was slightly ajar. He was wearing a black well tailored pants and a white sleeve, topping it with a black frock coat. Since it was morning, his hair looked unkempt.

Aurelia was busy in her room looking for another suitable dress she could put on, unknown to her Louis was standing by the door with a cynical expression on his face.

Pulling out a blue dress from her closet, " Arghh," she exclaimed in frustration and sat on the pile of clothes on the floor.

Meanwhile, Louis didn't forget to take a good look at her room. He was still surprised she wasn't given a new one despite those long years here in the mansion.

Aurelia sat quietly as she gazed from one dress to another with pity in her eyes. She hasn't noticed all her dresses are already faded but seeing Louis, she also starts seeing them.

" No no no!" She pulled her hair dramatically and lay flat on the floor.

" It seems you're trying to show me your lacy underwear, isn't it?" Said Louis who was already standing by her dressing table.

Aurelia's eyes widened in shock and she stood up frantically with a frown between her brows. " I was laying on the floor and there was no way you could probably see what I'm w…" She then paused and scratched her neck. Was she supposed to reply?

Gradually, she starts arranging her closet, filling it back with the faded clothes while Louis gazes at her from behind in amusement.

Aurelia quite forgot she was wearing only a petticoat and socks. After she was done arranging her closet, it dawned on her that she was wearing her underwear while Louis was still in the room. She then understood what Louis had said about her underwear.

Slowly she turned to look at him. More like a glare but didn't say any word because she could clearly remember he's still her master.

Louis saw the struggling expression on her face and tilted his head in understanding. " Find something to put on, let's go get you a good set of dresses," he then walked towards her closet.

" When did you return from your journey? Two days ago? Yesterday? A year ago?" She said in a blunt manner. Forgetting her stand when it comes to the master.

" I think Maria and Stanley have pampered you too much. Don't forget who you are to me." He replied and threw a pale pink dress at her.

" You shouldn't forget that," he added and came to stand in front of her. Trailing his slender long finger on her smooth face, " and don't think about falling in love Aurelia."

Hearing the last part, Aurelia's chest rises and falls in pain. She didn't know when all these feelings came pouring into her but the light warning from him was a red light she must stay away from.

" Wear the dress, your position as a slave starts now." He added and left the room with a hard expression on his face. He could see through her even to her thinking.

Aurelia felt a hot substance drop from her eyes unbeknownst to her that the new girl was standing beside the door.

" Why are you crying? Louis has told you a piece of his mind and don't forget your place in this mansion because I wouldn't give a chance though." The girl with brown short hair and black lace gown wasn't pleased with this thing called a slave.

Aurelia straightened her back and glared at the girl, and if eyes could kill, probably this girl would've been lying on the floor in the pool of her own blood.

" I never said I wanted a chance, did I? You're just a newbie here who's claiming what can't be yours." Aurelia flared in anger.

The girl chuckled softly while examining her well painted fingernails, "who said I'm a newbie here? I guess you shouldn't know now." She chuckled loudly and left the room, her heels clicking softly on the ceramic floor.

Aurelia found herself probing about what the girl said. Nevermind. She then left the room with egoistic steps.

Aurelia's just reached the drawing room when she found the girl behaving coquettish while talking about something with Louis. Aurelia refuses to move away from the view. She had never seen Louis conversing so brightly with a lady.

Eva, as she was called, sighted Aurelia on the flight of stairs, probably shocked. She nudged Louis on his arms as they were holding each other arms in arms. " Is she coming with us?"

Louis then turned to look at Aurelia who was standing on the staircase with a blank expression. " No. Stanley would bring her to Dark Valley," he answered.

Few minutes later, Aurelia was standing outside the mansion when Stanley walked out with groggy eyes as he stared at her. " Let's go." He said and ambled towards the carriage.

" What do you mean Stanley? I thought Ma…"

" He and Lady Eva are going to a tea party." He cut her off and stepped into the carriage to continue his sleep.

Aurelia felt blood on her throat as she shut her eyes in disappointment. Perhaps, she should think about herself and not others. She thought and also got into the carriage to join Stanley.

While the carriage was making a turn at the large statue of a man at the middle of the mansion with smooth cobblestone path, She saw Louis and the lady walking out of the mansion hand in hand. A small pang of pain hit her chest shortly and she let the small black curtain drop to close the awful sight.

Stanley, who was having his eyes half shut, shook his head in pity.


Darkvalley as Louis had called it earlier was just as the name defines. The weather was gloomy and the sky was dark grayish, different from when they were in Pearltown.

The ground was filled with portholes and dirty waters. Aurelia wrench her nose in disgust. What was this place? She thought to herself quietly.

The carriage finally came to a halt and Stanley opened his eyes. More clear and sharp as if he wasn't sleeping earlier. Seeing the confused expression on her face, he took his time to explain.

" This place is called Dark valley. Apart from that, it's mostly dwelled by ghosts, mythical creatures and vampires. Be Careful of witches here."

" If it is so dangerous, why did you bring me here in the first place?" Question Aurelia who was getting scared already.

" I can't expect more from a master like him. In fact, he wants me dead, right?" Aurelia chuckled bitterly and alighted from the carriage with Stanley who was quiet.

" Get him! GET ME THAT BASTARD!" A man with scars all over his face and body as he was putting on a singlet and leather pants shouted in anger and threw his knife in the direction of Aurelia and Stanley.

Before the knife could touch them, Stanley ducked as it was closer to him and pulled Aurelia down quickly and the knife pierce into a man who was passing. The knife went deep into his arms as blood sprouted heavily.

Stanley shook his head and could tell he was a human man. Without taking a look at the man who threw the knife, they hurriedly went their way.

They got a black small door and knocked lightly on it. The weather was getting darker as if rain would start dropping any moment from now but Aurelia doubted that because she and Stanley traveled down here but nothing happened.

The door creaked open, revealing a bent old woman with a large black coat on her head. A smile made its way to her face on sighting Stanley who returned the smile.

The woman then opened the door wider for them to get in. The moment they were inside, Aurelia suddenly thought she was in a different world.

" Welcome to Magic needle." A young girl's voice said from behind and Aurelia turned to get another shock of her life. The old bent woman was now a lovely young lady.

Aurelia quickly hid behind Stanley who didn't flinch one bit.

" Don't be scared. I use that as a protective method." The young lady said and walked towards Stanley who was sitting on a couch tiredly.

" It has been a while now Stanley, why brought you to my shop?" She inquired.

Using his chin to point at Aurelia who was looking at them with keen interest. " Louis wants the best dresses for her."

The lady's eyes widened in amusement and she went to meet Aurelia. Moving in a circle around her. " Is she another whore?"

" Deliah!" Stanley yelled and his eyes turned red in anger. " Do your job and not poke your nose into other people's affairs." He scolded harshly, making the lady giggle.

Aurelia felt her blood run cold when she heard what the lady called Deliah said. Whores?

" I can't do my job without knowing Stanley, so I can know what type of dress to pack." She shook her head and sashays into another room.

Aurelia opened her mouth to say something but instinct told her to keep quiet.

" Follow her." Stanley said and laid on the couch. His brown hair covers his face in a messy manner.

Aurelia went into the room and was greatly taken aback by the amazing dresses inside, the different color of lanterns adding a beautiful shade to them.

" You're not a human…. neither a vampire…nor a witch. What are you?" Deliah asked and removed a black dress from a hanger.

" I'm human. You don't know anything about me," replied Aurelia angrily.

" Of course I do. A princess without a Kingdom." Deliah chuckled and exhaled.