
241 11.6

Time passes for cultivators quickly. Seven years had passed in the blink of an eye, and the annual Demon Secret Realm was about to open.

It was rumoured that millions of years ago, the Demons wanted to attack the Cultivation Realm, and in order to enter the Cultivation Realm, they created this secret passage.

At that time, countless cultivators chose to enter this secret realm in order to stop the invasion of the demons.

The demon king was killed, but all the great powers in the cultivation world fell. The originally thriving cultivation world was suddenly deprived of these numerous great powers, and for a long time afterwards, advancement in the cultivation world stagnated, unable to reach the heights of the great powers of that time.

After the death of the Demon King, all the remaining demons were killed by the cultivators, and the secret realm became less threatening. In order that subsequent cultivators could remember this fierce and brutal war, the cultivation world did not destroy the secret realm but chose to open it once every ten years, allowing Foundation Establishment cultivators to enter the realm for fifteen days of sharpening.

However, by the time Feng Baixiao and Shui Kongling entered the secret realm, the divine consciousness of the Demon King revived, and he attempted to injure Feng Baixiao to take over his body. During the fight between the demon king and Feng Baixiao, Shui Kongling blocked an attack for Feng Baixiao, and Feng Baixiao seized the opportunity to strangle the divine sense of the demon king, who had not fully recovered.

Bai Lixin wanted to enter this secret realm to make sure that his lover wasn't the persecuted Demon King. There had been previous cases, hadn't there?

In the dragon world, his lover had been sealed for a thousand years; in the vampire world, his lover had been sealed for tens of thousands of years. Too many previous experiences made Bai Lixin eager to ascertain whether his lover might have turned into a demon king of these demons.

Apart from looking after the uninhabited Xuanyuan peak for the past seven years, Bai Lixin had also studied the secret manual given to him by Daoist Yixiao.

He had once transversed to a cultivation world in the early days when he had just bound to the system. At that time, he even had one foot in the Immortal Realm, only that he chose to leave after his mission was completed.

After the battle with the demons ten thousand years ago, the cultivation world suffered heavy losses. Many secret books and manuals had been lost, many magic treasures were also broken, and even the spiritual energy in them was absorbed by the great cultivators at that time in order to fight against the demons.

After the end of the demon war, the cultivation world returned to its initial point, where spiritual qi was thin and advancement was difficult. Secret texts were lost, and the cultivation world nearly collapsed.

At that time, even if they were geniuses, cultivators could only reach the Golden Elixir stage at most, and most of them were stuck at the Qi Refining stage and stagnated.

After thousands of years, the spiritual energy of the cultivation world gradually filled up, and the secret books were gradually restored by the great powers, but the effect could only be half of what it was thousands of years before.

The secret manual Daoist Yixiao gave him was only an upper-grade secret book, but Bai Lixin discovered through his memory restoration that it was originally a Heavenly-grade secret book!

Because this secret manual was originally a precious and incomparable Heaven-ranked upper-grade secret book, many people failed to comprehend it because it was obscure and difficult to understand. It was also because of this that many of the disciples who entered Xuanyuan Peak left when they realised that their cultivation had not improved at all. They either joined another peak or chose to go down the mountain.

The fact that Daoist Yixiao was able to understand the secret book and enter into the Perfect Golden Elixir stage showed how high his enlightenment was.

Bai Lixin's cultivation level could be said to be increasing by leaps and bounds, but in order not to attract attention, he suppressed his cultivation level to stay at the fifth level of Qi refinement.

Apart from cultivating the secret book, Ba Lixin was also keeping an eye on the movement of the divine weapon, the Three-Bladed Trident. Every now and then he would go to the place where the three-bladed halberd was to check it out. The place where the three-bladed halberd was sealed had been left unattended for seven consecutive years. Every time he came to the seal, the three-bladed halberd's hostility towards him had never decayed.

Because of the desolation of Xuanyuan Peak and the fact that cultivators are used to living in isolation, onlookers had not been informed of its changes in the past seven years.

On this day, Bai Lixin was watering the medicinal garden not far from Daoist Yixiao's seclusion cave when he felt a sudden surge of spiritual energy around him. Above the cave where Daoist Yixiao was cultivating, purple qi came from the east and golden light overflowed. Bai Lixin froze at the sight. The Daoist Yixiao was about to advance!

Daoist Yixiao had been stuck at the Golden Elixir stage for a long time. He appeared to have always had a knot in his heart, as he had failed to advance twice. It was already his third try.

There will be visions in the sky when a practitioner advances. In addition to the calamity that accompanies each advance, there are often many symbols of good fortune in the sky, such as the purple qi that was now appearing, and the abundance of spiritual energy in the air.

The moment a practitioner advances, his body will suddenly burst with abundant spiritual energy. So, when a powerful practitioner advances, surrounding practitioners will rush to the vicinity of the advancing practitioner to absorb the spiritual energy that escapes and increase their cultivation with half the effort.

After the auspicious clouds of purple energy, lightning and thunder began to ring out behind the auspicious clouds. In contrast to the day the Nine Heavenly Demon King advanced, when the thunder was terrible and fierce, this thunder tribulation appeared gentle. The sky did not show any sign of darkening because of the blessings of the purple Qi.

In the process of Daoist Yixiao's advancement, more and more cultivators from other peaks rushed over. They had no time to be surprised by the changes on Xuanyuan Peak, but quickly found a place to sit and meditate, just waiting for Daoist Yixiao to succeed in his tribulation so that they could make use of his spiritual energy to refine their cultivation.

The crowd came in droves, and Bai Lixin saw many faces again.

Bai Lixin was carrying a bucket of water in his hand at the moment, and without demonstrating his cultivation, he saw two or three people land beside him. One of them just casually swept a glance at him before setting up a boundary to enclose himself and another person.

Bai Lixin looked at Feng Baixiao's actions, and he couldn't help but spit out a sentence in his heart: Worthy of a male protagonist who can make Shui Kongling willingly block a sword for him. He's so attentive and considerate, handsome and extraordinary. Who wouldn't be moved? 

Bai Lixin only looked at them briefly before continuing to water the herbs with the wooden ladle in his hand.

The thirty-six thunderclaps all passed in the blink of an eye. As the thunderstorm passed, the auspicious clouds rolled over, and the purple air in the sky was gilded with a layer of gold.

Bai Lixin looked up at this symbol of good fortune, and suddenly saw a blinding golden light burst out of the cave where Daoist Yixiao was practicing, shooting straight up into the clouds!

There were countless spiritual energies in that golden light!

Bai Lixin's soul power was so strong that he could almost see the tiny particles of the spiritual energy with his naked eyes. The tiny particles then flew in different directions, as if being attracted.

Bai Lixin glanced at Feng Baixiao and Shui Kongling, who were meditating not far away from him, and saw that those small particles that no one else could see were flying into Feng Baixiao's at a very swift speed. Shui Kongling had also absorbed some. After all, she was only a member of the harem, so her level of absorption was naturally not as good as that of the Son of the World.

In the blink of an eye, the aura that was like a volcanic eruption was absorbed to the hilt.

Bai Lixin's eyes were sharp, and he narrowed his eyes to look at Feng Baixiao carefully. He saw many tiny golden particles surrounding him, and those particles were pulsating like mad, seemingly extremely excited.

Bai Lixin was wondering about this phenomenon when Feng Baixiao's body suddenly lit up and a bright halo spread outwards. Unexpectedly, he had entered the eighth level of foundation establishment!

In this short span of seven years, Feng Baixiao had advanced from the sixth level of foundation establishment to the eighth level of foundation establishment.

As Feng Baixiao had set up a boundary around himself in advance, the spiritual energy generated with his advancement did not have time to break through the boundary before it was reabsorbed by Shui Kongling and Feng Baixiao.

Only when all the spiritual energy had been absorbed did Feng Baixiao and Shui Kongling open their eyes and smile at each other.

Shui Kongling revealed a grateful and delicate expression, "Senior brother, thank you for letting me absorb your spiritual energy."

Although Feng Baixiao was smiling, it felt like he was not smiling, but Shui Kongling could not see it. He only said, "Junior sister Shui has a high level of enlightenment. I did not expect that I would be able to advance to the eighth level of foundation building with the spiritual qi escaping from senior uncle Yixiao.  This was our chance, so junior sister does not need to say thank you. "

Even a fool could see that Shui Kongling was interested in Feng Bai Xiao, but Feng Bai Xiao was now like a worldly immortal. It wasn't that he was stupid or pretending to be stupid; he was blatantly ignoring Shui Kongling's love.

Daoist Yixiao had tried three times and had now finally advanced. Cultivators who benefited from his advancement could not leave right away, so they waited outside the cave to congratulate him.

Bai Lixin watched as more and more sect leaders and senior brothers and sisters gathered. He had to stop his work and greet them one by one.

Only then did Feng Baixiao seem to notice Bai Lixin. After helping Shui Kongling up, he slowly walked to Bai Lixin and said, with those indifferent eyes, "Junior Brother Che, I never thought that you, as an outer disciple, would have a higher cultivation level than even the inner disciples of the same period. You have reached the fifth level of the Qi refining stage in just five years. Did you reach this stage with that outer disciple's secret book alone, or did you secretly learn some secret book of my sect that is not passed on to the outside world? "

Feng Baixiao's voice was not too loud, but his voice naturally reached the ears of the people around him word for word.

In a flash, everyone around them looked over, their gazes all gathered on Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin gave a dry laugh and said, "This…this is because…"

"It's naturally because I gave Little Cha my Xuanyuan peak's unique secret book!" A loud voice suddenly rang out from above the heads of the crowd just as Bai Lixin was thinking about how to organise his words. He looked up and saw a glowing Daoist Yixiao floating down!