
240 11.5

The Demon Clan Mystic Realm?" Daoist Yixiao froze for a moment before rubbing his chin in thought, "The Demon Mystic Realm is indeed a very famous secret realm of my Ten Thousand Swords Sect. It's just that this secret realm is for Foundation Establishment cultivators. How can you enter it? "

"I don't know how to get in either. That's why I have to beg for it from Senior Uncle Yixiao. " Bai Lixin grinned and blinked at Daoist Yixiao, "If Senior Uncle Yixiao can't do it, I'll just find a way to ask Senior Brother Feng about it." Bai Lixin said and then patted the dust that did not exist on his body, making a gesture to stand up to take his leave.

"Fine, fine, I promise you. As long as you can enter the Qi Refining Stage in the remaining seven years before it opens, I will find a way for you to go there."

Finally getting Daoist Yixiao's promise, Bai Lixin changed from his earlier arrogant and spiteful attitude. He knelt on one knee in front of Daoist Yixiao and said respectfully, "Thank you, Master Yixiao. Please don't worry. I will clean up all the medicine fields on this mountain for you within a month! "

Daoist Yixiao was somewhat eccentric, and he did not ask Bai Lixin why he wanted to enter the Demon Mystic realm. After hearing Bai Lixin's promise to stay, only one thing came to Daoist Yixiao's mind. I finally have someone to inherit the mantle!

Time flew by, and before he knew it, two months had passed.

The peak, which had been deserted and disliked even by the cranes, was already a brand new green.

The spiritual power on the main peak was indeed incomparable to the residence of the outer disciples.

In just two months, the herbs that had been robbed of the limelight could be distinguished at even a thousand miles a day. They were now lush and green.

Bai Lixin looked down from the highest point on the fruits of his labour and smiled with relief.

After Bai Lixin had agreed to stay, Daoist Yixiao had given him ten grain-removing pills, and he dived into the alchemy room, staying there for two months.

Bai Lixin didn't care about food, so he ate the pills and started to transform Xuanyuan Peak, so much so that when Daoist Yixiao came out of the alchemy room, he nearly broke his tongue.

"This, this, this, genius, genius!!! It's simply a genius! "

Bai Lixin, however, ignored Daoist Yixiao's compliments as he gently nodded his head, "Master Yixiao, you've come out?"

"The alchemy furnace in my alchemy room is still burning, so don't worry about it. Damn it, I was in the middle of making a Spirit Storage Pill, and the Senior Sect Leader summoned everyone at this time! " Daoist Yixiao casually instructed Bai Lixin, and then abruptly flew away on his wine gourd.

Summoned everyone?

Bai Lixin pursed his lips and looked in the direction where Daoist Yixiao had left. He was attacked by a fierce aura when he released his divine sense to take a bird's eye view of the peaks. But more than two months had passed, and no one in the sect seemed to speak of it.

Was it because the owner of that aura was accustomed to intruders, or was it because that person was not from the Ten Thousand Swords Sect?

Bai Lixin did not hesitate and let out his divine sense to quietly follow behind Daoist Yixiao.

As far as Bai Lixin knew, most of the people in this world were only of golden elixir cultivation level. Those at the top, such as the peak masters of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, were of the Yuanying stage. Those above that are less than ten in the cultivation world, with the patriarch of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect being one of them.

It is said that the mysterious Nine Heavens Demon Lord is already a great demon, and if there is a chance, he may become the third person to ascend to immortality.

It was a pity that he fell on the first day of Bai Lixin's transmigration.

Although Bai Lixin's current cultivation level was not even enough to draw Qi into his body, his spirit was so powerful that people in this world were no match. Cultivators below the split-divinity stage could not even detect his traces, so he was very concerned about the cultivator who suddenly attacked him that day.

Now that the Patriarch of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect had urgently summoned people, he wondered if it was related to that person.

His divine sense could fly over ten thousand lakes and mountains in the blink of an eye, so he easily followed Daoist Yixiao to the council chamber.

The man sitting at the top had a handsome face and he was dressed in a light golden suit. He looked to be about thirty years old if one were to look at his appearance alone. But he had pure white hair and sharp eyes. He was none other than the Patriarch of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, Shui Wuxin.

Seeing that the last Daoist had entered the council chamber, Shui Wuxin made a move with his index finger of his thumb to add a boundary to the council chamber before speaking, "Fellow peak lords, the Immortal Venerable has sent a divine sign."

Bai Lixin's divine sense paused slightly before he heard the Sect Master say, "The Nine Heavenly Demon Lord has fallen onto the demonic path since he defected from our Ten Thousand Sword Sect and took the divine artefact, the Iris flower, for himself. Now that he has fallen as a result of a thunderstorm, it is considered karma. However, the blood Iris that he kept in the blood pond has been lost. The Immortal Venerable has sent down an oracle from the Immortal Realm, ordering us to find the Iris at all costs. If we, the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, are the first to find the Iris, the Immortal Venerable promised to give us three heavenly-grade upper-quality secret treasures! "

There was a commotion among the peak masters. Heavenly Grade Secret Treasures were something that could only be found in the Immortal Realm. If one had the chance to bond with one, they could get twice the result with half the effort on the path to Immortality!

There were four main categories of magic treasures in this world, from best to worst: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang. Each category is divided into three grades: upper grade, middle grade, and lower grade.

Heaven-grade magic treasures were already rare, let alone heaven-grade upper-grade magic treasures, which are simply divine weapons. Most of them were now using middle-grade and earth-grade magic treasures. Even if their magic weapons were tempered with painstaking efforts to rise with the growth of cultivation, they could only reach the lower grade of the heaven level at most.

If you could get heaven-grade upper-grade magic treasures and melt them into their magic treasures… that was simply… like a godsend!

"We are not the only ones who know about this matter," Shui Wuxin interrupted the fantasies of the group of people, "Immortal Zun has already passed this message to the sect heads of all the sects. To obtain these three unparalleled heavenly top-grade secret treasures, all the sects will come out in full force as well. The outside world would be in turmoil due to the sudden surge of cultivators. If the Iris appears, the cultivators will fight for it, and those with low cultivation will only become cannon fodder."

"I have conveyed the divine message to the peak masters today, but I privately hope that the peak masters can cut off this message to the greatest extent possible so that our disciples do not know about this matter. This is for their protection, and the search for the Iris must be done in secret. "

Shui Wuxin said a few other things, but they were all about the Ten Thousand Sword Sect's thousand-year-old foundation. There was not a mention of the discovery of his divine sense two months ago. Bai Lixin listened for a while longer and quietly left the council chamber without getting the message he wanted.

He did not withdraw his divine sense immediately but drifted over the Ten Thousand Swords Sect again.

He manipulated his divine sense to the place where he had been attacked that day, and once again felt the murderous intent rising.

Bai Lixin's heart went cold, but he did not leave right away, instead following the killing intent to find it. The killing intent was so conspicuous that it did not take long for Bai Lixin to discover the source.

The killing intent came from the hidden cave. A string of ancient formations had been set up in front of the door of that cave, which had cleverly hidden and sealed the cave. Had Bai Lixin's divine soul not been so strong, he would not have discovered this cave at all.

Seemingly sensing that a divine sense was approaching, the ancient formation painted on the ground suddenly activated. Bai Lixin laughed coldly, and his soul shot out an aura into the formation, and the formation, which had just been activated, came to a sudden halt.

After temporarily sealing the formation, Bai Lixin manipulated his divine sense to continue. It passed through a dark cave and finally reached the heart of the cave.

In the heart of the cave, molten lava rolled on the floor, and above the lava floated a fiery red three-edged halberd entwined with chains and yellow talismans. The three blades of that three-edged halberd were sinuous like snakes and fiery red, while its handle was pitch black.

'A divine weapon?' Bai Lixin looked at the three-bladed halberd in astonishment and exclaimed softly.

No matter how good a Heaven-ranked upper-grade magic weapon was, it was only a magic weapon at best. But the weapon in front of him was different, it was a divine weapon! A true divine weapon of the Immortal Realm!

There was a divine weapon from the heavenly realm sealed in the Ten Thousand Sword Sect!

From the ancient formations outside, this three-bladed halberd had been sealed here for at least ten million years. Although he did not know who had sealed it here, Bai Lixin was certain that no one in the Ten Thousand Swords Sect knew about the existence of this secret cave!

The killing intent emanating from the three-bladed halberd intensified, and its body began to buzz and tremble rapidly.

Seeing such a strong rejection and killing intent from the three-bladed halberd, Bai Lixin sighed and stopped going forward.

The artefact had a spirit, and he was not its master. Both sides would only lose if he rushed to recover it. Opportunity and fate can be met but not sought. If he is not the master of the three-bladed halberd, he can no longer force it.

After quickly exiting the cave, Bai Lixin inspected the Ten Thousand Swords Sect once more and found that Daoist Yixiao had already returned to Xuanyuan Peak. He did not hesitate to withdraw his divine sense.

Daoist Yixiao didn't say much after he returned to Xuanyuan Peak. He took one look at Bai Lixin, went into his room, and came out with a jade slip not long after.

"Little Cha, this is the cultivation secret of Xuanyan Peak. It's the Ethereal Wood and Water Technique, so you should study it yourself. I'll be in seclusion starting the day after tomorrow to cultivate, so I'll be relying on you for the medicinal garden during this period."

Bai Lixin nodded and took the jade slip. "Alright, Senior Uncle Yixiao, but you mustn't miss the opening of the Devil's Secret Realm in seven years."

Daoist Yixiao grunted. "Don't worry, I will be out by then. You brat, I've given you the untold secrets of this peak, and you still call me senior uncle? I'll give you a chance to take back your words and call me once more. "

Bai Lixin laughed heartily, "Master is above, please accept your apprentice's worship!"

Daoist Yixiao accepted Bai Lixin's bow, before waving his hand and saying, "Alright, go and get busy. My spirit storage pills will be ready soon. I will close down and advance in rank after that. You must guard Xuanyan Peak during this period. You must not follow that brat named Feng and run away. Do you hear me? "

Bai Lixin smiled cheekily and answered. Only then did Daoist Yixiao enter the alchemy room at ease.

The next day, Daoist Yixiao entered the cave dedicated to cultivation and went into seclusion. Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, seven years had already passed.