

Bai Lixin's heart was slightly moved. It turned out that the Feng Baixiao he saw when he first came to the Ten Thousand Swords Sect had already become the Nine Heavenly Demon King after his reincarnation.

He remembered that Daoist Yixiao had a profound expression after the fight with Feng Baixiao. Could it be that Daoist Yixiao realised that the Nine Heavenly Demon King had taken over Feng Baixiao? If that was the case, then it would explain why Daoist Yixiao told him to join Feng Baixiao at that time.

"Master, did Daoist Yixiao know about your identity at a very early stage?"

"Master?" Feng Baixiao laughed lightly, "That's very kind of you, but it's better to call me "father" since I've raised you for ten thousand years."

Father? Father my ass!

"I have a friendship with your master. Your master is a wise man. He must have discovered my true form a long time ago. "

"If that is the case, do you know why my master went to the Sky Tower?"

"Hahahaha, it's naturally for the sake of the heavens. How can there be any other reason? "

"Then why does he want to reach the heavens?" He doesn't seem to be the kind of person who is obsessed with ascending into the immortal world?"

"There exist three thousand cultivation planes in the universe. The upper three thousand, the mid three thousand, and the lower three thousand. Above the three thousand planes is the Immortal realm. The cultivation world we are on is at best a tiny one in the mid three thousand plane. Above us, there are the Upper Three Thousand. The two people who called themselves the Emissaries of the Immortals are part of the Upper Three Thousand. In the Upper Three Thousand, there is a cultivation world called the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm. In the Upper Three Thousand, there is a race of people who are born to fly, called the Sky Feather Race. They can ignore boundaries, step through the void, and travel to and from any plane at will. However, because of this, cultivators hunt them down and imprison them. They are almost extinct. To protect the Skyfeather Clan, their leader set up a boundary in the Elemental Immortal Realm and they have been isolated from the rest of the world ever since. "

"A few hundred years ago, there was a young girl from the Sky Feather Clan, named Chunyin, who, out of curiosity, stepped through the void and came to our world and she happened to meet Daoist Yixiao in his youth. The two met, and it was love at first sight. Although they were in love, they did not broach the topic. Chunyin was badly injured by the time gap when she came to this world, and her life was in danger. She did not have long to live so Daoist Yixiao inquired around and found out that I had a blood Iris. He came to my place and bargained for a piece of Iris, that is, your leaf. "

"And what happened after that?"

"Afterwards, the maiden, Chunyin, awoke but refused to go away. Daoist Yixiao found out her identity because of her white wings. To make her leave, Daoist Yixiao made a love-forgetting pill and secretly gave it to her. When she woke up, she had forgotten about Daoist Yixiao and lost her memory. The minimum cultivation requirement to enter the Upper Three Thousand Worlds is the Yuanying stage. I think your master went to the Sky Tower because he wanted to pass through the spatial rift to the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm to find the Sky Feather Maiden, Chunyin! "

"Is that when you and my master, Daoist Yixiao, became friends?"


"My master's life heart lamp is still burning. Would he be in danger in the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm? "

"Ho!" Feng Baixiao suddenly laughed coldly, a contemptuous smile on his face, "Although it is called the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm, that place is far more ferocious than this world. Only the strongest can survive.

Bai Lixin: "…"

It turns out that this world is part of a Great Cosmic Dimension, and above this world are three thousand other worlds.

He had searched all the people in this world who might be Dijia, but he was nowhere to be found. Was it possible that he was in the upper three thousand worlds?

Bai Lixin's eyes shone brightly as he looked unblinkingly at Feng Baixiao: "What would it take to get to the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm?!"

"You want to go to the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm?" Feng Baixiao asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My master has no relatives in the Upper Elemental Immortal Realm, so I naturally want to go up there to help him!"

"If I can go there after obtaining the lightning head, it is not impossible if you turn into the Iris and I take you with me." Feng Baixiao replied after thinking for a moment.

"Haha, I knew it. You trapped yourself here for a purpose. You want the lightning head. You took the demon king, and… did you also take that divine weapon, the Three-Bladed Halberd? Bai Lixin laughed loudly, and a vine came out from under his feet to support his incarnation to move close to Feng Baixiao's face.

Feng Baixiao looked at Bai Lixin, who was only the size of his palm, with a smile and nodded, "The three-bladed halberd is a divine weapon, but it lacks a soul. I brought out the demon lord and used his soul to refine the Three Bladed Halberd, making him its artefact soul."

"…You actually sacrificed the soul of the demon king? Aren't you afraid of the backlash? " Bai Lixin opened his eyes wide and stared at the huge handsome face in front of him with shock.

Feng Baixiao shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Since I have embarked on the path of cultivation, I have already put my life and death at risk, so what if it backfires? If I were afraid of death, I wouldn't be here at this moment waiting for the thunderbolts to roll down. "

Bai Lixin pondered for a moment. "How sure are you that you can survive the 99 lightning strikes?"

"To be honest, I am only thirty percent sure."

Bai Lixin's eyebrows knitted together instantly. The fact that the Nine Heavenly Demon king had seized Feng Baixiao's body despite being the son of the world, was most likely due to two possibilities.

One was that the real Feng Baixiao's soul had not disappeared, but was still alive somewhere in the world; the other was that the world had tacitly acknowledged that Feng Baixiao was still the son of the world after the seizure.

If it was the second possibility, then he could not just sit back and let the Nine Heavenly Demon king do as they wished. If he died and Feng Baixiao's body was destroyed, it would be a disaster.

With this thought, he looked at Feng Baixiao and said, "Shui Wuxin said that you would be punished in ten days, so we have ten days to prepare. I don't know how you will get the lightning bolt head, but you can't go wrong if you stimulate your cultivation. I will come back another day."

As Bai Lixin said this, the vines entangled in the illusion began to scatter and fall into the cold pool, becoming frozen.

A small vine accidentally landed on Feng Baixiao's cheek, sliding down along his pale but athletic body. Everywhere the vine passed, Feng Baixiao felt a warm current spread out from the place, diluting the cold he was used to ...

Feng Baixiao's expression slightly changed. He looked at the white ice and snow environment and burst out laughing.


In the night, an illusory white smoke flew into Shui Kongling's room without a trace. The white smoke quietly followed Shui Kongling's breathing and entered her nasal cavity.

Shui Kongling had a dream. It was a beautiful dream filled with peace and tranquilly that she had not had for a long time.

In the dream, she was an infant and her father, Shui Wuxin, was always taking care of her after her mother had failed to cross the tribulation and turned to dust. Every time she fell, every time she cried, every time she was sad, it was her father who was always the first to come to her side.

At that time, Shui Wuxin's eyes were calm and peaceful, and his eyes were so gentle and kind that they kept her safe and sound.

Until she was ten, Shui Kongling still had to be soothed by Shui Wuxin to fall asleep. The peace that Shui Wuxin brought to her was something that no one else could bring to her. At that time, father and daughter were very close to each other.

But in adulthood, her personality became wilder as her heart grew and her father spent more time in seclusion. Her attention and dependence on her father gradually diminished as her affection for outsiders increased and, in turn, her dependence on his affection slowly began to diminish.

But no matter how long her father was in seclusion, the look he gave her when he came out was always filled with that quiet, peaceful warmth. That familiar warmth was so comforting to her; it was the smell of affection, it was the feeling of home. But she was so used to it that she took her father's pampering and care for granted.

Later, she became infatuated with Feng Baixiao and was defiled. Her father never despised or complained when he looked at her. He only had strong worries and remorse.

[The person who protects and cares for you the most in this world is not Feng Baixiao, but the father who raised you, accompanied you and was always behind you.]

For her sake, her father is always anxious and haggard these days.

How much has he aged now?

What the hell has she been doing these days?

Wasn't her obsession with Feng Baixiao because she could see her father's figure and gentle gaze in Feng Baixiao?

As she slept, tears drenched her pillow.

Shui Wuxin saw her tears through the mirror, and his heart ached with pain. His daughter, whom he held in his hands, should be the pride of the heavens, the brightest flower in the garden. She should not have to suffer such hardships. He must save his daughter and change all this.


Ten days later, Feng Baixiao's ice and lightning execution came as scheduled.

Since what Feng Baixiao had done was so offensive and unethical, his execution was carried out in secret.

The place of execution was nowhere else but in the empty, cold cave, right above the cold pool.

As promised, Shui Wuxin was bringing Shui Kongling with him.

He had been observing the movements at Xuan Yuanfeng peak through the mirror, but he had not seen the boy since the previous time he had picked some herbs and put them into the alchemy furnace. He didn't know if he was making the love-forgetting pill inside, let alone if he had succeeded in doing so.

The plan to make his daughter completely forget Feng Baixiao before he died had gone down the drain…

The woman was dressed up today, a change from her downward spiral of a few days ago. She had her long hair properly tied up on top of her head and pulled back in a gorgeous bun. She wore a flowing yellow garment on the outside, and her face was painted with exquisite make-up.

A bad thought flashed through Shu Wuxin's mind the moment he saw Shui Kongling.

What is she doing dressed up like this?

Is she planning to ... be buried?

However, instead of her usual desperate expression, she looked calm and collected, as if she had left everything behind.

As Shui Wuxin's heart was in fear, he began to wonder if locking Shui Kongling in her room was the best option.

A clear voice suddenly came from afar: "Sect Master, I am here!"

He turned and saw Bai Lixin running their way, and said with a light smile, "Little Cha, come with us since you are here."