

At night, Shui Wuxin went to the back of the central peak. He recited a spell to the heavens in the deepest part of the forest, and a floating island appeared in the previously empty sky.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Shui Wuxin floated up and flew to the island.

The island was extremely cold. Under the moonlight, the white snow reflected a gentle glow.

Shui Wuxin was dressed in white and unafraid of the wind and cold. He flew straight into the cave in the middle of the island.

Inside the cave was even colder than the outside.

This cave was also covered with snow and ice. A little hot air was exhaled from Shu Wuxin's nostrils, and it was instantly frosted as soon as it was in the air. It took a few moments before it crashed to the ground.

At this, he drew an arc around himself with one hand and set up a protective barrier for himself before moving on.

The cave was deep, and instead of being pitch black, a light green glow shone through the ice to illuminate the cave. Shui Wuxin walked along the rugged cave passage for a long time before he came to a cold pool.

A man was submerged in the pool naked, his upper body wrapped in chains. The sight would make one feel extraordinarily cold just by looking at it.

Feng Baixiao was a single fire spirit root, and the five elements are mutually exclusive. Water controls fire, so it was natural to use water to suppress him.

Feng Baixiao's head was now bowed. His long hair covered his face, so it was impossible to tell whether he was awake or not, let alone what his expression was.

He was trapped motionless in the cold pool, his pale upper body almost blending in with the snow and ice around him.

Hearing Shui Wuxin's footsteps, Feng Baixiao moved his head and slowly raised it, "Master, you're here."

"Traitor! You are not worthy to call me Master. " Shui Wuxin's voice was cold and fierce. "You dare to call me master after doing such a harmful thing?" he screamed, flinging out his sleeve.

Feng Baixiao smiled gently with a pale face, "Master is right, I will not call you Master."

Shui Wuxin saw that Feng Baixiao did not refute, and the doubt in his heart increased. "Traitor, Xuanyuan peak's little Cha came out of the demon mystic realm."

Feng Baixiao's figure shifted slightly, "And then?"

"I looked at his memories."

Feng Baixiao: "…"

Seeing Feng Baixiao's silence, Shui Wu Xin added, "Since you left the Demon Clan's mystic realm on the fifth day after sending the youngster to the secret cave for closed-door reflection, why did you wait until the last day and pretended to appear with the many people? Where were you in those fifty days or so after you left the mystic realm?"

"Me?" Feng Baixiao's eyes widened slightly, "I left the Demon Clan mystic Realm on the fifth day? How come I don't know? "

"Hmph, still trying to be sophomoric? Feng Baixiao, even if someone now proves that the Feng Baixiao in the Demon Clan's mystic Realm that day was not you, it still doesn't mean anything. Do you understand?"

Feng Baixiao let out a light smile and lowered his head slightly before covering the expression in his eyes with his long eyelashes. "I understand. For the sake of Junior Sister Shui, I must die. After all, Junior Sister Shui has become Sect Master's heart demon. If anything were to happen to her, I'm afraid Sect Master would go onto the demonic path, right? "

"How dare you!" Shui Wuxin scolded angrily and threw his hand at Feng Baixiao so fiercely that Feng Baixiao immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. The blood spilled into the cold pool and dissolved away in an instant.

"Hahahahaha, Sect Master, family affection is your heart's demon. If you don't cut this heart's demon, you will fall into the demonic path one day! Hahaha! " Feng Baixiao threw back a loud laugh. When he raised his head again, his eyes were tinged with scarlet and full of hostility!

"You!" Shui Wuxin was shocked at the sight and said, "You've fallen on the demonic path!"

"Thousands of years ago, the Eastern Demon Emperor successfully stepped into the Immortal Realm as a demon cultivator. He became the first person in the Cultivation Realm to cultivate the demonic path and become an immortal. So what if I go on the demonic path? If one can reach the peak, so what if they are a ghost cultivator, not to mention a demon cultivator? "

"You're so stubborn! I originally thought that if you told me something, I would give you a hand, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. In ten days, I will inflict the ice and lightning punishment on you! If you can survive it like the Nine Heavenly Demon King, then no matter how much you cultivate demons or ghosts, you will no longer have anything to do with me! " Shui Wuxin scolded Feng Baixiao, flung his sleeves and left with a big stride.

After Shui Wuxin left, a yellow seed, as small as dust, was left behind at the place where he had been standing.

Feng Baixiao curled his lips into a light smile when he saw the seed and said aloud to the air, "Could it be that my junior brother Cha has come?"

The yellow seed took root in the icy, biting ground and began to sprout at a very slow pace, stretching into a tiny vine. The vines tangled and twisted together, gradually forming what looked like a small man with arms and legs.

After the general shape was formed, the colour of the vine changed again, and it transformed into a miniature Bai Lixin.

When he met with Shui Wuxin, Bai Lixin sprinkled some seeds that had his divine sense on Shui Wuxin's body and used them to find Feng Baixiao's whereabouts.

It was no wonder that he had searched all over the Ten Thousand Swords Sect and could not find Feng Baixiao's whereabouts. It turned out that the island had been enchanted with a cloaking technique.

"Senior Brother Feng, after ten years of separation, how come you've fallen so low?"

"Junior Brother Cha, after ten years of separation, how come you've become so small?"

Bai Lixin snorted, "Heh, you still have the heart to joke. Senior Brother Feng, ten years ago you said that you would tell me your identity after I left the Demon Clan's mystic realm. Can you tell me now? "

"No, no, I clearly said that I would only tell you if you reached the Jindan cultivation when you left. Now it seems… " Feng Baixiao paused slightly for a moment and glanced down at Bai Lixin. "Junior Brother Cha seems to only be in the grand circle of the Foundation Establishment stage."

"Senior brother Feng is powerful. Even Shui Wuxin the sect master of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect couldn't tell that I was at the Grand Perfection of Foundation Establishment cultivation, but you saw it with just a slight sweep. Could it be that Senior Brother Feng's cultivation is far above that of Patriarch Shui? "

Feng Baixiao winked and made a face. "Guess."

Mini Bai Lixin stood at the edge of the cold pool, tilting his head to examine the now wretched Feng Baixiao. He finally could not help but wonder, "Since you were framed, why didn't you explain clearly? The culprit is still at large, yet you are taking the blame for him. "

"I naturally have my reasons for doing so. Junior brother Cha is so concerned about me, could it be that he has some love for me?"

Bai Lixin choked for a moment, glaring at Feng Baixiao. "Feng Baixiao, you mustn't die, you must survive!" You are the son of the world. If you die, this world will collapse. I haven't yet found Di Jia's soul fragment.

He could not imagine what would happen if this world collapsed before he did. It was because it was unimaginable that Bai Lixin did not dare gamble with this.

The Pseudo-Lord God was coming on strong, eyeing him and Dijia, and he did not have the luxury to redo a world…

However, it was strange that he had not felt the fluctuations of Dijia's soul since coming to this world, yet he felt that Dijia was close at hand. He felt that Feng Baixiao was very strange, and he came to confirm whether he was Dijia or not, only to be disappointed again.

Although Feng Baixiao was different from the original male protagonist, his soul was not Dijia's...

Feng Baixiao paused in shock at Bai Lixin's yell before he slowly said, "Heh, brother Cha would be better off caring more about himself. The Immortal Venerable in the sky has been searching for ten years, and there is no trace of the whereabouts of the blood Iris. The Immortal Venerable is furious and sent down several more powerful cultivators not long ago to search the cultivation world. Junior Brother Cha, you must survive."

"Each to their own problems!" Bai Lixin put his hands behind his back and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I brought your vines out of the Demon Clan's mystic realm with me."


"The vine that you trapped me in ten years ago, when you set up a soul-locking formation outside, nearly shattering my soul."

"Nonsense, my Soul Locking Formation can only make you appear in your original form at best and hide your soul's aura from anyone. Little one, I am helping you, and you still think I am harming you."

Bai Lixin listened to Feng Baixiao with a subtle look in his eyes and said, word by word. "Feng Baixiao died a long time ago, didn't he?"

"You are the demonic cultivator who failed to cross the tribulation that day—the Nine Heavenly Demon King!"

"You took over Feng Baixiao's body!"

After a long time, Feng Baixiao sneered, "Heh, after all, you're a flower that has been raised for thousands of years. You has some sense..."

Although he had guessed this answer many times, Bai Lixin was still disappointed when Feng Baixiao admitted it himself, "You really are the Nine Heavenly Demon King."

If the Nine Heavenly Demon King had taken over Feng Baixiao, then the Nine Heavenly Demon King could not be Dijia. The single most promising person has once again fallen short.

"That day, I drew down the heavenly thunder, but I didn't want to fail the tribulation. My soul was injured, and my body turned into pieces. At that time, my soul originally intended to attach to the body of the blood Iris to repair and resurrect myself, but when my divine sense swept over, I found that the blood Iris, which I had raised for ten thousand years, had coincidentally given birth to its divine sense. Not only that, but it had even taken on a human form. "

Feng Baixiao's voice was light as he recounted the story. His expression and voice were calm as if he was telling someone else's story. "Your divine sense was very powerful. Even if I could succeed in forcibly taking over the body, it would be a lose-lose situation, not to mention that I didn't want to do that either. So I left there and came to the Ten Thousand Swords Sect and found this physical body. This body was seven points like mine, and luckily for me, the owner of the body had gone off the rails during cultivation and his soul was damaged. So I easily drove away the spirit, took over the body and kept it for myself. I just didn't expect that I would encounter the flower I had been raising for ten thousand years not long after I had emerged as Feng Baixiao. "