
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


The episode starts in the middle of a Pokémon battle between two random trainers. One trainer has a Cloyster and the other trainer has a blue-white reptilian Pokémon.

"Dratini, use Wrap!" The trainer commanded.

Dratini starts trying to wrap Cloyster to deal damage.

The other trainer with the Cloyster quickly counters. "Cloyster, withdraw into your shell!"

Cloyster withdraws into its shell as Dratini successfully wraps its body around Cloyster, but when trying to deal damage, Cloyster is barely affected by it from being inside its shell.

"Wrap isn't doing anything!" The Dratini trainer exclaimed.

The Cloyster trainer laughs. "Wrap isn't gonna do anything when Cloyster is safely into its shell. Now use Spike Canon!"

While being closed in its shell, Cloyster begins to glow white and then fires multiple white spikes from the shell right at Dratini, which hits the Pokémon and faints it from battle.

"Dratini, no!" The Dratini trainer rushes towards their Pokémon and picks it up. "Are you okay?" He asked Dratini.

Dratini slowly looks at its trainer and nods. "Dratini."

"Cloyster, return!" The Cloyster trainer recalls their Pokémon and looks at the other trainer with a glare. "I was interested in your Dratini, Sebastian, but you call that a battle? That Dratini looks weak! What other Pokémon have you got that you can trade with?"

"Dratini is the only Pokémon I have, I swear! And I got no money on me either!" Sebastian replied.

The Cloyster trainer scoffs. "Absolutely pathetic. You got lucky here kid, but if you're still going to battle with that Dratini, I highly advise you just trade it for a much better Pokémon! If you could get some pathetic loser to trade with that!" The person turns around and starts walking away.

Sebastian looks at his Pokémon and thinks for a bit. "Hmm… trade for a better Pokémon."

The title screen shows.


"Our heroes are seen walking through an open field and still enjoying their Cinnabar Island vacation from traveling, but then they came across something interesting!"

The gang stumbled across a huge open field, it's filled with trade machines and many Pokémon trainers battling and trading with each other. The gang all expressed surprise expressions.

"Wow. What is this place? It's filled with so many trade machines and Pokémon trainers." Jessie stated.

"And a lot of Pokémon trainers are trading and battling with each other as well," Domino added.

Meowth chuckles and crosses his arms. "I can take out pretty much all of these Pokémon."

James looks at Meowth, annoyed. "Keep telling yourself that."

An unknown masculine voice is heard, directing towards the gang. "Hey! You three trainers!"

The gang looked where the voice came from and there was one of Pokémon trainers rushing towards them with a Poké Ball in his hand. He was full of muscles all around his arms.

The buff trainer grins. "I challenge one of you to a Pokémon Battle! If I win, I get to trade with one of your Pokémon of my choosing, and if you win, vice versa!"

"Trading Pokémon of their choosing if the battle is in their favor? What is this place?" Domino asked quietly to herself.

Jessie decides to step up. "Alright! I accept your challenge!"

"Jessie, what if you lose?! Then you have to trade one of your Pokémon away!" James stated.

"Well, it's simple… I won't lose!" Jessie responded with a confident smirk which caused James, Domino, and Meowth to fall in disbelief.

"Get ready to lose, kid! Machamp, I choose you!" The buff trainer sends out his Machamp for the battle, still grinning.

Machamp materializes. "Machamp!"

"A Machamp huh?" Jessie pulls out a Safari Ball. "Then this is the clear choice. Scyther, let's go!" She sends out Scyther into battle.

Scyther materializes. "Scyther!"

The buff trainer decides to be the first one to call the match. "Machamp, Karate Chop!"

"Scyther, fly up to the sky so that Machamp can't reach you!" Jessie quickly counters.

Scyther starts flying high to the sky to where it thinks Machamp can't reach the mantis Pokémon.

Jessie laughs. "Ha! Your Machamp can't reach my Scyther this high up in the sky."

However, the buff trainer still had a grin on his face. "Think again!"

Machamp jumps up extremely high in the air to Jessie and her friends' shock and then the superpower Pokémon karate chops Scyther, sending the mantis Pokémon crashing back to the ground.

"SCYTHER!" Jessie called out.

The buff trainer laughs as his Machamp lands perfectly back on the ground. "My Machamp can jump so high. Did I forget to mention that?"

Scyther slowly gets back up, still ready to fight. "Scyther…"

Jessie smiles seeing Scyther still in the battle. "Sweet! Now use your agility!"

Scyther starts disappearing and reappearing around the made-up battlefield.

"Machamp, use Low Kick!" The buff trainer commanded.

"Machamp!" Machamp sprints over to Scyther, trying to kick the mantis Pokémon below, but Scyther dodges it by disappearing out of the way from its extreme speed.

"Nice dodging, Scyther!" Jessie complimented. "Now boost your attack with a Swords Dance!"

"Scyther!" Scyther crosses its chest with its scythes and then a yellow aura surrounds the mantis Pokémon, boosting its power.

The buff trainer starts getting frustrated. "Machamp, this time hit that Pokémon with a Low Kick!"

"Machamp!" Machamp dashes towards Scyther to try low kick it again, but once more the mantis Pokémon disappears to dodge the move and quickly reappears. Machamp starts getting frustrated and aggressively tries another low kick on Scyther, but it keeps dodging and dodging as Machamp starts getting tired.

"Let's end it right here, Scyther!" Jessie says. "Wing Attack!"

"Scyther!" Scyther dashes at Machamp and strikes the superpower Pokémon with one of its wings.

"Machamp!" Machamp cries in pain before hitting the ground and fainting in battle.

The buff trainer falls to his knees in disbelief. "Machamp, no!" He then recalls his Machamp.

Domino has a smile on her face, seeing her best friend winning. "And that's another win for Jessie!"

James nods. "Yep, and it's right in the books!"

Meowth crosses his arms. "I knew she'd win."

As Jessie and Scyther were both celebrating their victory, the buff trainer slowly walked over to the two with something in his hands. It looks like an object completed with a metal coating.

The buff trainer is shaking his knees in fear. "I-I don't want to trade any of my Pokémon and I don't have a lot of money. So please t-take this gift from me so you don't get the police involved." He turns around and quickly runs away, out of view.

The gang all looked at the buff trainer running away and all were confused by what he had said to Jessie.

"'Police involved'? Why would I get the police involved in a battle?" Jessie questioned.

"It's because of where you three are currently at." Another unfamiliar voice was heard, except for Domino, as it was Colby, who approached them.

"Hey, Colby!" Domino waves at her friend whom she met yesterday.

Colby waves back with a smile. "Hey, Domino."

Meowth looks at Domino and Colby. "You two know each other."

Colby's eyes widened from hearing Meowth talk. "Your Meowth can talk, Domino?!"

"Actually… it's my talking Meowth, not Domino's. Complicated story." Jessie says.

"So Domino, have you met this person before?" James questioned.

Domino nods in response. "Yep! Colby and I met yesterday at the Evolution Stone Convention!"

"So, can you answer my question earlier then?" Jessie asked.

Colby nods and then answers her question. "Where you're currently standing right now, you're at a 'battle and trade area.'

"A battle and trade area?" The gang all questioned.

Colby nods. "Yep! Here is how this basically works. You can pick any trainer in this area to battle with them. If you win the battle, you get to choose any of their Pokémon to trade with and you also get to choose what Pokémon you have to trade with as well."

"What happens if I lose the battle?" Jessie asked.

"Oh… that wouldn't be a good idea to lose, because the trainer you lost to gets to pick any of your Pokémon to trade with," Colby answered.

This causes the gang to gasp in shock at Colby's answer.

"So if we lose, we just have to kiss one of our Pokémon goodbye forever?!" James says in disbelief.

"Unless you got money or a gift on you, so you can pay them not to trade with one of your Pokémon. That explains why that trainer gave you a Metal Coat earlier." Colby looks at Jessie.

"Oh… I see." Jessie looks at the Metal Coat in her hands. "I have never seen an item like this before."

Scyther starts jumping up and down for the item that Jessie is holding. "Scyther! Scyther! Scyther!"

"Oh, you want to hold it, Scyther?" Jessie asked her Scyther, who responded with a nod. "Okay, here you go, buddy!" She gives her mantis Pokémon the Metal Coat to hold. "Okay, return!" Jessie then recalls Scyther back in the Safari Ball while the Pokémon is still holding the Metal Coat.

"Thank goodness you won that battle earlier, Jess, or that trainer could've picked me to trade!" Meowth says with a chuckle.

"That reminds me-" Jessie accidentally places her Safari Ball in the trading machine behind her, thinking it was her pocket. "I don't want you to talk so much when we're here so that other trainers won't know you're a talking Pokémon and try to beat me to make me trade for you."

Meowth's eyes widen and immediately gulp. "G-got it." He weakly puts his thumbs up.

It shows that Sebastian from earlier is on the other side of the trading machine, looking at his Safari Ball containing Dratini inside, looking at it with a frown.

"When I caught you in the Safari Zone, Dratini, I was so happy. I wanted to trade you to give another trainer out there a chance to raise you into a strong Pokémon. But no one doesn't want you at all…" Sebastian sighs and places the Safari Ball in the trading machine to fantasize about trading his Dratini.

However, the Safari Ball goes up inside the trading machine to Sebastian's shock. The screen shows outlines of Scyther and Dratini being traded and then out comes a different Safari Ball in the slot.

"N-no way, it can't be?!" Sebastian slowly picks up the Safari Ball and stares at it with a happy expression. "Someone actually traded for my Dratini!" He looked at Jessie on the other side of the trading machine with her back turned. "I should thank that miss so much!" Sebastian is about to walk up towards Jessie to thank her but realizes that she is talking to her friends and stops. "She's currently busy right now… that's alright, I'll thank her when I see her again!" He turns around and walks away with Scyther's Safari Ball in his hands.

It cuts back to the gang and Colby still talking to each other as Jessie is oblivious that a trade has happened.

"If you all don't mind, especially you, Domino, would you mind hanging out with me today to continue our conversation from the convention?" Colby asked.

"Oh for sure, I don't mind!" Domino turns to her friends. "Is it okay with you all if I hang out with Colby for the day?"

Jessie, James, and Meowth all shake their heads no. "Go on ahead." "Don't mind here." "Bye-bye!"

Domino waves goodbye to her friends and they wave back before they split up as Domino goes with Colby.

"Come on, we should check this place out and possibly battle some trainers!" Jessie says

"Umm… you sure in this battle and trade area? What if you lose?" James asked.

"James, I got seven badges. I'm a great trainer and I won't lose to any of these trainers." Jessie begins walking away with a smirk.

"Sure bud, you think you won't lose to a trainer, but you sure will lose your Scyther!" Meowth points at the Safari Ball in the trading machine.

Jessie immediately turns around to pick up her Safari Ball and places it in her pocket. "Okay, I thought I placed Scyther's Safari Ball in my pocket, okay?

Meowth rolls her eyes. "Whatever, let's just go!"

As the gang begins walking, it cuts to Team Rocket walking and arriving at the battle and trade area.

"Wow! Look at all the trading machines and Pokémon trainers!" Mondo says in delight.

"Which means a lot of Pokémon to steal!" Cassidy says with a grin.

"What is this area anyway? Why are there a lot of trading machines and Pokémon battles?" Butch questions.

"Let's see here…" Mondo pulls out a Cinnabar Island handbook and begins flipping through the pages until coming across the right page and stopping. "Here it is. This area is called the 'battle and trade area' where a lot of Pokémon trainers gamble their Pokémon or money away with battles."

"Gambling?! I love gambling!" Butch was about to sprint off until Cassidy stops him by grabbing his uniform.

"And this is why you're broke as hell," Cassidy says with an annoyed expression.

All of a sudden, Team Rocket began to get a bad smell in the air as they covered their noses while gagging.

"What is that terrible smell?!" Butch complained.

"When was the last time you took a shower, Butch?" Mondo asked.

Butch immediately defends himself with a yell. "IT'S NOT ME, YOU IDIOT!"

A Pokémon's cry immediately grabs Team Rocket's attention. "Muk!"

"There's that terrible smell! It's from that stupid Muk!" Butch pointed out.

Cassidy's lightbulb turns on as she gets an idea as she pulls out a Poké Ball. "Raticate, go and battle that Muk!"

Raticate materializes. "Raticate!"

"Cassidy, what are you doing?" Mondo questioned.

"I got an idea, obviously!" Cassidy answered. "Raticate, use Quick Attack!"

Raticate dashes as Muk and tackles the sludge Pokémon, but Muk's body bounces Raticate back towards Cassidy.

"What was that?!" Cassidy questioned.

"Cass, maybe focus on the battle!" Butch warned.

Muk opens its mouth and fires large balls of sludge right from its mouth at Raticate, which hits the mouse Pokémon and takes damage.

Cassidy grits her teeth. "Alright Raticate, Focus your Hyper Fang!"

"Raticate!" Raticate sharpens its teeth as it jumps toward Muk's face and bites it, but Raticate immediately lets go of the stench and throws up.

Muk looks at Raticate in a confused expression. "Muk?"

"Poké Ball, go!" Cassidy throws an empty Poké Ball at Muk while it is confused.

The Poké Ball hits Muk, the sludge Pokémon goes in, and it begins the capturing process. The Poké Ball wiggles three times before clicking, signaling a successful catch.

Cassidy smirks as she walks up picks up the Poké Ball and turns to her partners-in-crime. "And just like that, step one of the plan is complete!"

"What was a wild Muk doing out here in the open?" Butch asked.

"Must've slipped out of the Pokémon Mansion," Mondo answered, assuming.

"Doesn't matter, I caught Muk, now it is time to move on to step two of my plan!" Cassidy smirks.

Butch starts questioning Cassidy. "What is your plan again and why does it involve catching a Muk?"

"Simple, my dear Butch!" Cassidy has a more cartoonish fantasy of her plan as she explains while it's happening. "We tell how awesome Muk is and we battle a trainer, beat them, and if we find out they have a really strong Pokémon. We trade it with Muk so that we have a strong Pokémon against those twerps and finally be able to steal that talking Meowth!"

"You're saying my Primeape isn't a strong Pokémon?!" Butch says, a little offended.

"And neither my Marowak and Ditto?!" Mondo added. "I like to think they're strong."

Cassidy looks at her partners-in-crime with a 'really?' expression. "Guys… if that were the case, we would've already stolen Meowth, been rich, and lived in a mansion a long time ago."

Butch and Mondo kept silent as they both just kept looking awkwardly around.

"That's what I thought! Now let's go forward with our plan!" Cassidy says as she walks off, Butch and Mondo follow her.

It cuts to where Jessie, James, and Meowth are, still looking around the battle and trade area.

"Maybe I can spectate one of these battles? I do love to watch Pokémon battles now and there." Jessie says.

"I guess something to do until Domino gets back," James added.

"She ain't coming back for a long time." Meowth chuckles.

Jessie was about to question her talking Pokémon about what he meant until a Pokémon trainer's voice caught the attention of the group.

The trainer had a Pokémon next to her. "Hey, you three! Does one of you want to battle against my Abra? I need the experience for it to evolve!"

"An Abra huh?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex and aims it at the Abra.

"Abra, the Psi Pokémon. A psychic type. Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and teleport to safety."

Jessie puts her Pokédex away and accepts the trainer's challenge. "Alright, you're on! What's your name?"

The trainer with the Abra introduces herself. "My name's Victoria! Which is another way of saying victorious by beating you!" Victoria turns to her Abra. "Alright Abra, I choose you!"

"Abra." Abra teleports in front of its trainer, ready to battle.

Jessie chuckles. "I like the confidence this trainer has. Let's see here, a psychic type like Abra would be a great matchup for Scyther for type advantage!" She pulls out her Safari Ball. "Scyther, I choose you!" Jessie thinks she's sending out Scyther into battle.

But instead of Scyther, it was Dratini who materialized from the Safari Ball. "Dratini!"

"WHAT?!" Jessie, even James, and Meowth, all screamed up in confusion once Dratini materialized.

"Umm… I'm pretty sure that's a Dratini." Victorious corrected, oblivious to what was going on.

"Y-yeah, I know that just giving you a little scare of thinking that I was going to send out a bug type." Jessie embarrassingly chucked.

"Umm… okay?" Victorious responded with a confused expression.

"Crap, I don't know what Dratini's moves are!" Jessie said in her thoughts. "Umm… use Quick Attack?" She commanded.

Dratini's eyes widen as she looks back at its now trainer and shakes his head no. "Dratini!"

Jessie sweats from the back of her head. "Crap!"

Victoria laughs. "I can't believe you wasted your turn like that! Abra, use Psywave!"

"Quick, use Protect!" Jessie tried to counter.

Abra sends out psychic waves right at Dratini, who starts squirming around in circles from fear because it can't learn Protect. The psychic waves hit Dratini and the Pokémon cries in pain from getting hit.

"Now Body Slam!" Victoria commanded.

Abra uses its psychic powers to pick up Dratini and slam the Pokémon down hard to the ground as dust surrounds Dratini. As it clears, it's revealed that Dratini has fainted.

Jessie falls in disbelief. "Aww, man!"

"We did it, Abra!" Victoria picks up Abra and hugs her Pokémon.

"Abra…" Abra starts glowing white as Victoria gasps and immediately puts Abra down.

Jessie was too busy looking at the ground as James and Meowth were watching Abra evolve. Abra began growing taller, having a longer tail, and a mustache. As the white glow fades away, it's revealed the newly evolved Pokémon has a spoon now.

"Kadabra!" The psi Pokémon cries out.

"A-Abra… you evolved into Kadabra!" Victoria runs up to hug her newly evolved Pokémon.

James smiles while seeing this. "Nothing like an evolution to cheer you up, huh?"

Meowth rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I ain't evolving ever, nope!"

Jessie recalls Dratini and slowly walks towards Victoria with her pink hat covering her eyes. "Okay… which Pokémon do you want to trade with?"

Victoria shakes her head. "Oh, that won't be necessary! I just want my Abra to finally evolve into Kadabra! So I can trade it to someone out there who wants a strong Alakazam!" She waves goodbye as she walks off with her now newly evolved Kadabra.

Jessie looks up with her eyes now visible, feeling a little better that she doesn't have to trade one of her Pokémon. "That was a close one. I could have lost another one of my Pokémon."

"So why do you have a Dratini and not a Scyther now?" James questioned.

"Did you secretly lose a battle or something behind our backs and have to trade Scyther?" Meowth guessed.

"No, I didn't… Let's see here." Jessie begins to think and remembers the Safari Ball in the trading machine earlier as she gasps. "I remember now! I must've accidentally traded my Scyther with someone earlier!"

"So, who has Scyther now?" James questioned.

It cuts to Sebastian and the same Cloyster trainer from earlier having a stare-off.

"So you want a rematch against me, huh? Did you finally trade that lame Dratini?" The Cloyster trainer asked.

Sebastian nods with a determined look on his face. "I did exactly that and this time, I'm going to destroy you!"

The Cloyster trainer scoffs. "Yeah, right!" He pulls out a Poké Ball. "Cloyster, go!" The trainer sends out his Cloyster to battle against Sebastian once more.

Cloyster materializes. "Cloyster!"

Sebastian looks at the Safari Ball in his hand and sighs. "I hope that girl traded me for a good Pokémon. Poké Ball, go!" He throws the Safari Ball into battle.

However, what materialized wasn't Scyther at all. Instead, it was a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon with a red, metallic exoskeleton. Its scythes were replaced by red claws as it looks like Scyther evolved during the trade. "Scizor!" It cried out.

The Cloyster trainer's eyes widened once seeing this red Pokémon. "What Pokémon is that?!"

"Wow! I don't even know, but it's super awesome!" Sebastian looks at Cloyster and grins. "Alright, whatever Pokémon you are, use Slash!"

"Cloyster, withdraw into your shell!" The trainer quickly countered.

Cloyster withdrew into its shell, but that didn't matter at all as the red insectoid Pokémon dashed towards Cloyster and slashed it hard and Cloyster immediately fainted from the battle with one move.

"NO WAY?!" The Cloyster trainer was in disbelief from seeing his Pokémon go down by one move.

"One hit knockout?! Wow, that woman traded me the best Pokémon ever!" Sebastian runs up to the red insectoid Pokémon and hugs it. "I love you, whatever Pokémon you are!"

"Scizor!" The Pokémon responded with an annoyed tone, not happy about being traded.

"Hmm… I'm pretty sure I heard 'Scizor' and that's what I'm going to call you!" Sebastian chuckles.

The Cloyster trainer recalls their Pokémon as he walks up to Sebastian, annoyed. "Alright, what Pokémon do you want to trade with? You better make it quick!"

Sebastian thinks for a little bit before shaking his head. "No thanks, BUT you can fork over some money!" He grins.

"WHAT?!" The Cloyster trainer growls as he hands some money to Sebastian and walks away.

Sebastian takes the money with a glad look on his face. "Come on, Scizor, let's show everyone how strong of a Pokémon you are and I can make a profit!" He walks away.

"Scizor…" Scizor cried out, annoyed, and followed Sebastian.

It cuts to Team Rocket trying to ask someone to trade Cassidy's Muk that she caught recently. "Try this Muk on for size and we don't even have to battle! What do you say, kid?"

The kid shakes his head no. "No, thanks…" The kid then sniffs the air and smells Muk's scent through the Poké Ball as he gags and holds his nose. "Lady, I highly advise you to take a shower before coming here!" He immediately runs away.

"WHAT?! IT'S NOT ME, IT'S THE POKÉMON!" Cassidy angrily shouted out to the kid while he was running away.

Butch and Mondo were in the background, laughing, until Cassidy turned to them with a pissed-off look and they immediately stopped laughing.

"Okay, so now what?" Butch asked.

"Looks like you're going to be stuck with a Muk on your team and I highly advise you get rid of it because the smell is coming through the Poké Ball!" Mondo suggested.

"Hold on! I'm thinking here!" Cassidy looks around the area, seeing a bunch of trainers, and then she spots Victoria walking with her Kadabra. "I got a fantastic idea!"

It now shows Victoria walking with her Kadabra and minding her own business. "I hope we can find you a new trainer soon, Kadabra."

"Kadabra!" Kadabra cries out.

A feminine voice was heard. "Oh, so you're looking for Kadabra to have a new trainer, huh?"

Victoria looks around, trying to find out who spoke. "Who said that?"

The Team Rocket trio reveal themselves and walk up towards Victoria.

Cassidy holds out Muk's Poké Ball towards Victoria "Well it's your lucky day. I am willing to trade my Muk for your Alakazam! What do you say, kid?"

Victoria looks at her Kadabra. "What do you think, Kadabra?"

Kadabra uses its psychic powers to communicate with Victoria through her mind.

Victoria starts translating what the psi Pokémon said to Cassidy. "Kadabra says that it wants to battle you to see how strong of a trainer you are first before trading."

Cassidy groans before accepting. "Fine, a battle first!"

Butch and Mondo both facepalm in disbelief at Cassidy accepting the battle. "We're doomed," Butch says as Mondo nods in agreement. "Big time."

It cuts to another part of the area where Jessie, James, and Meowth are sprinting around the battle and trade area, trying to find the trainer who has Scyther.

"I asked almost every trainer here, yet I can't find the person who has Scyther!" Jessie says in disbelief.

"Jessie umm… I hate to bring the bad news, but what if the trainer you accidentally traded Scyther with, already left the area?" James suggested.

"That's just bad luck there," Meowth says.

Jessie falls to her knees in denial. "No… No… It can't be. I… can't believe I lost my Scyther forever because one slipped up!" She punches the ground from being frustrated as both James and Meowth immediately start comforting Jessie.

A trainer walks up to Jessie and her friends. "Hey guys, just to warn you, there is a trainer with a strong Pokémon that he calls a 'Scizor' and he's battling everyone and beating them to earn their money. I highly advise you not to battle him." They proceeded to walk off.

Jessie looks up from the ground. "A 'Scizor'?"

"We should check out what the fuss is about," James suggested.

Meowth nods. "Yeah! I love it when drama happens!"

Jessie and her friends walk off to find this trainer with a Scizor. It cuts to the in-between battle against Cassidy and Victoria. Raticate, Primeape, and Marowak are seen fainting on the ground.

"Are we done here?" Victoria asked after her Kadabra destroyed three of Team Rocket's Pokémon.

"No! I still have one Pokémon left!" Cassidy turns to Mondo. "Mondo, let me borrow your Ditto!"

Mondo immediately shakes her head. "Hell no! You already borrowed my Marowak and Butch's Primeape!"

"Please! I need this Kadabra here!" Cassidy begged.

Butch sighs. "Cassidy, can we just forget about this plan and go back to our hotel room, please?"

Cassidy starts threatening Mondo. "Mondo, you better let me borrow Muk or I'll immediately blame you when Giovanni calls us and I have to tell him that we don't have a strong Pokémon for him AGAIN!"

Mondo's eyes widened as he grumbled and handed Cassidy Ditto's Poké Ball. "Here!"

Cassidy smirks and accepts Ditto's Poké Ball as she quickly turns back around to face Victoria. "I still have one Pokémon left!"

"Chop, chop, let's get this over with already!" Victoria says, losing patience.

"Ditto, I choose you!" Cassidy sends out Ditto into battle.

Ditto materializes. "Ditto!"

"Ditto, Transform into that Kadabra!" Cassidy commanded.

Ditto glows white and proceeds to transform into Victoria's Kadabra. "Kadabra!"

Victoria's eyes widened from seeing Ditto transform into her Pokémon. "A Pokémon that can transform? That's so cool! Okay, Kadabra, use Psywave!"

"Ditto, you use Psywave too!" Cassidy quickly countered.

Both real and fake Kadabra attack each other with psychic waves. The two moves collided with each other, causing a little explosion.

Victoria looks so impressed by what she's seeing from the transformed Ditto. "Wow. It can even copy the moves with the exact speed and power. That's so awesome! Use Psychic attack!"

Cassidy once more commands the same move that Victoria did. "Psychic attack too!"

Both real and fake Kadabra's eyes flash red and both Pokémon are surrounded by a light blue aura, however, both Pokémon tried to control each other, but couldn't. The real and fake Kadabra both end up knocking each other out of battle, as Ditto transforms back into its original form.

"Kadabra!" Victoria rushes towards Kadabra's aid and then looks at Cassidy. "Wow! That Ditto is so cool! I'll tell you what, instead of that Muk, I am willing to trade you my Kadabra for your Ditto! What do you say?"

Cassidy immediately nods. "Let's do it!"

"WHAT?!" Mondo yelled out in disbelief.

Butch begins laughing uncontrollably. "This is the funniest thing I ever experienced in my life!"

Mondo immediately rushes over to his fainted Ditto and picks it up. "No, the hell you won't, Cassidy!"

"MONDO!" Cassidy shouted. "You're ruining the plan!"

"I don't care! You're not trading my Ditto!" Mondo turns to Victoria. "Sorry, but this Ditto isn't hers. It's mine. Again, sorry for the mix-up."

Victoria looks at Cassidy. "So that Ditto wasn't yours? Wow, thanks for wasting my time." Victoria picks up her Kadabra with her shoulder, turns around, and begins walking away. "Let's go, Kadabra."

Cassidy was standing there and watching Victoria walk away with Kadabra. "Screw it, plan C!" She pulls out her net bazooka and fires a huge net right at the unconscious Kadabra, trapping it.

"HEY!" Victoria immediately turns around, seeing her Kadabra trapped and now in Team Rocket's possession. "What are you three doing?!"

Cassidy laughs. "Thank you for your generous donation for your Kadabra!"

"We would like to stay and chat, but we're in a hurry!" Butch says.

"So bye-bye sucker!" Mondo waves goodbye.

Team Rocket makes a run for it as Victoria starts chasing them. "GET BACK HERE WITH MY KADABRA!" She shouted.

It cuts to where Domino and Colby are, walking around and chatting with each other.

"I have to say, it's nice hanging out with you, Domino," Colby says with a smile.

"Yeah! We talked about water fish Pokémon and how cool they are and everything!" Domino responded with a smile on her own.

"Hey Domino, can I um… ask you something?" Colby rubs the back of his head.

Domino looks at Colby with a concerned expression. "Sure, Colby. What do you want to ask me about?"

"Well remember what you were gonna tell me yesterday at the convention, something about having a Goldeen?" Colby asked, getting a nod from Domino in response. "Well, can you tell me what you were gonna say?"

Domino realizes. "Oh, I remember now! Well I wanted to say that I-"

Domino was cut off by the scream of Victoria while chasing Team Rocket. "GIVE ME BACK MY KADABRA, YOU THIEVES!"

"Huh?" Both Domino and Colby said as they looked where the scream was from.

Domini gasps once seeing Team Rocket with a Kadabra inside the net. "It's Team Rocket!"

"Who's Team Rocket?" Colby asked.

"They're bad guys who will try anything to steal other people's Pokémon!" Domino answered. "Come on, we got to do something!" Domino and Colby sprint off to stop Team Rocket.

It shows Team Rocket getting closer to the exit as they keep sprinting while carrying Kadabra on their backs.

Cassidy points out the exit. "We're almost there! Just have to keep going-"

Domino and Colby appear right in front of the exit before Team Rocket can reach it they stop dead in their tracks. "THE TWERP!" The trio said, expressing anger.

"Alright, you three better return that Kadabra to its trainer right now!" Domino demanded.

"What do you mean? It's our Kadabra, little brat." Butch chuckles.

"No, it's not!" Victoria catches up to the trio. "Return my Kadabra at once!"

"We have no choice but to battle if we want to escape!" Butch says.

"But all of our Pokémon are completely tired out thanks to Cassidy borrowing them!" Mondo pointed out.

Butch growls. "Well, that's just great!"

Cassidy quickly pulls out a Poké Ball. "We still got one more! Muk, I choose you!" She sends out her Muk to battle.

Muk materializes. "Muk!"

Domino's eyes widened. "Whoa, I didn't know Team Rocket had a Muk." She goes back to serious expression. "But it doesn't matter, I have to stop them!" Domino pulls out a Poké Ball. "Goldeen, I choose you!" She sends out her Goldeen to battle.

Goldeen materializes. "Goldeen!"

Colby gasps once seeing Goldeen. "She has a Goldeen. She actually has a Goldeen." He says quietly to himself.

"Goldeen, Horn Attack, let's go!" Domino commanded.

"Goldeen!" Goldeen dashes at Muk, with its horn pointing towards the sludge Pokémon.

"Minimize, quick!" Cassidy commanded.

"Muk!" Muk shrinks its body down to body size, causing Goldeen to miss and then hit a nearby tree.

"Goldeen!" Goldeen cries in pain.

Domino gasps. "Goldeen, no!"

"Now Muk, Pound attack, let's go!" Cassidy commanded once more.

"Muk!" Muk picks up Goldeen and then begins slamming it down left and right on the ground and then throws Goldeen hard near Domino as Goldeen faints.

Domino falls to her knees in disbelief. "It can't be!"

"Wow! Look how strong Cassidy's Muk is!" Mondo says, impressed.

Butch rolls his eyes. "Not stronger than my Primeape."

"And I was going to trade you! You're the best, Muk!" Cassidy hugs her Muk and just sinks into its sludge.

"Muk!" Muk cries in cheer.

Colby looks at Domino with a frown. "Domino's Goldeen needs some training…" He said in his thoughts.

Cassidy gets out of Muk's sludge. "Alright, let's get out of here now!"

Before Team Rocket could escape, they heard Victoria purposefully clearing her throat to get their attention. "Huh?" As the trio looked, Kadabra was right there, conscious and right next to Victoria and out of the net.

"WHAT?! How did that Kadabra escape from our net?!" Cassidy asked in disbelief.

"Kadabra woke up and teleported out, duh! Time to say bye-bye! Kadabra, send them away!" Victoria commanded.

"Kadabra!" Kadabra's eyes glow red as Team Rocket and their Muk are surrounded by a blue aura and while the trio is squirming in fear, Kadabra sends them blasting off with its psychic powers.


Victoria walks up to Domino and helps her up. "Thanks for trying to save my Kadabra, well you stopped them from escaping, so I guess that counts for something."

Domino looks up at Victoria, she smiles and accepts her help. "It's no problem, thank goodness your Kadabra is safe!"

As the two wave goodbye to each other, Colby walks behind Domino and places his hand on her shoulder. "We need to talk…" He says.

It cuts to Sebastian with loads of money in his hands as he starts laughing. "This is great, Scizor. Look at all the money from the battles we won together!"

Scizor still has an annoyed look on its face. "Scizor…" but the Pokémon perks up once seeing Jessie with her friends in the distance. "Scizor!" Scizor rushes towards its previous trainer.

"Huh? Scizor?" Sebastian questioned.

It shows Jessie looking around for her Scyther with James and Meowth as well.

"Do you both see anything?" Jessie asked.

James and Meowth both shake their heads. "Nope." "Nuh-uh."

"Scizor!" The group stopped in their tracks once hearing the cry of an unfamiliar Pokémon.

"Did you both hear that?" Jessie asked.

This time, James and Meowth nodded. "Yep." "Huh uh."

Scizor dashes in and tackles Jessie to the ground, all happy. "Scizor! Scizor!"

Jessie starts questioning from being confused about the situation. "Hey, what gives?!"

"Scizor, buddy, what gives?" Sebastian catches up and notices Jessie and recognizes her outfit. "Wait a minute, you're the trainer that traded your Pokémon for my Dratini! I never got the chance to say thank you!"

"Wait, so…" Jessie looks at Scizor. "This is my Scyther?! Y-you evolved?"

Scizor nods in response to Jessie's comment. "Scizor!"

"I-I'm so happy!" Jessie immediately hugs Scizor and starts shedding tears.

"Well uhh… this is my Scizor now," Sebastian says, rubbing the back of his head with an embarrassed expression.

Jessie stops hugging Scizor and stands up to face Sebastian. "Listen…, a screw-up happened earlier and I accidentally traded my Scyther, now Scizor, to you for your Dratini. This wasn't supposed to happen, can we trade back, please?"

Sebastian scoffs. "Are you kidding me? Do you see how much MY Scizor made me money? The only way you're getting Scizor back is if you beat me in a single Pokémon battle, trade, and battle rules!"

"Very well, I accept your challenge and I will get Scizor back!" Jessie declared.

It cuts to Jessie and Sebastian standing far apart to make up a battlefield as they get ready for their battle.

James referees. "This battle will be a one-on-one matchup with the winner getting to decide to either trade with any Pokémon by selection or the defeated will have to pay the winner. Let the battle begin!"

Sebastian turns to Scizor. "Alright Scizor, I choose you!"

Scizor flies over into battle without saying its cry.

Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball. "I didn't want to do this, Scizor, but I have to get you back. Electabuzz, go!" She sends out Electabuzz into battle.

Electabuzz materializes. "ELEBUBUBU!"

Jessie commands the first move of the battle. "Electabuzz, Thunder!"

"Elebububu!" Electabuzz fires multiple bolts of electricity from its horns on its head towards Scizor.

"Scizor, use your Agility to dodge those electricity bolts!" Sebastian countered.

Scizor disappears and then reappears by its fast speed over and over to dodge each electricity bolt that Electabuzz sends towards it.

Sebastian uses Scizor's fast speed as an advantage. "Metal Claw, go!"

Scizor's claws become surrounded by a silver aura, dashes at Electabuzz, and strikes the electric tiger with its silver metallic claws.

"ELEBUBUBU!" Electabuzz cries in pain from taking damage before getting back up.

Jessie's eyes widened. "What kind of move was that?! I never heard of that before… Use Quick Attack!"

"You use Quick Attack too, Scizor!" Sebastian countered.

Both Electabuzz and Scizor dash towards each other and both try to strike each other quickly, but both Pokémon are standing behind each other.

"Swords Dance, quick!"

Scizor crosses its claws across its chest and is surrounded by a blue aura as its attack power gets boosted up.

"Electabuzz, Thunder Punch!" Jessie commanded.

"Metal Claw, Scizor!" Sebastian quickly countered.

Electabuzz charges its fist with high volts of electricity and Scizor's claw is surrounded by a silver aura. Both Pokémon turn around and dash towards each other and Electabuzz lands the Thunder Punch on Scizor and Scizor also lands the Metal Claw on Electabuzz. After a few seconds of stare-down and heavy breathing from each Pokémon, Electabuzz slowly falls and faints from the battle.

"OH NO, ELECTABUZZ!" Jessie called out.

James declares the battle. "Electabuzz is unable to battle, therefore Sebastian will get the option to choose whatever Pokémon to trade with."

It cuts to Jessie looking down in defeat, standing in front of Sebastian, and sighs. "Okay… your call, what Pokémon do you want to trade with?"

"Well…" Sebastian turns to Meowth. "I always was interested in this little Meowth of yours when I saw it."

Meowth's eyes widened and took a step back. "Oh hell no, are you kidding me?!" He says in his thoughts.

"Scizor!" Scizor flies in front of Sebastian and tells him that it wants to be traded back to Jessie for Dratini.

"You… want me to trade you back for Dratini?" Sebastian questioned with a frown.

Scizor immediately nods. "Scizor! Scizor!"

Sebastian sighs. "Okay, if you say so…" He slowly turns to Jessie. "I would like to trade for my Dratini back."

Jessie nods. "Thank you… thank you so much."

It cuts to Domino and Colby at one of the trading machines.

"Oh… so you want me to trade my Goldeen to you?" Domino asked with a sad expression.

Colby slowly nods in agreement. "I think your Goldeen needs a little more training from losing that battle earlier. Look, I'll gladly trade you this blue Pokémon Egg for your Goldeen. I promise you that this Pokémon will hatch into a water Pokémon and my collection of Kanto fish Pokémon will be completed. What do you say?"

"Well…" Domino looks at Goldeen's Poké Ball in her hand. "I haven't really been using Goldeen a lot, so I see why it lost earlier… If Goldeen is with you, my little fish Pokémon will get a chance to be stronger." She nods at the offer. "Okay, let's do it, Clyde!"

"Trust me, you're doing the best option for your Goldeen." Colby pulls out the blue Pokémon Egg from his backpack and recalls it in its Poké Ball.

The scene shows both trades, Jessie and Sebastian, and Domino and Colby, happening at the same time. Jessie places Dratini's Safari Ball in the trading machine, and Sebastian places Scizor's Safari Ball in the trading machine too. Domino places Goldeen's Poké Ball in and Colby places the Poké Ball containing the blue egg. All press the button on the trading machine as both of the trades happen.

Domino opens the Poké Ball and starts carrying the blue Pokémon egg. "Take care of Goldeen, okay?"

Colby grabs the Poké Ball containing Goldeen and slowly nods. "I will, Domino, I will."

It cuts to the aftermath of Jessie and Sebastian's trade.

"Look, if you train that Dratini up, it's going to evolve into a Dragonair and then an awesome strong Dragonite, which is why you shouldn't feel bad trading Scizor back for your Dratini!" James says with a thumbs up.

Jessie nods. "Yeah, and I think you're gonna be an awesome trainer in the future with a badass Dragonite on your side!"

Sebastian cracks a smile as he feels better and nods in agreement. "Thank you both. I will train my Dratini all the way through and will end up with an awesome Dragonite!"

Both Jessie and Sebastian and Domino and Colby high-fiving each other for the bond of friendship.

"Sometimes trades are awesome, sometimes they are not, but it is up to you whenever you want to trade your very own Pokémon, but any Pokémon can be strong if you put into the training!"