
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Haunter vs. Haunter

The episode starts with the gang at a picnic area. Jessie, James, and Meowth are eating food, as Domino is taking care of her blue Pokémon Egg.

Jessie looks over to see Domino not eating. "Come on Domino, don't you want to eat something?"

"Huh?" Domino looks over. "Oh, thanks for your concern, Jessie, but I'm taking care of this Pokémon Egg so that it can hatch into a beautiful water Pokémon!"

"Are you sure that thing is gonna even hatch into a water Pokémon?" Meowth questioned.

Domino glares at Meowth and hugs her egg. "Of course, it will! It's blue and Colby said he found it at the bottom of the sea, which means it should be a guaranteed water type Pokémon!"

"And you, full-on, trust Colby's words?" James asked.

Domino frowns. "Uhh… yes? Look, Colby will never scam me, okay? Plus, I wasn't even using Goldeen that much and I know they're happy to be with Colby."

"Speaking of Pokémon, should we let all of our Pokémon out to enjoy this picnic with us?" Jessie suggested. "They have been stuck in their Poké Balls for quite some time."

"That's not a bad idea, Jess!" James agreed. "They can have some time in the sun!"

The gang all pull out their Pokémon's Poké Balls and get ready to send them out. "Everyone, come on out!" The gang tosses their Poké Balls up in the air, sending them out.

All of Jessie's current Pokémon, minus Meowth, materialize. "ELEBUBUBU!" "Blastoise!" "Scizor!" "Haunter!" Then Domino's Pokémon materialize. "Hyah!" "Clefable!" "Bulbasaur!" And finally, James' Pokémon materialize. "Koffing!" "Pikachu!" "Slow…bro!" "Oh great, I'm back outside again." And then Charizard roars after being sent out.

Jessie, James, and Domino all finish preparing the Pokémon food for all of their Pokémon to eat with them while on this picnic. "Alright everyone, let's eat!"

The title screen shows.

"Haunter vs. Haunter."

It shows the gang eating their food and enjoying with Domino now, eating as well after taking care of her Pokémon Egg, meanwhile, all of the gang's Pokémon are doing activities in the open area they're currently in to have this picnic.

Charizard and Blastoise are talking to each other, Slowbro is just sleeping on the grass, Koffing is just floating around happily, Pikachu and Clefairy are still eating their Pokémon food, Scizor is flying around the picnic area, and Bulbasaur is chatting with Starmie. But it focuses on Meowth and Haunter talking to each other.

"Hey talking cat, I got a question for you," Haunter asked.

Meowth turns to James' Haunter. "What is it?"

"See that other Haunter belonging to your trainer?" James' Haunter looks at Jessie's Haunter minding its own business. "Should I go and mess with them?"

Meowth tries to be reasonable. "Come on man, this was supposed to be a nice and relaxing time to hang out with our trainers outside y'all's Poké Balls."

"Potential drama that you could experience," Haunter replied.

Meowth immediately gives James' Haunter a thumbs up. "Go for it!"

James' Haunter floats up to Jessie's Haunter and flicks the back of their head with its fingers. Jessie's Haunter turns around, but James's Haunter disappears out of sight.

Jessie's Haunter scratches the back of its head. "Haunter?" ("What the?") It shrugs and turns back around.

James' Haunter appears right next to Meowth and the two start laughing.

"Nice one! They were so confused!" Meowth pointed out.

"Okay, what should I do next?" Haunter asked.

"Maybe we should quit before they finally notice," Meowth suggested.

"The drama." Haunter countered.

"Alright, here's the plan!" Meowth leans into James' Haunter's ear and starts whispering.

Meanwhile, Jessie's Haunter was minding its own business, but James' Haunter appears right behind it once more. Jessie's Haunter scratches its chin and then James' Haunter does it as well, mocking its moves. The other gang's Pokémon immediately notice and start laughing.

Jessie's Haunter is confused by the laughter. "Haunter?" ("What's funny?")

James' Haunter mocks it from behind them and the Pokémon start laughing harder.

Jessie's Haunter scratches the back of their head once more and then James' Haunter mocks as well behind it and the Pokémon continue laughing at it.

"Haunter, Haunter?" ("Seriously guys, what's so funny?") Jessie's Haunter asked the other Pokémon that were laughing.

James' Haunter pulls out a blank sign and begins writing on it, once finished, they hold it up above Jessie's Haunter's head and it says 'I suck' with an arrow pointing at them. This causes the gang's Pokémon to explode in laughter and even James' Haunter.

Jessie's Haunter looks behind them and spots James' Haunter laughing with the sign. They were too busy laughing to quickly disappear and get caught red-handed. "HAUNTER!" ("HEY!")

James' Haunter stops laughing and flicks away a tear. "Relax, second place, it was just a joke, no need to get all pouty."

"Haunter?" Jessie's Haunter holds up air quotes. ("What do you mean by 'second place'?")

"Oh, it's simple actually." James' Haunter replied. "I'm just a better Haunter than you by a long shot!"

Jessie's Haunter scoffs. "Haunter, Haunter? Haunter!" ("Yeah right, what makes you say that? I know I'm much a better Haunter than you by a long shot!")

Both Haunter starts glaring at each other as the gang's Pokémon all start watching the drama unfold. Jessie and her friends immediately take notice and arrive at the scene, recalling all of their Pokémon, except the two Haunter and Meowth.

"Whoa, whoa, what's happening?!" Jessie asked. She sees both Haunter glaring at each other. "Haunter, what's up?"

"Yeah Haunter, why are you angry at Jessie's Haunter?" James asked his Haunter as well.

"Well it's simply Jimmy my boy, this Haunter thinks they're a much better Haunter than me," Haunter replied.

"Haunter! Haunter!" ("It's true! I am better than you!")

Domino gets in the middle between both of the Haunter. "Okay, this is getting ridiculous, who cares who's the better Haunter, the main point is that we're all friends and teammates at the end, right?"

James nods and goes to his Haunter's side. "She's right, this is pointless."

Jessie does the same thing, going to her Haunter's side. "Yeah, we don't need to do this at all."

"Because it's obvious that you're a much better Haunter," James added.

"Wait, what?" Jessie slowly looks at James with a glare.

Domino facepalms. "Oh no… just why?"

Jessie crosses her arms. "What makes you say that your Haunter is better than my Haunter?"

"Well, it isn't obvious, Jessie?" James replied, rhetorically. "My Haunter knows human speech, I think that makes it pretty obvious, don't you think?"

James' Haunter nods with a grin. "He's right, you know?"

"Your Haunter might have the speech, but my Haunter has the strength." Jessie turns to her Haunter with a smile. "Isn't that right, Haunter?"

Jessie's Haunter smiles back at its trainer and nuzzles her cheek. "Haunter!"

James scoffs. "Oh please, My Haunter will run circles around your Haunter, Jessie."

"Well Haunter don't run, they float!" Jessie laughs.

"It doesn't matter!" James yelled. "What the point is that my Haunter is better than your Haunter!"

"Prove it then!" Jessie fired back.

Jessie and James start glaring at each other, the two Haunter as well. Domino and Meowth look at each other.

"Do something, Domino!" Meowth demanded.

Domino thinks of an idea before finally speaking up. "Okay, that's enough, you four! I know a way how we can settle this that determines who has the better Haunter!"

Jessie, James, and both of their Haunter turn to Domino with a curious look on their faces.

"What is it, Domino?" James asked.

Jessie nods. "Yeah, lay it on us!"

"It better be good too!" Haunter added.

Domino explains. "Well it's simple, both Haunter will compete in five rounds of obstacles, best out of three! The Haunter that earns three points will be determined as the better Haunter!"

"Hmm… I like that, but I think the prize at the end shouldn't be just whoever has the better Haunter." James stated.

Jessie turns to James. "What do you mean?"

James explains his idea. "Whoever is determined to have the better Haunter, the loser has to trade one of their Pokémon and back with the winner's Haunter, so that the winner will now have a Gengar!"

Both Haunter starts floating around from excitement after James explains his idea out loud.

"Now I'm over one hundred percent determined to win this! Becoming a Gengar is always a Haunter's dream!" James' Haunter says.

Jessie nods with a chuckle. "I like that idea too. Very well, James, I accept! The winner at the end will now have a Gengar on their team!"

"Okay, me and Meowth are going to think of the five obstacles for both of your Haunter to compete in. So just sit still and we will be right back." Domino walks away with Meowth following her.

It cuts to the Team Rocket trio spying on the gang from afar with binoculars like they always do.

"What are the twerps doing?" Cassidy asked, confused about the situation.

"It seems like they're trying to determine who has the better Haunter," Butch answered. "Which is lame."

All of a sudden, Muk lets itself out of its Poké Ball. "Muk!"

Team Rocket immediately reacts to Muk's smell, gagging and holding their noses.

"I can't breathe! It smells so horrible!" Mondo starts gagging for air.

"Cassidy, put that gross Pokémon back in the Poké Ball before we passed out from the smell!" Butch demanded.

"Alright, that's enough of you, get back in your Poké Ball!" Cassidy immediately recalls Muk back in its Poké Ball. "Anyways… about your statement, Butch, I agree. Obviously, the pink hat twerpette has the better Haunter. It's basically no contest."

Butch starts nodding in agreement with Cassidy's statement. "Yeah, you're rig-" until realizing what she said. "WAIT WHAT?!"

Mondo groans. "Here we go again…"

"The sunglasses twerp has a way better Haunter, it's obvious!" Butch shot back at Cassidy.

Cassidy glares at Butch. "Two hundred bucks says that the pink hat twerp's Haunter comes on top!"

Butch glares back at Cassidy. "And two hundred bucks says the sunglasses twerp's Haunter destroys the other Haunter!"

"Oh, a bet! Guys, can I get in on this a little bit?" Mondo asked.

Cassidy smirks. "With Mondo joining, the bid has just been raised to four hundred dollars!"

Butch laughs. "I'm going to be rich!"

"Okay, here's the deal, just to make sure no one tries to cheat and gaslight." Cassidy pulls out a piece of paper and three pens. She tears the paper into three small pieces and gives two of them to her partners-in-crime. "You write who's Haunter you want to win and then your name."

The Team Rocket trio writes down which Haunter they want to win.

Butch smirks. "This is going to be the easiest money I will ever make!"

"You mean lose?" Cassidy fired back.

Butch also fires back. "The only thing I'm losing is free space in my wallet after I win!"

Mondo just stares at the two continuing firing shots at each other as he glances at his pick. It cuts back to the gang with Domino and Meowth back.

"Okay, so me and Meowth have come up with five obstacles for both of your Haunter to compete in." Domino looks at each Haunter side to side and Jessie and James. "Are you all ready?"

Jessie, James, and both of their Haunter all nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" "Haunter!"

It cuts to the first obstacle of this competition.

Domino starts explaining the first obstacle. "Okay, so the first obstacle is speed. The objective is that both Haunter must float towards that tree over there in the distance." Domino points at the faraway tree. "Then they have to float back and tag at least one of my hands which I'll be holding out. First Haunter to do this will earn the first point."

Jessie starts pep-talking to her Haunter. "Alright Haunter, you got this. Show that you're the fastest Haunter!"

Jessie's Haunter starts floating around in excitement. "Haunter!"

James looks at his Haunter. "You know what to do, destroy this competition."

James' Haunter nods. "They won't see it coming!"

Domino announces the first-ever obstacle starting. "Alright, Haunter, get ready!"

Jessie's Haunter and James' Haunter both get ready by lining up at the start of the race.

Domino raises her hand. "On your mark… get set… GO!"

As soon as Domino said 'go' both Haunter immediately started floating fast towards the tree from afar. James' Haunter gets in front, but Jessie's Haunter catches up and gets in front and both Haunter keep exchanging leads.

"You will beat me!" Haunter says while floating.

"Haunter!" ("I will!")

James and Jessie's Haunter both reach the tree they now start floating back to where Domino is.

James' Haunter tries to fool the other Haunter. "Hey man, your shoes are untied."

"Haunter! Haunter!" ("Oh! Thank you!") Jessie's Haunter completely falls for it as it stops to look down, only realizing that it doesn't even have shoes or legs in general. "Haunter!" ("Hey!") Jessie's Haunter tries catching up.

However, it was too late as James' Haunter tags Domino's hand to complete the race before the other Haunter can.

"And James' Haunter wins the first obstacle!" Domino declared.

"Woohoo! You're the best, Haunter!" James offers his Haunter a high five.

His Haunter gladly accepts and high-fives their trainer. "I am the best!"

Jessie tries to cheer her Haunter up. "It's okay, we're going to win the next obstacle, trust me!"

Her Haunter slowly looks at its trainer and nods, feeling a little better. "Haunter!"

Meanwhile, it cuts to the Team Rocket trio watching the Haunter competition.

"And that's one point for the sunglasses twerp's Haunter! Maybe you should give up before you lose some money, Cass!" Butch suggested.

"The competition isn't over, Butch! You shouldn't really count your chickens before they hatch." Cassidy responded.

Butch and Cassidy noticed Mondo wasn't cheering or upset.

"Mondo, why aren't you cheering or at least upset?" Butch asked.

"Because that would reveal my pick and I don't want to do that until the very end!" Mondo answered.

"Okay, I guess I can understand that," Cassidy replied.

It cuts back to the gang with the next obstacle of the Haunter competition almost about to start.

Domino starts explaining the next obstacle m. "Alright! The next obstacle is defense! Both Haunter will be taking damage! We will have a specific Pokémon using a move on both Haunter. This will continue until one Haunter drops to the ground and completely faints. The last Haunter left standing will win this round of the competition!"

"You're so going down!" Haunter says.

"Haunter!" ("You're not getting a two-point lead on me!")

"Now, to make this a little more interesting and fair." Domino pulls out a Poké Ball and sends out one of her Pokémon.

Clefable materializes. "Clefable!"

Domino starts explaining more. "Clefable will be using Metronome on you two throughout the obstacle, to make the moves random for each Haunter. So if you perhaps get hit by a super effective move, well that's just your luck, not Clefable."

Both Haunter looked at each other and they gulped.

"Now, James' Haunter, since you won the last round, you get to go first," Domino stated.

"WHAT?!" Haunter shouts out in disbelief. "Why do I have to take the hit first when I won the last round?!"

"Because we're trying to keep this competition fair and give both Haunter a chance of winning," Domino replied.

James starts pep-talking. "Don't worry, Haunter, first or not, you still got this!"

Jessie also does pep talking some more to her Haunter as well. "Tie this up, Haunter! You can't let James have a two-point advantage on me!"

Meowth is watching this by sitting on a lawn chair and eating some popcorn. "This is much better than television nowadays!"

Domino begins the obstacle by commanding her Clefable. "Alright Clefable, use Metronome on James' Haunter!"

Clefable starts moving its index fingers back and forth while saying its cry. "Clefable! Clefable! Clefable!" The Pokémon opens its mouth and flames come out, hitting James' Haunter to a crisp.

James' Haunter coughs up black smoke from getting hit by a Flamethrower. "I'm still standing…"

Domino continues the obstacle. "Clefable, now use Metronome on Jessie's Haunter!"

Clefable once more moves its index fingers while saying its cry. "Clefable! Clefable! Clefable!" Clefable starts throwing razor-sharp leaves at Jessie's Haunter.

Jessie's Haunter takes the hits from the sharp leaves and continues to stand. "Haunter!"

"That's it Haunter, take those hits!" Jessie cheers on.

James also cheers on. "You got to win this, Haunter!"

A montage happens of both Haunter getting hit by random moves from Clefable's Metronome. Both Haunter are still standing and not looking tired at all.

Domino looks impressed. "Wow, I can't believe you two are still standing after all of those moves. Alright Clefable, Metronome once more on James' Haunter!"

Clefable moves their index fingers while saying its cry. "Clefable! Clefable! Clefable!" Clefable fires a ray at James' Haunter.

Haunter scoffs. "What is this, Psybeam? This is easy, psychic moves do barely any damage to ghost Pokémon!"

Once the Psybeam hits James' Haunter, the Pokémon drops to the ground and completely faints from the round, giving Jessie's Haunter the win for this round.

"And Jessie's Haunter wins this round!" Domino declared.

Meowth laughs. "Idiot forgot they were part poison type as well!"

Jessie walks over to her Haunter. "Way to go, Haunter!"

Jessie's Haunter nuzzles its trainer. "Haunter!"

Jessie starts chuckling in joy from her Haunter's nuzzling. It cuts to the next obstacle with Domino announcing it.

"Okay, we're done with defense, now it's time to head to offense, known as, attack! Each of you will use a move on Meowth."

"WHAT?!" Meowth yelled out in disbelief. "Why am I the test subject here?!"

"Because you're part of the reason why the two are beefing anyway," Domino answered.

"Meowth, just be a good Pokémon and take the hits like the strong Meowth you are!" Jessie says.

Meowth grumbles under his breath. "This is so dumb…"

Domino continues explaining. "Okay, so use one move on Meowth and whoever flings back Meowth the furthest will win this round. Since Jessie's Haunter won last time, they will go first."

Jessie's Haunter turns towards Meowth as its eyes start to glow red, and then it fires multiple black beams outlined in streaks of dark red from its eyes right at Meowth.

Meowth sees the black beams heading towards him and gulps. "This is gonna-" The talking Pokémon gets hit and flung back appropriately far as Meowth is now lying down on the ground in pain.

"Wow! That's good, Haunter!" Domino complimented.

Jessie's Haunter floats around, being happy. "Ha! Ha! Haunter!"

James' Haunter scoffs. "I can do better than that."

"Alright, we wait for Meowth to get up and rest for a little bit before James' Haunter gets a try!" Domino says.

James shakes his head, feeling impatient. "Oh no! We're not waiting!" He goes over to grab Meowth and brings him to the spot where he was before. "Come on, Haunter, use that move whatever Jessie used!"

"Hey! Let go of me!" Meowth starts squirming, trying to get out of James' grasp. "Come on, Haunter! I thought we were friends?"

"You do know that I despise you, right?" Haunter responded.

"Oh… well maybe this one time we can be friends?" Meowth shrugs with a desperate smile.

James' Haunter's eyes start glowing red, it looks like the gas Pokémon will use the same move that Jessie's Haunter used. James immediately dives out of the way before his Haunter fires multiple black beams right at Meowth.

"I hate this day…" Meowth gets hit and flung back once more by the move, however, the talking Pokémon doesn't go nearly as far as Jessie's Haunter dealt.

Domino declares the winner of the round. "And Jessie's Haunter wins this round, taking a two-to-one lead!"

Jessie clutches her fist. "Yes! We have the lead!" She turns to James. "Take that, James!"

James gets up in Jessie's face with a glare. "This contest isn't over yet. My Haunter is going to tie it up, just watch us!"

Jessie glares back. "Oh yeah?! Let's see about that then!"

Both of the trainers' Haunter also start glaring as well. Meanwhile, Domino looks at Meowth lying down on the ground and not moving a muscle.

"Are… we gonna take Meowth to the Pokémon Center?" Domino asked.

It cuts to Team Rocket still watching the twerps from afar. Cassidy now has a grin on her face after Jessie takes the lead in the competition.

Cassidy laughs. "I told you that this competition is over and now I'm about to make some money!"

"Now you're doing the same thing you told me not to do a few minutes ago!" Butch growls.

However, Mondo kept the same happy expression on his face and didn't change at all, which confuses his partners-in-crime.

"Okay, I need to know. Mondo, who did you pick to win the whole damn thing?" Cassidy asked.

"Yeah. You had that stupid happy expression throughout this Haunter competition and I also want to know who you picked!" Butch tries to look at his paper to find out.

"Hey!" Mondo hides his paper by using his chest to cover it. "Keep your eyes on your paper!"

Butch grumbles and crosses his arms. "Whatever."

It cuts back to the gang, about to start the next obstacle in the competition.

Domino announces the next part."Okay, the next competition for both of you is about to start!"

Both Haunter start catching each other's breath from exhaustion.

"Haunter! Haunter!" ("Just give up already! I'm in the lead!"

James' Haunter shakes their head. "No! I'm not giving up, I still got a chance to beat you!"

"The next part of the competition, we already did speed, defense, and attack, so our next part will be evasion!" Domino pulls out two Poké Balls, she sends out her Starmie and Bulbasaur.

Both Starmie and Bulbasaur materialize. "Hyah!" "Bulbasaur!"

Domino continues explaining. "Starmie and Bulbasaur will keep sending the same move at both of you until… one of the Haunter gets hit. Your objective is to keep dodging and dodging the move until you can outlast the other."

Jessie starts talking to herself quietly. "Okay, just one more win, and my Haunter wins this!"

James also talks to himself quietly. "Come on Haunter, you got this."

"Ready… set… Starmie, use Water Gun and Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf!" Domino commanded.

"Hyah!" "Bulbasaur!" Starmie starts shooting out water from its gem right at one of the Haunter and Bulbasaur starts throwing razor-sharp leaves at the other Haunter.

Both Haunter start doing alright, they keep dodging every single water and razor-sharp leaf thrown at them. Starmie and Bulbasaur causley switch attacking Haunter from time to time. Some close calls made Jessie and James' hearts stop, but both Haunter is still in this by dodging and dodging.

Jessie and James both start glaring at each other. "Just give up already, James!" "No, you give up, Jessie!" "Never in your life!"

Both Haunter are still dodging the Water Gun from Starmie and the Razor Leaf from Bulbasaur. They are taking deep breaths from exhaustion.

"I. Need. To. Win. This!" Haunter shouted while taking deep breaths in between their words.

After a few seconds of both dodging, a Razor Leaf managed to hit Jessie's Haunter.

"Haunter!" ("Ow!") Then a Water Gun hits Jessie's Haunter and falls right on the ground.

"Haunter!" Jessie sprints to her Haunter and helps it back up.

Domino declares the winner of this round. "And James' Haunter wins this round and ties it back up!"

James' Haunter doesn't feel cheering for his win from being exhausted as James comes from behind them and pats his Haunter on the back.

Domino explains the next and final round. "The fifth and final round of this Haunter challenge is a classic one-on-one Pokémon battle between both Haunter. Whoever's Haunter wins the Pokémon battle will be declared as the better Haunter."

Both Jessie and James have an intense stare down and so does their Haunter as well. It cuts to Jessie and James standing far away from each other to make a battlefield in between them. Domino and Meowth, with popcorn in their hands, were sitting on lawn chairs ready to watch and enjoy this battle.

Jessie turns to her Haunter. "Alright Haunter, let's do this!"

"Haunter!" Haunter floats into the battlefield, ready to fight.

James turns to his Haunter. "I'm counting on you, Haunter. Let's get you to be a Gengar!"

"On it!" The other Haunter floats into battle as well.

Jessie starts this Haunter battle with the first move. "Alright Haunter, use Confuse Ray!"

James quickly calls out a move to the counter. "You use Confuse Ray too, Haunter!"

Both Haunter charge an orange ball of energy in their hands, then shoot it at each other, both moves collide, causing a mini explosion.

"Now use Hypnosis!" Jessie commanded.

James quickly counters again. "You use Hypnosis too!"

Both Haunter's eyes glow red and it waves its hands back and forth, causing both of them to fall asleep.

Jessie looks at James, gritting her teeth in frustration. "Stop copying me every time! Now we have to wait until one of our Haunter wakes up!"

"Every move is fair!" James responded with a yell. "I just want a Gengar!"

"I want a Gengar too!" Jessie starts trying to wake her up. "Come on Haunter, wake up!"

James also starts doing what Jessie is doing. "Wake up, Haunter! Come on!"

Both Haunter continue sleeping despite their trainers' yelling. A few seconds pass and Jessie's Haunter's eyes start slowly opening.

Jessie grins upon seeing her Haunter waking up. "Night Shade!"

Jessie's Haunter's eyes start glowing red and it fires multiple black beams outlined in streaks of dark red right at the other Haunter.

James starts getting worried. "Come on, Haunter! Wake up and dodge it!"

The Night Shade gets closer and closer to James' Haunter, but Haunter springs its eyes open and quickly floats up to dodge the move.

"I'm not losing this battle this time!" Haunter grins.

Jessie's Haunter glares back at the other Haunter. "Haunter…"

"Hypnosis, let's go!" James commanded.

Jessie quickly counters. "Dodge it quick, Haunter! Don't go back to sleep!"

James' Haunter's eyes start glowing red, moving its hands back and forth. Jessie's Haunter looks away to dodge the move, but James' Haunter disappears and reappears right in front of Jessie's Haunter to try to land the Hypnosis. Jessie's Haunter turns around again, trying to avoid the move, but James' Haunter disappears and reappears right in front of Jessie's Haunter again, trying to land the move.

James smiles. "That's it, Haunter! Keep trying to land that Hypnosis!"

"Confuse Ray, quick!" Jessie commanded.

As Jessie's Haunter kept looking away over and over, they charged an orange ball of energy in their hands, and as soon James' Haunter reappeared right in front of them, Jessie's Haunter shot the orange ball of energy right at James' Haunter, confusing it.

James' Haunter's is all confused. "Where am I? What am I doing here?"

James grits his teeth. "Aw crap, they're confused! Haunter, try to use Confuse Ray!"

James' Haunter looks back at their trainer and scratches their head from being confused. "Who are you again?"

James facepalms in disappointment. "Just great…"

Jessie smiles and takes advantage of the situation. "Night Shade!"

Jessie's Haunter's eyes glow red and fire multiple black beams with a streak of dark red right at James' Haunter.

James' Haunter gets hit by the black beams, taking damage from it. "Hey! That's not nice at all!"

James thought of an idea. "Quick, use Hypnosis then and teach it a lesson!"

James' Haunter gives their trainer a thumbs up. "You got it, mister stranger!" Despite still being confused, their eyes start glowing red, and moving their hands back and forth.

"Dodge that Hypnosis once more, Haunter!" Jessie quickly countered.

Jessie's Haunter tries to look away to dodge the Hypnosis, but Jessie is too late to order for Haunter to dodge because her Haunter ends up falling asleep after looking at James' Haunter hands long enough to fall asleep.

James laughs. "Haha! Take that, Jessie!"

Jessie's eyes widened from being worried. "Crap! Crap! Crap!"

James smirks, reading to call out his next move. "Now use Dream Eater!"

James' Haunter looks back at their trainer and scratches their head, still confused. "What was that again?"

James' smirk goes to annoyance as he facepalms. "I said use Dream Eater!"

Jessie takes the opportunity from the confused enemy Haunter to try to wake up her own Haunter. "Come on Haunter, wake up quick!"

James starts throwing his arms out of frustration. "I said use Dream Eater, NOW!" He yelled loud with that last word to his Haunter.

"Alright! Alright! Jeez, keep your leather jeans up!" James' Haunter creates a shadow version of itself and it goes through the sleeping Jessie's Haunter, then it sucks up the opponent's Haunter's energy right up as James' Haunter gains health. "Hey! That was delicious!" Then they shake their heads to snap out of the confusion. "And I'm not confused anymore!"

Jessie laughs. "Haha! End this battle with Night Shade, let's go!"

Jessie starts getting worried about her Haunter still sleeping. "Come on Haunter, you need to wake up and use Night Shade too!"

"I think this is about to be it," Meowth says to Domino about the battle.

Domino nods in response. "Yep, pretty much."

James' Haunter eyes glow red and then they fire multiple black beams right at the sleeping enemy Haunter, but Jessie's Haunter quickly opens their eyes and dodges the first black beam of Night Shade by quickly floating right up.

Jessie clutches her fist in excitement. "Way to go, Haunter, use Night Shade!"

James grits his teeth in frustration. "Keep using Night Shade, Haunter!"

Both Haunter's eyes glow red and both of them send black beams with red streaks right at each other and both Haunter get hit.

Jessie and James both gasped in shock once they realized that both of their Haunter fainted in battle at the same time. "WHAT?!" They both yelled out in shock.

Meowth spits out some popcorn in shock from what happened. "Wow! What a shock that was!"

Domino gets up from the lawn chair to declare the match. "Both Jessie and James' Haunter are both unable to battle. Therefore, this Haunter competition ends with a draw!"

It cuts to the Team Rocket trio after seeing the competition ended in a draw.

"Are you kidding me, it ended in a draw?!" Butch said in disbelief.

"Well, I guess neither of us gets any money. That's fine, I'd rather not earn money than lose it all together." Cassidy says.

Mondo grins and wags his finger. "I don't think so!"

Butch and Cassidy both looked at Mondo with raised eyebrows. "What do you mean, Mondo?"

Mondo slowly turns his paper around and it's revealed that he wrote down 'draw' on it. "I win!"

Both Cassidy and Butch's jaws dropped from shock. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" They both yelled out in shock.

Mondo holds out his hand for the money they bet on. "Less talking, more giving the money that you two owe me!"

Cassidy and Butch both have annoyed expressions on their faces as they both reach into their pockets and pull out four hundred dollar bills and they hand it to Mondo.

Mondo gladly takes the money and counts it with a grin as he sighs in satisfaction. "It's good to win!"

It cuts back to the gang as Jessie and James both recall their Haunter back into their Poké Balls.

"So now what do we do?" Jessie asked.

"Well, I know what you two could do," Domino responded, directing toward Jessie and James. "You both can admit that neither one of you has the better Haunter. Each Pokémon is unique in its way!"

Jessie and James both look at each other as they both bow to each other to apologize.

James apologizes to Jessie first. "Sorry, I guess I did get a little carried away in this competition."

Jessie apologizes to James back. "Yeah, you're not the only guilty one here. I also was kinda acting up during the competition too. I just really wanted a Gengar."

James nods. "Yeah, I wanted a Gengar too."

Meowth intervenes in this conversation. "Then how about you two just trade your Haunter and back so you both have a Gengar now?"

Domino nods in response with a smile. "The competition did end with a draw after all, so I'd say do it!"

Jessie turns her head to James. "So… are you for it?"

James looks at his Poké Ball containing his Haunter, he looks back at Jessie with a smile and nods. "Let's do it!"

It cuts outside of the Cinnabar Island Pokémon Center with Domino and Meowth waiting outside for the two. The double doors of the Pokémon Center open as Jessie and James step out, with a Poké Ball in their hand.

"So did you guys do the trade and back?" Domino asked.

Jessie and James looked at each other as both of them tossed their Poké Balls in the air. What materialized out of them was not two Haunter anymore, but two Gengar.

"Look at me! I'm now a Gengar! Yes!" James' newly evolved Pokémon said, floating around happy and offering their trainer a high five.

James smiles and chuckles as he high-fives his now Gengar. "Right on!"

"Gengar!" Jessie's newly evolved Pokémon tackles its trainer and nuzzles its cheek out of happiness.

Jessie chuckles and pets her now Gengar. "I love you too, Gengar!"

Domino looks at Meowth and smiles. "I guess everything ended in a nice happy ending!"

Meowth rolls his eyes. "Hooray…" he says, sarcastically.

"Well, it seems like everything turned out okay! Jessie and James both got their Haunter traded to evolve and an important lesson was learned, that is, never compare yourself with anyone, who knows what strength and abilities they have?"