
lectures must go to hell




Early the next morning, I wore my sexiest body tight dress, showing all my curves and went to campus.

All eyes were staring at me.

One handsome guy stopped me right in front of the lecture hall.

Wow girl, you look incredibly hot! He complimented.

Oh really, I can see you have guts. I responded.

Of course I do, because I ain't broke. I equally have cash and class.

You and I know money can send you anywhere in life. He responded with swag.

You get money right?

Wow! I love that.

Anyway, I'm late for lectures so I will see you some other time. I said with smiles.

My name is Curtis Fosu. You can call me Fosu for short.

May I know yours? He asked.

I'm Baaba Benson. You can call me B.B. I responded.

Fosu, Can I have your number for subsequent meetings? I inquired.

No Baaba sexy, nobody looks for me, I rather look for them.

I will look for you when I need you. He responded and walked away.

Wow! This guy's swag is incredibly beyond measure.

So he could actually turn me down on his contact?

Like hell, I must override his swag with mine. I thought and entered the lecture hall.

I met Cindy already seated in the lecture hall.

Hi Cindy, you didn't check up on me before coming to campus today.

I went to your room and your mates told me you had left. I explained.

Baaba, like I said last night, I am getting fed up with our friendship. She responded harshly.

Oh really? That means the friendship is over right?

Hahahah, anyway I've heard you. Please just go ahead and do as you wish. I responded sarcastically and walked to my seat.

During the second lecture, I just picked up my bag and walked out of the lecture hall.

Everyone turned to look at me when I was leaving but like hell, I gave no damn.

I walked straight to the chancellor's office.

Hello Baaba, I'm glad to see you here.

Anyway let me cease this opportunity to apologize to you for my wife's primitive behavior yesterday. He said.

Don't worry at all sir. I'm very fine.

Anyway, will you have time to go out with me for dinner tonight? I asked seductively.

Eeerrrm Baaba, I have to inform my wife first. He responded.

Come on sir, what better advice can that your archaic wife give you?

I'm actually inviting you to the most expensive dinner ever.

The dinner that will give you sleepless nights.

The dinner that will give you blue balls if you turn it down. I convinced seductively and stood up from where I was seated and walked towards his desk.

I sat right in front of him on his desk and opened my legs a bit wide.

I then slid my pant to one side for him to have a view of the dinner I was talking about.

He began to sweat profusely.

Tell me sir, how do you see this dinner? Isn't it enticing enough? I asked seductively.

He could still not say anything.

He gazed deeply at my pussy.

Slowly, I held his confused head and pushed it down to my pussy.

Come on sir, taste it! Go ahead and taste it. I whispered.

He began to lick my pussy as if it was food.

He breathed rapidly.

Two minutes after his greedy licking, I stood up from the desk.

How did it go sir? I asked seductively and walked back to my seat.

He just stared into my eyes without saying anything.

Wow wow wow! I can see you are dumbfounded.

Anyway, call me when you close, for a full taste of what just happened. I said and walked out of his office.

I walked back to the hostel to freshen up from the chancellor's saliva in my pussy.

I giggled as I entered my washroom.

Hahahaha! This is just the beginning.

This chancellor hasn't seen anything yet.

I will give him the best laughter of the century and that is what is going to give his wife an everlasting tears. I thought happily.

I freshened up and threw myself on my bed.

Lectures must go to hell, after all, I am going to gain the best grades after the semester. I thought as sleep carried me away.

To be continued...