
day on campus 2




My stay on campus was full of fun and swag.

One day, after dinner in my chancellor's house, his wife, Mama Tina, sat me down for a mother to daughter talk.

Baaba, I am very happy to see you associating yourself with my family, and I'm privileged to be sitting down here with you as a daughter because I don't have a child of my own. I therefore want to take this opportunity to advise you. She said.

I'm listening mummy. I responded.

Baaba, there is more to life than you see it.

Your parents might be rich today but it shouldn't guarantee your wayward life.

Your sister Eve is not like that. She's humble and simple.

Baaba, I've been observing how you dress and talk to others, and I must say, it isn't speaking well about you. Please, learn to be simple and respectful to everyone you come in contact with. Mama Tina advised.

I stared at her barren lips in anger and finally decided to talk.

I'm sorry you see me this way mummy.

And I'm equally disappointed in you for comparing me to my big sister Eve.

It is never my fault to be born into a rich family.

It is also not my fault to be my parents most pampered child.

How I dress or talk is as a result of my family's wealth, so anyone that finds fault with it, is not worth talking to.

Mummy, I can see that, these mere foods I come to eat in your house is bothering you, and I promise not to come here again.

I thought we were family, I didn't know you hated me. I responded gently but angrily.

No Baaba, don't get me wrong, I rather want the best for you. She said.

I just stared at her from head to toe and stood up to leave.

Baaba, come back. Please don't walk out on me, I didn't mean any harm. She pleaded as I walked out.

Just then, the chancellor came out from his bedroom.

What is going on here?

Baaba, why are you leaving? Has anyone offended you? He asked worriedly.

Yes sir, your wife has just insulted me bitterly. I stopped and responded.

Mama Tina tried explaining but the husband cut in angrily.

Will you shut up Tina! What is wrong with you? How dare you insult our guest? He yelled.

The woman burst into tears.

I looked on and walked out of the room.

The man followed me to the compound.

Baaba, I'm sorry for this embarrassment, please forgive us and don't tell your parents about it. He said.

No problem sir, but the truth is that, I won't come to your house again. I responded and drove out of his house.

I got to the hostel and threw my angry self on the bed.

Cindy came into my room after few minutes.

Baaba, you don't seem happy, what is wrong? She inquired.

Cindy, I've been insulted in the chancellor's house by his barren wife and I promise to deal with her squarely. I explained angrily.

Calm down Baaba, what exactly transpired between the two of you? Cindy asked.

I took my time and explained everything to her.

Aaahh Baaba! But this is nothing to be angry about.

The woman was only trying to be a mother to you. Cindy said.

Whatever Cindy! I just hate it when people insult me all in the name of truth telling.

I hate it when people compare me to my sister Eve.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm not happy about the words she used on me. I responded in bitterness.

Cindy, I promise to cause that woman real pain. I threatened.

Whatever Baaba, you are becoming controversial by each day and I'm not happy about it. Cindy responded and walked out to her room.

I laid quietly on my bed thinking of how best I can pay Mama Tina back with her harsh words and comparison.

Quickly, I remembered to call my mom and tell her what had happened.

Hello mummy, good evening. I greeted.

Good evening my precious daughter.

I hope there isn't any problem? You don't always call me this late. She said.

There is a problem mom. Can you imagine the chancellor's wife has insulted my personality just because of a high spiced miserable food she invited me to? I said.

And what did you tell her? Mom asked.

Nothing mom, I just walked out of her house and promised never to go back there again. I responded.

Baaba, why did you allow her to go free?

You should have given her the insult of her life.

Such a loser! Mom insulted angrily.

Don't worry mom, I have painful plans for her.

I promise to cause her intense pain. I threatened.

That is my daughter, I trust the hell in you.

I got your back always. Mom responded.

Thanks mom but please, don't tell daddy about it. I said.

I won't my daughter, you know how your father is, he's going to side with them and scold you instead. Mom responded.

Alright mom, you will here from me later.

Have a good night. I bid and hanged up.

Early the next morning, I wore my sexiest body tight dress, showing all my curves and went to campus.

To be continued...