

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#9: Runaway * NO MANS LAND II

Jake runs the armored vehicle right through the blockade, bullets of solid darkness penetrating the front and back.

Josh: "Shit!"

Rayz crawls over to check him out. "You're fine, it didnt penetrate your skin."

Jake: "Josh im happy for you, BUT GET ON THE TURRET!"

The light beams intensify now that theres no risk of civilians, Jake has to swerve intensely, otherwise the entire vehicle could get melted away.

Josh mounts the turret from the inside, as the actual turret raises up from the top.

Josh: "BITE ME!" He screams as he unleashes an array of lead.

Jake: "Focus on one thing at a time! If we can take down just 1 helicopter it could take down more with it!"

Josh: "EAT MY ASS!" He continues unleashing a bullet storm towards the chase squad

Rayz: "This isnt good! A lot of the bullets are missing their target because of the swerving!"

Jake: "Cant do shit about that!"

Rayz: "Where the hell do we go from here anyway?"


Jake: "They wouldn't dare follow us if we get close enough to civilization, they are already technically trespassing."


The bullet storm takes down one of the helicopters, which crashes into 2 vehicles

Josh: "HELL YEAH!"

Josh catches a glimse of Nyx jumping out of the falling helicopter and landing on top of another one.

Josh: "Shit! You're right hes here!"

Jake: "Thats not good.. we could get blasted any second!"

Josh: "NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!" He begins ferociously firing upwards towards Nyx, but he simply envelops himself in darkness.

Josh: "Jackass..."

Jake looks forward on the road, catching a glimse of a weird looking figure. "Hells that?"

Rayz crawls over to check it out "Is that.. a guy?"


The mysterious figure pulls out a weird looking...weapon? A mix between a sword and a gun.

The figure shoots a bolt of lightning straight to the sky.

Jake: "Shit... Lightning realm soldiers already?"

Rayz: "Just one?"

The figure gets closer to the incoming car

Rayz: "Holy shit what is he doing! Stop the car!"

He grabs onto the steering wheel "STOP THE CAR!"

Jake hits the brakes right before hitting the mysterious figure.

The man jumps on top of the armored vehicle, his weapon pointed directly at Nyx.