

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#10: Reunion * NO MANS LAND III

Josh tries to get a good look at the man who jumped on top of the car, but he cant tell much other than that hes wearing winter clothes, a heavy scarf, and is wielding this mysterious weapon.

Josh: Why is this jackass dressed like this patrolling a desert?

Nyx jumps down from atop the helicopter, his solid darkness breaking his fall as he lands.

Nyx: "Well, well, well... an old friend is it?"

The mysterious figure takes a second to speak up.

"This vehicle and its occupants are under Lightning realm juristiction."

Nyx: "Well you're no fun. How about you just hand these 3 over."

Mysterious man: "You out of all people should know not to show your face here."

Nyx: "is that so?"

Mysterious man: "Turn back now, and i'll let your men leave unscathed."

Nyx: "I'm not the biggest fan of threats..." He draws his sword.

Mysterious man: "Are you going to endanger the lives of everyone here? You know you wouldn't get something out of this fight.

What does this... vehicle even mean to you?"

Nyx: "You could say... i have a reason to want the occupants inside it."

Mysterious man: "Tough luck. These are striker's orders. Im to retrieve the vehicle and the occupants."

Nyx: "Striker, huh?' He puts his sword back its in case.

Nyx stares down the man.

Mysterious man: "Go."

Nyx turns around, signaling to his men to retreat.

Rayz, Josh and Jake both stare in awe as the chase squad and Nyx dissapear, and the mysterious man stands there, rifle still pointed in their direction.

Josh: "What the hell just happend you guys?"

Jake: "I dont know but.. think this guy might have saved our asses.."

Rayz: "Just who is this guy?"

The man lowers his rifle, turning around, he starts to make a slow approach towards the back of the car.

Mysterious man: "Open the door."

Jake complies, opening the back door.

The man points the rifle inside the vehicle.

Mysterious man: "You, Off the turret." He says to josh. "You, Drive." He says to jake.

They both comply.

Mysterious man: "All 3 of you are under custody of the Lightning realm. king Striker has requested your presence."