

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#18: Winter D. Oswald.

Winter: "I sounded pretty ominous there, huh?"

Rayz: "What the hell, the immortal soldier?"

Winter: "I've lived a good 500 years."

Rayz: "That can't be true... no way..."

Winter: "I wish it wasnt. It gets pretty boring sometimes, watching everyone die."

Rayz: Why are you even here...? Are you the one who killed my mother? Are you the assassin?!"

Winter: "Woah there pal. Why would i do that? I was friends with your mother. Listen, im here for my reasons."

Rayz: "What reasons... what would a man like you be doing here?"

Winter: "Just because i watch everyone die doesn't mean i dont continue living, yeah?"

Rayz: "This... this is all crazy."

Winter: "You should get that shocked expression out of your face. Life is about to get a lot harder for you."

Rayz: "Is that so..."

Winter: "You cant even fathom it, really.'

A large broad man approaches Winter and Ray, out of his head is a horn, his upper body having a hint of gray. "Striker wants both of you."

Winter: "We'll be there."

Rayz: "Who the hell was that... why does he look..."

Winter: "Thats commander Aaron. Hes genetically part rhino."

Rayz: "Okay, youre just fucking with me now."

Winter: "I'm not. I would explain it, but we still actually dont know how that happend to him. Its been like that since he was born."

Rayz: "Are you getting aroused ruining my perception of reality or something?"

Winter unlocks his cell. "Well, sorry about that. I'm not big on wasting time anymore."

Rayz: "Are we going back to the throne room?

Winter: It sounds like that, yeah."

Rayz: "I'm not excited about it."

Winter: "I get it."

They approach the throne room once more. But in reality, they both know whats in store.

Striker, Spark and Aaron are already waiting. Zayn and Eisenhower are also on stand as guards.

Rayz doesn't raise his head from the ground.

Rayz: "This is an audience..."

Winter: "Dont bother, Striker. Me and him both know."

Striker: "This is certainly a suprise."

Spark: "But i thought you guys said Varah never gave birth, how could this be?"

Aaron: "Pesky rat must have managed to give birth in secret."

Winter: "And in the uniteds, of all places."

Rayz: "Wheres Jake and Josh?"

Spark: "They are still in their cell. Dont worry, i couldnt help but gossip..."

Striker sighs. "Zayn, stand forth."

Zayn approaches the middle of the room.