

The "Atomsplit" Follows our main protagonist, Rayz, who possesses the ability to manipulate atoms & elementalist energy. With the help of the 3 powerful Realm rulers, he must learn to control his powers and defeat a force opposite to him that's bound to release into the world, while also fighting alongside his allies to defend eachother from powerful enemies known as death merchants, who seek to aid in the release of Rayz's opposite.

Teapotters · Fantasy
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41 Chs

#17: What is this for?

Rayz has been put in a cell, under the careful watch of Winter.

They sit around for a while, not a word spoken.

Rayz breaks the silence. "So... what are they testing me for?"

Winter: "It's complicated.

Tell me, Ray. Where are your parents?"

Rayz: "Oh, i never met them."

Winter:" I see. So who was taking care of you?"

Rayz: "Who was taking care of me? Well...me. I've been living alone for as long as i can remember."

Winter: "So i take it you've always provided for yourself, as well."

Rayz: "Yeah... i guess i have."

Winter: "Have you heard about the Atomsplit?"

Rayz: "I think it rings a bell, yeah."

Winter: "The atomsplit is a lineage of elementalists, with the ability to shape everything and anything around them."

Rayz: "Are you serious?"

Winter: "Yes. The same way a Lightning elementalist can create and control thunder, their lineage can control and shape physical and elementalist matter."

Rayz: "What does this have to do with me?"

Winter: "The previous Atomsplit died at the hands of a powerful assassin. From what we know, she never had an heir.


Take your pants off."

Rayz: "Huh?!"

Winter: "Just do it. Let me see your left thigh for a second."

Rayz lifts his pants up, trying to give Winter the best view he can.

Winter spots what he expected, a birthmark that matches what he had in mine.

Winter: "That birthmark... what do you know about it?"

Rayz: "Well... nothing. It's just a birthmark."

Winter: "Right. Just a birthmark..."

Rayz: "So how does this whole thing relate to me?"

Winter: "Thats what they are testing you for. Your high energy levels can only be explained by you being the Atomsplit."

Rayz: "But i've never sensed anything weird, and i certainly cant control matter or whatever."

Winter: "Do you have a better explanation?

The previous Atomsplit was named Varah. She had the same birthmark on your thigh."

Winter gets closer to his cell, hand on the steel bar.

"It doesn't require a genius, Ray. Most likely, Varah was your mother. And by that logic, you're the Atomsplit."

Rayz gets up and places his hands on the steel bars, trying to shake them. "That cant be true, and you know it!"

Winter: "I dont need a dna test to prove it to me, listen here.

I knew your mother.

You share her personality...

Her hair...

And she was stupid like you, maybe stupider."

Rayz grip on the steel bars tighten. "How can you... claim to have known my mother. You dont look much older than me... jackass..."

Winter: "You cant read situations well, can you?

Tell me, do you not question why Nyx retreated from me? Why Striker's attack did nothing to me?"

Rayz: "Well i guess thats all weird but..."

Winter: "I am far from normal, Ray. I've met your mother, your grandfather, and i was there to witness generations of your line.'

Rayz: "What the hell are you saying...

Winter: During the unification war, i had a very fitting code name by Nyx.

"The immortal soldier". Brings back memories..."