
Atom & Lily

-New chapters every Tuesday and Thursday!= After the disappearance of the famous Killerpatty the fifth, the world is left without heroes to protect the people which leaves gangs and villains to take over streets, Oliver was a hero but after finding out his teammates were killed by a villain named Grin Scurvy he took to enforcing justice on all evildoers and out of pure revenge plans to find Grin Scurvy and show him a piece of his mind, along the way Oliver meets the shadow-being Atom who grants Oliver power that helps him on his quest and a School girl Lily who had part of her family killed by Grin Scurvy as well, they all want to help Oliver on his quest for revenge.

Killerpatty_Studio · Action
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33 Chs

Questioning the People (Oliver’s POV)

December 21st 2020

Lily and I took the monorail to Killerpatty Park, "Got any Christmas plans?" I asked Lily, small talk has never been my strong suit and I try to avoid it but why not start it now, "Well I was planning on having a small Christmas feast with Jackson and then open some presents, and I'm pretty sure my dad is shipping some presents to our house too." Lily replied back, "What about you Oliver?" She shot the question right back at me, "I haven't had a normal Christmas in a long time so I don't know, usual I just buy hot chocolate with a sprinkle of instant coffee instead of a cup of regular coffee on Christmas." I answered, "Now entering Killerpatty station!" The announcer intruded our conversation, "We'll continue this later right now it's game time." I said to Lily.

We arrived at Killerpatty park and it was just as I envisioned it... it's a terrible place, we could see the Statue of Killerpatty just vandalized to hell, "Alright so let me recap on the plan, we'll all go around and ask about Grin Scurvy, Lily you'll be accompanied by Atom while I'll go around asking questions alone." I tell the squad, "You got it Leader!" Lily said as she gave me a salute, "Same here" Atom replied, "Alright then, lets find this bastard." I said as we began our tasks.

I began to walk around the area looking for someone suitable to talk to but all I'm seeing are drug addicts, homeless people, drug dealers, around but very few thugs, I hated every second being here but I couldn't quit now I had to seriously find a lead right now or this would all be for nothing, as I walked I found three thugs talking to each other, I began to walk over to them.

"Hey!" I shouted at a group of thugs just talking to each other, "huh, What is it kid?" One of the thugs asks me with a rude tone, "Do y'all know where I could find Grin scurvy by any chance?" I ask them, "what's it to ya?" another thug said, I started to grow angry from inpatients, "Randoms aren't allowed to see the big cheese in any way." A thug explained to me, "Say... you look familiar..." All the thugs began to close in one me when I knew attracting attention on myself would turn out bad so I had to go to easy route, I decided to yell out the Apex gang code to the thugs in order to lower their suspicion on me, "Ad Summitatem." I quickly exclaimed at the thugs before they can close in on me, they stopped right in their tracks, "So you're part of apex too." One of the thugs replied.

"Well sorry kid but the bossman is busy right now with a weapons deal so i don't know if you'll be permitted to see him right now." He said to me, "what's the weapon's deal about?" I asked, "The boss is doing a deal with one of our rival gangs to improve gang relations I think." One of the thugs explained "I heard that it's to absorb that gang into apex without provoking a gang war." Another thug added, "so he's doing a weapons deal..." I said to myself, "but tell me, why exactly would a kid like you want to see Grin Scurvy?" He began to question me, I placed my hands near my holster as the tension began to grow, something was about to happen...

"BANG!" A gunshot went off but not from me or the thugs, it was in the distance, "The Boss!" One of the thugs said as they began to run towards where Grin Scurvy was located, I began to run close by when I see Lily and Atom close by too, "Did your hear that!" Lily yelled as more gunshots could be heard from inside one of the buildings near the Killerpatty statue, it seemed a full fire fight was going on inside, "We need to go to the source of the gunshots!" I ordered at Lily and Atom, "I'll be right back Oliver." Atom said as he float off somewhere else, the gun shots began to get closer and closer when suddenly multiple cars could be heard revving up and leaving the area, I needed to know what was happening.

Honk honk!

"I'm one step ahead of you Oliver!" Atom said as he pulled up with a stolen car, "I found Grin Scurvy, he's headed towards the freeway to escape!" Atom explained to us, "Atom where did you get a car from?" Lily questioned him, "Don't worry about it and get in we don't have time!" He yelled at us to get in the car, I got in the driver's seat, I haven't drove a car in a while so I was rusty at driving, I hit the gas and off we went to tail Grin Scurvy and bring him to justice.

Hello, this is Killerpatty Studios talking and we would like to thank you for reading: Atom & Lily, make sure to add this to your library, tell your friends, co-workers, whatever!, Comments, gifts and votes will be much appreciated! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for anything in the works on my instagram @the_comicbook_writer or @killerpatty_studios, take care now!

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