
Atom & Lily

-New chapters every Tuesday and Thursday!= After the disappearance of the famous Killerpatty the fifth, the world is left without heroes to protect the people which leaves gangs and villains to take over streets, Oliver was a hero but after finding out his teammates were killed by a villain named Grin Scurvy he took to enforcing justice on all evildoers and out of pure revenge plans to find Grin Scurvy and show him a piece of his mind, along the way Oliver meets the shadow-being Atom who grants Oliver power that helps him on his quest and a School girl Lily who had part of her family killed by Grin Scurvy as well, they all want to help Oliver on his quest for revenge.

Killerpatty_Studio · Action
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33 Chs

Crimson Preparatory School

"You want me to attend your school?" I questioned Lily.

She began telling about a idea she had where I would attend her school, "so the idea is, instead of you having to wait until I leave from school at three, you can come to school with me, I had my friend Sophia sent everything up for you which includes a school uniform and a school ID like mine." She told me as she handed me my uniform and ID badge.

I honestly thought her idea was crazy since I never even graduated high school and I was one years older than Lily. "Come on Oliver, Its better than sleeping on a bench until three-o-clock comes by." Lily told me, I had to give it some thought cause this sounds really weird to hear from a person I just met, "Are you sure you're ok with this?" I asked her, "I'm really okay with just walking around town until you get out of school." I said to Lily, "Its gonna be A-ok Oliver!" She enthusiastically said to me, "Alright then, I guess I'll join you at school." I said agreeing to her idea and decided to call it a night, "alright then Goodnight Oliver!" She kindly said to me, I decided to sleep on her couch.

December 16th 2020 3:48 AM

I couldn't sleep since I have a ruined sleep schedule from all the nights I spent trying to find Grin Scurvy, I began having deep thoughts to myself, "Why do I keep feeling this burning sensation in my heart that I cant explain?" I told myself in thought, suddenly a voice chimed in, it was Deep and Dark voice talking.

"That burning feeling is your Anger." The voice tells me, "Your anger has built up far enough and is trying to manifest itself but must be unlocked before you can use it properly Master Oliver."

"I never saw it like that before, thanks for telling me that Atom." I said when Atom suddenly popped out of nowhere, he looked like he just woke up, "You say something Oliver?" Atom confusingly told me, "Huh? Didn't we just talk about my anger and it manifesting?... ah nevermind I'm just losing my mind." I said to Atom, I rolled over and decided to try and go to sleep.

December 16th 2020, 8:30 AM

It was morning, I decided to take the school uniform and put it on, I've never worn a school uniform before so It felt pretty uncomfortable to me, I decided to let a few buttons loose and leave the jacket unbuttoned too just so that I don't suffer from heatstroke.

"Alright Lily I'm dressed up." I said to her as I walked out from her bathroom, Lily and Atom looked so amused from seeing me in a school uniform, "Not gonna lie Oliver, you look like a whole different person now without your homeless person attire." Atom mockingly said to me, that damn ghost is gonna pay for saying that, "I gotta take a picture with you Oliver!" Lily said as she took out her phone to take a selfie with me, I was starting to hate everyone second I was in this uniform, we finally got to the school gates where I presumed Lily's friend Sophia was at, "Alright Lily and I'm guessing Oliver Peddleton?" Sophia said to the both of us, "In the flesh." I sarcastically responded, "Right... just don't get into any trouble and if you do, don't rope me into any of it." Sophia told us.

we began our day but unlike Lily, I wasn't given a class schedule most likely to not raise suspicion. I decided to sleep in a bathroom stall and just wait until lunch time.

The Lunch bell rang, specifically the third bell which is Lily's lunch groups, I looked all over the lunchroom and found Lily sitting all by herself, she looked sad somewhat so I decided asked her what's wrong, she jumped, "Oh Oliver!, I didn't see you there.", Sophia also arrived, "I have no clue what you two are planning and what Oliver is doing in our school.", I decided to tell her what was going on.

"I see, so all these years of being missing was really just you going to seek revenge, doesn't your family miss you or something?" Sophia questioned me, I looked down while saying "I didn't have a family growing up..." the table grew quiet, I saw Lily chug her milk carton and let out a burp to kill the awkward silence, suddenly a boy slammed his hand against the table, "how grotesque Lilth." The boy said, he sounded snobby and rude, "Gerald..." Lily said scolding and him, "It would be promising if you could stop being a slob while the rest of us eat Lilith." Gerald said to Lily angrily, "You mind leaving her alone." I said to Gerald, suddenly he began to scold at me, "and just who are you among these two losers?" He questioned me, I knew I couldn't say my full name or my usual Alias so I had to come up with something quick, "I'm Adam and I'm new here but that doesn't matter, I told you to leave her alone, she's just trying to have some fun." I said to him, I chose Adam as a play on words with Atom, "Well then Adam, you're on my watchlist just like these two idiots." He angrily said as he walked away, after he finally left the three of us continued to talk until lunch was over.

I returned to my bathroom stall and decided to take a uncomfortable nap, I was woken up to voices in the bathroom, "Did you hear that Gerald is gonna fight Lily today?" One of the voices said, "I know right? That guy is ruthless, he doesn't show mercy to anyone." Another voice said, I grew concerned for her safety with Atom telling me in my mind "you should go look for her.", I got out of the stall and decided to look around for her.

I walked throughout the school until I saw the courtyard where I saw a crowd of students gathered together, I quickly made my way to the courtyard. "Fight, Fight, Fight!" I heard begin chanted as I entered the crowd, I made my way to the middle of it where I began to hear his voice, "Come on Lily, surely a martial artist like you can take me down, do it!" Gerald yelled at Lily, Lily looked down the whole time ignoring him, I could sense something about to happen, Gerald was about to throw a punch at Lily until I stepped in and catched the punch for her.

Hello, this is Killerpatty Studios talking and we would like to thank you for reading: Atom & Lily, make sure to add this to your library, tell your friends, co-workers, whatever!, Comments, gifts and votes will be much appreciated! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for anything in the works on my instagram @the_comicbook_writer or @killerpatty_studios, take care now!

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