
ATLANTIS: President Rourke, Reborn. (Reworking through new book.)

A man from 21st century London had died in his apartment, during a peaceful sleep. He felt unaccomplished with his previous life due to an uncaring government, dead-end job, no common social life or family to directly communicate with. He tried to reach out, he saw so much potential for the world he lived in, yet it was only provided to so few. So when he called to the void (That is Discord), his soul was caught by a being of unknown name. Which randomly selected a world and his 'features' to reincarnate into without listening to his ramblings. Now reborn in 1860 as Lyle Tyberius Rourke with a hyper-adaptive and 'self-acting body', he will learn that: - The greater the influence to the world he is in will lead to an increase of his strength, and the more he learns or already has understood topics. 'His body could do the necessary actions to complete it.' Sounding vague but promising, he is thrust into a world that he will do his best to alter for the better.

Jaedyn_Deliverer · Movies
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11 Chs

What, I am reborn as Rourke!?

David, currently in a state between unconsciousness and wakefulness; rests peacefully within a warm embrace of flesh and amniotic fluid. Feeling comfortable within the womb of his soon to be mother. He is calm. Yet he does not question why he is so; as that may simply be because of his developing hormonal glands and limbic system. He would hear the hum of his mother, singing lullabies to him. Because his body is barely under his own control. He continuously lulls to sleep.

David could barely hear what his mother and father talk about normally. In some cases, he could hear his father yelling, or even the screams - then sobs of his mother. Sometimes he wonders if it's because they're in a psychologically abusive relationship. Or if it is expected because in this timeline there are continuous wars that may lead to the increased stress of his family. 

David: 'I just wish them happiness. I hope that once I have my voice back, I can help them develop properly. But I must plan, from what I remember during these times. It was extremely religious.' So he plans ahead on the most efficient way forward without the risk of others calling him a 'demon child' or a 'Child of Satanus'. Or as best he could, that is. For he continuously fell asleep and due to his undeveloped mind he sometimes forgot the point of a plan and would need to retrace his steps. 

He feels he is developing fast, unnaturally so. As if the 'Hyper-adaptive body' gift he has been given is already influencing him from within the womb. 'Maybe I am already influencing people around me because of my mother? From what I can gather from the shouts of my father. He sounds to be an instructor or person of importance. I believe I heard him call himself 'Colonel. J. Rourke." He muses.

David: '. . . WAIT A MOMENT, I AM LYLE TIBERIUS ROURKE!? From what I remember, Father is Jackson Rourke and Mother is Rachel Lee Rourke? That can't be right, I am meant to be born a villain. . ? No, wait. I know who I am now, that's good. I can plan at this point.' He says to himself. Due to the great shifting of emotions, he uncontrollably kicked his mother, she started cooing to him in a soft, melodic voice. Then his father joined in the fray, much to David's chagrin.

David: 'I can at least tell they love each other. So it must be the latter, due to the stresses of war and the current elections between Abraham Lincoln, John C. Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen A. Douglas. The country is split apart due to so many issues. . . Maybe I can use this to my advantage!' His facial muscles, while undeveloped, still allowed him to give a small smile.

'As I am meant to develop at a much faster rate, maybe I can develop my mother and father's standing. Then from there, I can use our influence to directly assimilate Abraham Lincoln's ideologies for our own. I would be a child at that point, and if I am underestimated. I could strike the other three at their lowest. I could be a beneficiary and guide. Maybe I could develop communication technologies. As currently it was only the Galley Proof Press and 'The Pony Express." He affirmed.

(The Galley Proof Press was a printing press for mass production, The Pony Express was a more advanced version of the Telegraph that was developed during 1860, which compared to other models at the time that would take 12 - 15 days to transmit messages from one side to the other of America. On average, The Pony Express could do it in 10 days if signal strength was good.)

David: 'I could use such religious dogmas for my advantage and count myself as a Child of (a) God? Maybe to further add credibility. I could enhance many technologies at once. No, I could be captured by the government. First I must build a fan base or a direct presentation of myself to then reduce the risk of other parties kidnapping my parents or me. This could also help me develop my powers. Creating a virtuous cycle. Technically I was helped by an 'R.O.B' so it counts!' He jokes to himself. 

'Maybe he could also reduce the risk of companies like W. R. Hearst and William DuPont trying to push away ideas like Hemp Rope or Insulation for the development of construction and agriculture. And he could reduce the risk to the environment and the people such as Thomas Midgley Jr's Leaded Gasoline Or Henri Nestle's confectioneries causing such harm to others. . .' Then, it suddenly clicks.

'How about I join 'The Skull and Bones Society? They were created in 1832 and were used by the elite of the World at the time to develop their agendas. I could contact people that, while selfish and egoistic did their best to 'perfect their images' and held incredible sway over the people. I could use many to my advantage, and I can check over my history by seeing them personally, maybe some of them weren't as bad as they were stated in history. Or maybe they were worse, I will see.' 

David has affirmed his ideas. He planned for other such examples of World Secret Societies like the 'Freemasonry,' the 'Rosicrucianistic groups,' the 'Carbonari / Charbonnerie groups,' the 'Oddfellows', the 'E Clampus Vitus,' and a few others like the College or University types. Maybe he could unify these ideals and create a World unification project to reduce bloodshed. 

'Don't be too aggressive or eager, David. You will have more than enough time to do this.' He stated to himself. At the rate David was going, he was planning for a full world takeover, Illuminati conspiracy style. But with how much bloodshed and with how much of the scientific or economic progress would be developed that was expected within the next 200 years. It is best this way while still allowing for a semblance of free will for the people. So much of his talks would involve that specific topic.

Because in the end, no matter your ideals, power is what matters most to uphold them. And he gains power through such influence. And with how he is developing now, imagine how well he will develop in the future once it influences more than 2 people personally, and a few others through him by his father's emotional responses due to David. Sometimes he would try timing his responses between areas for the most effect available.

In 'ATLANTIS: Milo's Return' characters like Surtr and Ymir could individually destroy the planet's surface in over a month if they chose to move between continents. While together, when marked with the spear, could destroy an entire world within a single day. 'While compared to other media that is not that powerful. . .' David grumbles, knowing at this point he'd have no way to defeat them, even with an army. The only way to defeat them is with other unnamed Atlantean Weapons.

'Possibly beyond this world, many power sources like the Heart of Atlantis exist. It was originally a comet imbued with this power through a cosmic phenomenon. And even after 9,000 years. It has not diminished. . . Maybe it was made via Supernovae, there was that West Australian Telescope that found a 9,000-year-old Supernova Remnant in 2019?' David posited. 

Either way, whether David theorizes or not about these processes does not matter, because he has no way to see any astronomical objects of interest. He just has to wait at this point. And so he waits, he bided his time and developed himself by following the 'wording' of the power. 'If it wished to develop me according to my desires. Does that mean I can develop my memories from the past too?' And as such, he continuously wished for more memories from his past life that he forgot.

And it worked, but very slowly. Memories that were vague took weeks to develop. But they were steady, that's all that mattered. He was able to memorize the most complex information and stopped studying the rest. For he could easily self-memorize information using key phrases, and equations that were turned into rhymes or songs and studies through linguistic tricks over a period of 4 months.

He only had 3 months left before he was born. So he had to work quickly. He could easily decipher and infer information from what he knew to figure out simpler topics. And as such, he began wishing for his body to be born healthy and strong. . . He focused on developing his body for athleticism and marksmanship. As the military was required for his plans. Though, there was an issue with the wish. . .

'Why can I see in the womb?' He could open his eyes already, he kept them closed anyway as the amniotic fluid stung his eyes. He was overdeveloped through muscular hypertrophy, with great muscle density, which must mean his MSTN Gene was underdeveloped and he felt like he already weighed like the heaviest baby ever born, the record being 22 Pounds (9.98 kg.)

He was even starting to worry that he would be too big for his mother and it could lead to complications for the birth. So David began focusing on flexibility and bone realignment to reduce the strain. This could potentially lead to issues down the line unless he deals with it directly due to too much strength against double/triple jointedness. But it will at least keep his mother safe. Other features he's tried to wish for his body are:

- Greater Allele size and genetic repair mechanisms with the removal of potential genetic illnesses. 

- Greater Neuronal Stem Cell production and greater reception to Glial Cell development.

- Greater Hemoglobin Cell Count and originally synthetic PFCOC production through cell micro development in the lungs and trachea, increasing oxygen intake.

- Reduced Instinctual aggressiveness, to increase Logic Control Setup, while not affecting emotional development while increasing levels of empathy and reading.

- Development of Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep with additional full-consciousness state selectable for when under high-stress situations and in life or death situations, sleeping is a risk. Similar to the Cyrcadian Half-Cycler from RimWorld.

- Adaptable blood type separation, similar to an O- blood type. It reduces the risk of other peoples' antibodies attacking the blood. Except that it cascades within the body, similar to Chronic Wasting Disease's prions, except positively. Making the transfused person a blood type universal donor.

The influence over an entire platoon of people thanks to his father's orders has allowed for this development. If not for this, it would've been brought to development during the formative years of life. 

Other features are found here, and with David being in the womb, it allows for the fastest development available with the most realistic outcome:



It has been 8 months at this point. And his development is coming close to an end. Each of the features he had wished for had come true. He is close to genetically perfect and there's so little genetic instability that he could live for over 500 Years without looking a day over 35 or so. Of course, he wouldn't leave the people who he cares for to die. So he would alter them like him soon.

He even added 6 Finger Developed Polydactily and custom features. Such as an increase in bone development within the knuckles and shins (with an iron-storage system within the torso that is transferrable through a separate, instinctual reactive system through certain hormonal imbalances that involve anger.) This means his punches act like natural knuckle dusters. And his shin kicks can bend hollow aluminium bars without needing training. Similar to a YouTube video he once saw:


He chose polydactyly because under the bible and certain other religions or cultures. People with 6 fingers and toes per extremity were revered as 'Children of the Nephilim.' Or as incarnations of Gods / Gods' Guardians. And with such design through genetic over-preparedness. He didn't wish to alter himself so much that he became unrecognizable from humanity. Because that would increase the risk of dehumanisation.

He has his plans ready, his hands are maybe steady, He Is ClEaRlY nOt StReSsEd, NO, NOT AT ALL!? 'Calm yourself, David. You don't want them to think that you're going berserk.' He sighs to himself. Fully unprepared for what is to come, yet just like when he first met Watcher. He will always be grateful and hopeful for a new day. He has less than 15 days to prepare before he will begin to force himself out. 'Do not think about it. Do not think about it. Do not. . .' He repeats to himself.

He must make a good first impression on the doctors once he is born. If not, they would probably treat him as a Demonic Spawn. And we are not gonna want that. Though, how should I act? Should I act like an adult, which would easily freak the crap out of them? Or should I act like a normal baby for about 5 - 6 months but 'develop myself' at an incredibly fast rate in their eyes?

'Eh, I'll think about that for once I am actually by the due date. Otherwise, I will freak myself out through continuous over-preparation and self-doubt. I've repeated that process enough times already.' He tries to joke to himself to calm down further. Luckily he had also learned how to control his reflexive instincts. Otherwise, he would've been kicking his mother's belly enough to cause an internal bruise.

'Though, because of the development of my body. It has at least provided my mother with a semblance of the developments. Babies have the ability to transfer the mother's antibodies and stem cells with their own if she is weakened. And because I am biologically better than her. I have been transferring her enough to make her feel stronger than she ever will be before I am born. Maybe this will count as a form of influence?

Hopefully, they don't get weirded out because of that. Usually, they are meant to get weaker over time due to the pregnancy after all. Heh, I can just imagine that with the amount of nutrients I required, she has been eating enough food to feed two grown men, probably.' He started internally giggling, just imagining a woman eating that amount of food every day. That at least helped alleviate his stress, in a strange biologist sort of way. 

5 Days have passed since that strange 'insider' joke has occurred (badum tss.) And there is one final necessary function before he will be born. For instance, his eye colour is now a vibrant golden yellow. Being so reflective that it almost looks like Molten Gold if even under medium lighting conditions. 'That should at least take care of the holy look.'

Even David, who was as anxious as he was and focused on personality rather than looks as he did, would feel enamoured with the baby he was becoming. He had wished for himself to look as adorable and innocent as possible. Where it would then develop to such severe handsomeness in the future that he is worried that it would make anyone wish to go to war for him. As that in itself is a form of power. 'Of course, once genetic manipulation becomes common, anyone could become so.

There are few avenues other than Beauty and Intelligence in the modern world. Sadly it can lead to evil people turning the tides and turning their guilty verdict into innocence, even if they had evidence to say otherwise, or their charisma could allow them to do more damage. So it should at least be controlled and monitored before being applied so.' David said, understanding the consequences.

Now another 5 days have passed, and it is 5 days away before it is concluded. David has now come to terms that he will be named after Rourke, a villain he once knew. But is still his own person. And will develop however he wishes, away from the expected death due to the original's own callousness and greed. Though, he wonders if he will be named Lyle. Or if he will be named under a different name, maybe with his features he will be named after a mythological character?

Either way, those are things that won't need to be planned, as that is what his parents will choose. He just has to learn there is a new 'mom' and 'dad' again. And he will do his best to care for them, as they are as real of a family as his original were. Of course, he will have to get the crew together in this one as well, they worked too well together!

And now, it is the date, he will wait for the womb to be at its brightest. He kicks through the amniotic sac, signalling that his mother's water has broken. He waits for their shuffling to calm down and wait by a simple spot. . . Now that it has calmed down, he will exit in 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .

(Do you wish to write a custom name?

Do you wish for him to act as a baby or be an adult?

Do you wish to see him grow up or have a time skip?

Leave your vote as a comment, hope you enjoy it!)