
ATLANTIS: President Rourke, Reborn. (Reworking through new book.)

A man from 21st century London had died in his apartment, during a peaceful sleep. He felt unaccomplished with his previous life due to an uncaring government, dead-end job, no common social life or family to directly communicate with. He tried to reach out, he saw so much potential for the world he lived in, yet it was only provided to so few. So when he called to the void (That is Discord), his soul was caught by a being of unknown name. Which randomly selected a world and his 'features' to reincarnate into without listening to his ramblings. Now reborn in 1860 as Lyle Tyberius Rourke with a hyper-adaptive and 'self-acting body', he will learn that: - The greater the influence to the world he is in will lead to an increase of his strength, and the more he learns or already has understood topics. 'His body could do the necessary actions to complete it.' Sounding vague but promising, he is thrust into a world that he will do his best to alter for the better.

Jaedyn_Deliverer · Movies
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11 Chs


After the process is done, David sees the two people who brought him to this world walk towards David with cautious steps. They experienced the memory transfer in silence, not communicating any of their feelings. They begin sitting by sitting on their knees, they finally ask a single, yet important question. "Are you truly our son, or just one who took over his body?" They ask, the Maid/Nuns suddenly look at them with hostile glares.

"I was meaning to hide it from you, but. . . Your son was meant to be a stillborn, I took over his body because it would've led to a bout of self-destruction that would've led to untold grief and sorrow between you both. And this area has the potential of being developed into an economic city, unlike anything else seen in America." David bull-shits again, though, with his easily controllable tone and expressions, they do not know the wiser. "So know this, once I was timeless, now I am born. I truly am your son." David now said with full confidence.

Jackson Rourke and Rachel Lee Rourke are stunned by his simple, yet deep words. They try to keep it together, knowing the pain he described. But they fail, they begin shedding tears of happiness and hope for a future with David. David gets up and walks towards them, hugging them. Which stuns them both, as their society was built upon modesty around physical contact. Even so, they hug him back.

"I will always care for you both, and in my time here. I will make sure you will not experience any other such pain again. And I do not lie, for life is too short for any such misunderstandings." And he is correct, while now he is a hypocrite, he will choose to not lie again unless necessary, and even then. He would rather choose to bend the truth to match the narrative instead. These are his family now, and he will re-learn how it is to love unconditionally to those who want to bring him into this world.

". . . Thank you, and you have asked for a name. Haven't you? How about Leal, Leal Lee Rourke." His father finally speaks after a few minutes of hugging. "Dear, while that is a nice name that means honesty. It matches too closely to my Maiden Name. How about another?"

They begin to plan the name of David. After 15 different name choices. They finally come to a conclusion. "How about Aluuin? I believe that fits well with the rest of the name.

Aluuin Lee Rourke has a nice ring to it." David asks. 'At least it's not Lyle, small islands don't fit my style.' David internally jokes. "Aluuin, that works very well. Though, before you change, what was your original name?" Jackson Rourke asks. "I once was a shepherd named David before becoming Angelical." David makes a backstory for himself, while still using his real name. "". . . YOU WERE A KING OF ISRAEL!?"" All of them ask at the same time. "It was in the past, no need to fret about it." David jokes with them.

"That's why you had a commanding aura, I thought that was purely because you were from the Heavens." Rachel Lee Rourke jokes back as the way he stares towards them makes even the coldest of people wilt under his gaze. "Heh, I don't mean to be such a presence. While I wish to develop humanity, I do not wish to be a king again. Because-" David gets cut off due to Mother Ambrosina's sputterings, then she says.

"Sorry, but you're the only person we know who has a chance to unite humanity and knows what is best for it, you must become a ruler again, as you once were. Even now, you could give each of us the knowledge necessary to advance beyond what any of us thought possible. And that is non-negotiable, 'young man.'" Mother Ambrosina felt comfortable enough to release decorum and make a joke. 'Which is a step in the right direction' David mused. Now wondering how to help them. He still had the skin on his left hand, so. . .

David skinned his fingers from his left hand while separating the pain receptors from his brain, he would not be able to grab anything for the next few hours while it healed. But it's better than nothing. He split the knowledge from what he could tell about asking about the passions of the nuns; It took a bit of digging because they would keep on saying it was the Lord or that they now have a passion for devoting themselves to Aluuin (David).

Anyway, he has split his six fingers on 'Farming and its technologies,' 'Automated Metal-Forging and Working,' 'Vehicle and Technology Mechanics,' 'Construction and Built Environment,' 'Material and Engineering Sciences,' and 'Business Psychology and Politics'. Each finger's skin was split in half due to the information density, allowing for 2 people to eat one each. And as there were 10 people, it allowed for 2 extra people to have an extra third skill. Making it quite efficient overall, though the information overload made a few pass out.

Mother Ambrosina has now been given 'Business Psychology and Politics,' 'Material and Engineering Sciences,' and 'Construction and Built Environment,' the Prioress Catalina Aagam was given 'Business Psychology and Politics,' 'Automated Metal-Forging and Working,' and 'Vehicle Technology and Mechanics.' The other skills were split depending on the passion and whether they had synergy with each other.

Sadly two Maid/Nuns couldn't get their passions and instead got another skill, but it was necessary for total development. 'I will make it up to those two in the future, probably once I heal my fingers I can give them their 'Dancing/Theatre Playing,' and 'Music/Singing Theory.'' David mentally notes to himself. "So then, with there being no more skin on my fingers to cut off, should I cut off my toe skin instead to spread more knowledge immediately?" David asked them. Not thinking of how strange such a question is.

"NO!" All of them said at the same time, some worrying that being in Heaven for so long has desensitized him to pain or that he is masochistic/suicidal. "Alright then, I hope everyone is currently satisfied with what they have been given. Because there are developments I wish to institute. First, I wish to be under your protection, Mother Ambrosina." He asked directly, as he is rather vulnerable currently while being a newborn.

"You were already under our protection, even if you were not holy. We would've protected the children with our lives, that's what we devoted ourselves to. 'My Lord.'" Mother Ambrosina says. With a humorous tone at the end when she says 'My Lord.' Which worked as a change of topic from what he said. "That is good. Once I heal in a few hours, I will introduce the knowledge for those passions that I was asked for and I wish to develop this town in a way that would be beneficial to all of us." David states his intentions.

"I see, then what do you wish for us to do, then you can't really transfer what you want us to do and we must speak like NORMAL mortals again." Rachel Lee Rourke comments. 'Maybe I should instead start thinking of myself as Aluuin and them as Mom and Dad?' Aluuin seriously thinks to himself, changing his mentality. "Ha-ha, very funny. I have a good plan that will work quite well, first; We must involve the current Pope, Pius IX." Aluuin commented.

"What do you wish from his holiness? Is it a transfer of information to tell him what you know and what you wish to develop the world as is?" The Inquisitive Maid/Nun asked. "Perfectly summed up, good to see my plan is straightforward enough for you to get it," Aluuin said, soon he outlined a plan which involved communication with the Eclesiarchy and ways to be able to reduce the risk of corruption from the highest rulers (both invasive and passive.) Even including far-reaching technological goals like VI (Virtual Intelligences.) 

"Your plan is quite convoluted. I would've assumed you'd thought this through?" Dad stated. "That would be correct, Father. Could I call you father, dad or pops? Same with you, Mother. Should I call you mother, mom or mum?" Aluuin asked them before continuing with his sentence. ""Any way you like, 'Aluuin/Dear.'"" They say at the same time with at first shock, then genuine smiles on their faces. Not expecting him to acclimate so quickly.

"Well, Dad. I do have a heightened sense of time. Which helps me develop plans at a smaller length of time. From your point of view, it took 4 hours. It took me close to 9 hours from my point of view." Aluuin commented. ""So you see us in slow motion?"" Dad and Mum ask, worry etched on their faces. "Need not worry, I have long been used to it," Aluuin said to ease the tension. "now, a way to help the lower echelons of the religion could include

greater investments into such technologies I've introduced into your memories. from there, we could develop certain infrastructures to create mega-complexes or create greater self-sufficiency by providing them with my knowledge. I could use one of my abilities to require less energy to function and make it more efficient at healing." Aluuin comments about his Cyrcadian Half-Cycler-like ability. Which has the unintended side effect of helping his bodily functions become more regulated.

"That most likely doesn't come without any side effects. What are you trading for?" The Inquisitive Maid/Nun asked. "Nothing much, just a portion of my consciousness." Aluuin comments. ". . . You are not allowed to use that." Mother Ambrisona says sternly, believing that it could potentially endanger his life if he does it wantonly. "Fine, 'Aunty.'" Aluuin jokes through a familial name, though it has the unintended side effect of making her smile.

"You already see me as a family? You should've told me already!" Mother Ambrosina further breaks out of character, not understanding the joke. Aluuin's smile falters, flickering continuously because he has a hard time internalising his laughter. He controls himself enough for him to conclude it and start calling Mother Ambrosina 'Aunty' and the Maid/Nuns Sisters. "I understand, Aunty. Surprised you'd accept me so quickly, am I that trustworthy?" Aluuin asks them. 

"You are Heaven-sent, meaning you have little to no sin. It's quite obvious this translates you to being righteous or being trustworthy, as you put it!" Many say to that information. Let's hope that Aluuin can keep to that standard. ". . . Thank you, all of you, for trusting in me, even if I believe it was done too quickly. I will meet your standards or beyond them. And we will work together to strive for Humanity and any other peoples' greatness and unity." Aluuin finally communicated with a clause. 

"You've already done so, as this knowledge you gave us could help us reach the groundwork to making your dream come true." Mother Ambrosina said confidently. Knowing that everything Aluuin has shared would easily make all World Countries jealous, or even awestruck. (Even Atlantis, unknowingly.) "Now that we have everything ready, let us begin our preparations!" The Maid/Nuns began planning among themselves freely with avidity.

A day has passed at this point. And their 'grand plan' is finally being put to fruition. The talents and knowledge the 2 last nuns asked for were provided, and the Architectural and City planning knowledge is being put to use. An efficient road layout that would allow Tram, Train, Bus and bicycle lanes to develop was made. Similar to this post, except that between buildings there are additional walking paths and the size of each max building, which in the game is a 4x4 Cell structure (1024 M^2) is about 50% larger. And constituted all known land. 


In total, if it developed as Aluuin wanted. It would easily keep up with a population of 15 Million while still being fully self-sufficient. And if it included imports of food and proper communication channels, then closer to 35 Million. "This plan would have taken hundreds of years in the making. Even just 200 Years from now, there would only be 6 Million in the state of Georgia on its own." Aluuin gave an example, which stunned most people present.

"Now, let's focus on total equality within the town, allowing each of you into an individual head of development and we should get started immediately. Get as many people here as possible. Because I will be providing them with some knowledge." Aluuin's powers have grown due to this influence. And it's gone beyond the scope of what he expected, through such developments, he could allow for the direct evolution of ideas and could allow others to more accept these inputs. Thanks to this, inputting Total Equality would likely succeed greatly.

Through this process, they had filtered through the town's people. Introducing them to Aluuin and doing a direct memory implementation program. Because this would count as cannibalism, Aluuin hid the fact they had eaten his skin until after the development was done when they would be more understanding of the idea. Through this, they also figured out who had passions or wished for certain skills and then provided them with such a totality.

The people of Antioch are garrulous throughout the process which took a total of 37 hours with rest and sleep breaks. They had also come to see Aluuin as a figure that should be revered, much to his annoyance. Imagine knowing hundreds of people see you as a local deity. That would drive anyone bonkers! And Aluuin is also one such person, while not suffering from Social Anxiety as much, he is internally screaming at himself for letting it go so far. Though sadly there is nothing else he could do except for waiting.

The good news is that by doing such a large stunt, his influence has spread far enough that now he is capable of much more efficiently adapting bodily functions which would otherwise be beyond the realm of possibility from when he was in the womb. He has adapted the trait of being able to transfer memories to also remove, edit and restore memories of others through touch that then works telepathically. Or to directly control others if necessary.

Then he added hidden bioluminescent features to his skin that would glow manually, which would work towards the holy effect he wanted whenever he did his miracles in public. 

(This means it works similarly to the Kraken of the second film when it takes over a town.) 

Instead, it would be used only for those who may suffer from mental illnesses, amnesia, or neurological conditions that may lead to memory loss or could be used to alter a person's psyche if they are known for being too far gone and/or are recognizably corrupt or evil.

This also works as a learnable form of Telepathy which was accounted for. There are other powers he had wished for, such as bio-technological integration; Which would allow him to interface with technology more adaptably and skin micro-moulding, which would allow for his facial features like eyelids, eye-ridge, chin/cheek muscles, nose and skin/hair colour to be altered. Which would allow for better spying/hiding/interrogation. Sadly necessary.

And with all of these traits together, he is in essence a human Chameleon, of course. He could've also added skin micro-pigmentation for the colour adaptation and camouflage, but it was not necessary, since armour and paint could do this same trick. Any colours other than normal skin tones were only available through chemical ingestion like Argyria, the ingestion of Silver that leads to Blue/Grey colouration, and other such examples for Green, Red, Orange, Yellow and Purple skin tones. Which are otherwise impossible and unnecessary. 

To even change his skin colouration manually, he had to eat increased amounts of antioxidant-rich foods in his diet; Close to 40%. And increase intake of Vitamin A, C and B12. Now, due to all of these changes, he could consume close to what half a grown man eats in a single day, even when he is now just 5 days old. 'I must increase body efficiency, pronto.' He talks to himself. While all others are happy to feed him, he feels he mustn't hog it.

"Aunty, Dad, Mom, I wish to show you something." Aluuin comments, that because he hasn't shown anyone these powers personally yet, he wishes to do so now to reduce the risk of them believing he is a different person when he changes appearances while testing. "This is a new ability I was able to rediscover from my time before. It's facial reconstruction development." He states while others widen their eyes when they see him change at a visible rate. He changed his face into an old, wrinkly man with sagging skin and graying hair.

All three of them at first thought it would only be minor changes, but now they saw how extreme of a change he could do. . . "Could you even change into a girl?" Mother Ambrosina asks, him obliging in response by turning into a younger-looking version of Mother. "Now this is some Pumpkins. (A phrase meaning this is impressive, found in 19th-century literature.) You could impersonate anyone! Though your height doesn't help you! Hah!" Father chortles.

"Hardy-har, but it's very effective either way and not only that. 'Now I can directly communicate to all of you through my mind too as you once ate my flesh.'" All suddenly freeze. "'I can teach you how to do this, I will send the information through to your mind directly.'" Aluuin then does so, allowing them to very quickly understand the process. "'The Angels of Heaven really are impressive, I assumed this ability was only false or instead an allegory from the myths!'" Mother Ambrisona responded well through the onset headache.

Soon they chatted about all manner of topics, with Aluuin sharing what was necessary and also communicating anything necessary for this process. Soon, through the communication of Mother Ambrosina, they knew which Maid/Nuns were trustworthy enough to add to their circle, which then created a mental council. They failed in trying to make Aluuin the lead, with him stating "'I only wish for us to talk as equals when we are communicating.'"