
Chapter 10

“Yeah, well, I lied.” Gideon grunted as the vamp thrashed in his grasp, its elbow slamming into his chest. The renewed pain made him growl, and while he struggled to get a better grip on the wriggling demon, Mary appeared out of nowhere, a stake tight in her hand.

The vampire writhed and kicked harder, straining to reach Mary. Gideon’s shoulders began to ache with the strain of holding him back. The vamp was glutted on fresh blood, and strength coursed through his veins. The pain in Gideon’s chest spread to his back, sharp enough to make everything a little hazy.

Mary walked right up to the squirming vampire and snapped her fist against his nose. Stunned, the vampire went lax in Gideon’s arm for a moment. Mary moved fast, burying her stake in his heart without a flicker of hesitation.

Without the vampire’s weight, Gideon stumbled forward, catching himself at the last minute. He looked down at his dusty hands for a moment before lifting a stunned gaze to Mary.