
At Hogwarts as a Dragonborn

Reborn into Harry Potter Worlds with a System

Wingzer0 · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 12 Training and Gathering Clouds

Tiber swung the sword again and again flowing through the motions with a steely determination. other than classes and meals he was here swinging the sword barley stopping to sleep a few hours a day.

Finally the promised day came and the Black knight returned to see his progress. After Tiber demonstrated what he had accomplished the knight snorted. "barely acceptable. However I am a man of my word I will teach you."

"Thank you Sir. I look forward to learning swordsmanship."Tiber responded respectfully. Even Tiber knew to show respect towards his teachers no matter how arrogant he might act.

"Swordsmanship? Who said anything about swordamanship?" The Ghost asked.

"But you said mu swordamanship was sloppy and tou would teach me." Tiber said confused.

"It was sloppy doesn't mean swordsmanship is what I am about to teach." The Ghost paused to gather its thought. I am teaching you the path of a warrior. To a warrior a sword, a club, a spear, anything can be a weapon. The secret lies in the three stances I showed you."

Tiber looked confused. "What secret?"

"All weapons are the same." The Knight said in a sage like voice. "The tooth and claw of a beast, the bow and arrow, the spear, the sword, the ax, the knife."

"But all are different what do you mean about the three stances being the key." The knight explained seriously.

"So what is it your going to teach me? About honor or something?" Tiber asked

The knight laughed "Honor? Honor exists before and after a fight to the death, not during. You fight to survive then worry about honor. There are rules you don't cross, stay your blade from those not involved with your fight but honor? That will get you killed." The knight said before floating through a wall.

For a moment Tiber thought the lesson was over, then a suit of armor entered. The knight voice carried from the suit. "Prepare yourself the easiest way to learn is to do. I'll beat you till you learn the lessons and know how to fight."

That began hell for Tiber. Everyday he fought and was beaten. Beaten by swords beaten by clubs sometimes the knight just used his fist. But always the knight pushed him and fought him making him better and better. Tiber still preferred a sword, it felt right. The knight was fine saying that all warriors had a preferred weapon.

Tiber showed rapid improvement both with his fitness and his swordsmanship. He developed an unorthodox style. Brawler the knight called it. He would use his sword, kick and punch if he could, throw nearby objects once he even smashed a chair into the knight when he had been disarmed.

The fighting style gave little thought to elegance or proper form but instead focused on efficiency. Throwing a drink into the opponents face? Can't see can't fight. Kicking his opponents leg? Can't stand easier to finish off. Target the arm? Can't hold a weapon if there is nothing to hold it with.

The knights methods while crude continued to allow Tiber to improve by leaps and bounds.

*Between Worlds*

"You gave a mortal my gift?" Akatosh said looking at a Goddess that was not in his pantheon.

"Yes I gave him a new life with your gift. He deserved a life where he could wander and life by his own rules." The Goddess said defending her actions.

"That's not the problem." Akatosh said gravely. "By making him a dragonborn then you have attracted both the Aedra and Deadra to this plane. You risk an outright war."

"What?" The Goddess asked shocked. "Should I take it back?"

"No point now, damage has been done. I can think of at least one way to prevent us from defending to that world ourselves." Akatosh said rubbing his chin.

The other gods looked at him wondering what the method was.

"Amulet of kings." Akatosh said finally, "A test then, He has three years to establish his kingdom. Three years to show he is worthy. If he fails the dragonfires will never be lit."


A green portal opened in a forest. An ashen haired girl about sixteen stepped through with a sword on her back.

"Where am I now? She asked before beginning to wander the forest towards a castle in the distance.