
Aswong Man

Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…

Nathan2O7 · Horror
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Chapter 11: Blackout

Hikoto was laying on the floor with blood dripping from his forehead. His eyes twitched a little, Kaito and Shino were arguing in the distance,

Kaito - "LET ME EAT!!"

Kaito jumps on Shinos while trying to attack her but Shino punches him straight him in the face, Kaito falls to the floor unconscious. Hikoto sighs in relief but pretends to be passed out.

Kaito was laying on the couch in a room, the couch was red and in the room was a TV, a bed, a lamp, a desk and a spiral like carpet next to the couch. He wakes up and looks around stressfully, this isn't his house. Suddenly, he feels a soothing taste on his lips, he puts his hands on his lips and then looks at it, there was blood on his finger. He gasps and looks around, there was nobody in the room. He squatted up and looks back at his bloodied finger. Suddenly, the door opens and Kaito tries to see who it is, there was a girl, the same age as Kaito, she had bright brown hair and a golden piercing on her nose. Her name was Sarada, She was dressed colorfully and had monolid eyes. Her eyes widen as she sees that Kaito is awake. She says in a shocked high voice,

Sarada - "THE HYBRID!! He's awake!"

She runs up to Kaito and puts her hand on Kaito's forehead. She looked at him worried,

Sarada - "Are you okay? Your temperature is pretty high!"

Kaito puts his hand on Sarada's hand and makes her hand get off his head

Kaito - "I'm fi…"

Suddenly, 3 more people enter the room, Neji, Kuba and Chosi. Neji had black hair middle part with a golden chain, black shirt.

Kuba had red hair and black jacket.

Chosi was a girl and she had a piercing in her nose and one on her lip, she had ginger brown hair.

Chosi - "We're here!"

Kaito and the others were sitting on the couch and Kaito looks at them worried and stressed.

Kaito - "Is Hikoto ok?"

They all nod their heads and Neji tells him kindly,

Neji - "If our friend Shino wouldn't have stepped in, you would've devoured your friend."

Kaito's eyes widen and he grits his teeth in shock

Kaito - "Ghh…"

Sarada smiles and says in a nice voice,

Sarada - "But look on the bright side, you didn't!"

Kaito looked down at guilt of his own existence.

Kaito - "But i almost did."

Everyone's eyes widen and they look at Kaito. Kaito was looking down with wide eyes full of grief and trauma.

Kaito - "If i didn't become a monster… if you guys didn't exist… i wouldn't have killed a man, it's an action which i can't forgive myself."

Sarada looks at him worried and confused.

Sarada - "But this… guy… he tried to kill your best friend… he got what he dese…"

Kaito cuts her off in rage.


Kaito looked at all of them with tears in his eyes but still with a slight grin as he says in a cold tone,

Kaito - "I hate all of you, with all my heart."

They all look at him worried and stressed..

Kuba - "Maybe if you got to learn more about us… you'd maybe change opinions."

Neji - "But… what made you hate aswongs this much?"

A tear drops from Kaito's eye, he looks at them with a pained look.

Kaito - "You killed my family…my mom, my dad… thank god a guardian came to save me and my sist… sister… Mio… MIO!!"

Kaito gets up and runs away, he closes the door from the room he was in with all the aswongs. Sarada, Kuba, Chosi and Neji look at each other confused.

Kaito was running in the streets and trying to get to his house as soon as possible because he didn't see or talk to his sister for a while.

Mio was on the couch in the apartment crying, she whimpers loudly and puts her head on a pillow, she screams loudly in her pillow calming the intensity of the scream. She thinks to herself,

Mio - *Kaito… why did you leave me here all alone… are you dead…? Did you rebel… did you kill…? Why…?*

Kaito was running on the sidewalk, dodging the people that were walking in his path.

Kaito - "Excuse Me!!"

He says with intensity in his voice, the pedestrians look at him confused.

Pedestrian - "What's wrong with him?

Kaito gets a flashback of when he was back at his old house right after his parents got slaughtered by an aswong. Kaito was walking around his house crying enormously with his sister holding hands while crying too.

Mio - "mom… dad…"

Suddenly, a car pulls up to the house, its a red old car and in poor conditions. A women with long brown hair gets out of the car, she walks up to the guardians unfazed by the situation.

Kaito and Mio look at her while crying, Kaito says with a trembling voice,

Kaito - "Au… Au… Aunt Misoshi?"

Aunt Misoshi starts talking with the guardians unfazed.

Misoshi - "What happened here?"

The guardian looks at her devastated that he couldn't save an innocent family.

Guardian - "who are you…?

Misoshi - "I'm Maria's sister, or, the aunt of these kids."

She points at Kaito and Mio in disgust, she looked at them like they were garbage. The guardian looks down and bows down to her.

Guardian - "I'm sorry for your loss."

Misoshi sighs and rolls her eyes,

Misoshi - "Stop with all that bullshit! I want to adopt these kids, since they're parents died. I'm family!"

The guardian looks at Kaito and Mio with sadness in his eyes and then looks back at Misoshi.

Guardian - "I guess you can…"

Misoshi extends her hand near the guardian and makes a sign.

Misoshi - "Give me money."

The Guardian looks at her confused

Guardian - "What?"

Misoshi - "You heard! Give me money!"

The guardian was speechless and he just looked at her.

Misoshi - "If you give me money, i adopt them, if you don't, then i'm gonna let them homeless AS KIDS!!! You don't want that, do you? THEN GIVE ME MONEY!!"

The guardian, panicking, takes out his wallet from his pockets and looks at his money.

Guardian - "H- h- how much you want…?"

Misoshi - "I want 16295 yen! And that's minimum!!"

Guardian looks up at her shocked

Guardian - "162… nevermind…"

He takes out 16295 yen and hands it to her.

Guardian - "Ther…"

Misoshi snatches the money from him and walks away without saying anything.

She walks to Kaito and Mio. They were both hugging each other while crying.

Kaito - "I'll never leave you alone…"

Mio - "Big brother… now this?"

Misoshi walks aggressively towards them and crosses her arms.

Misoshi - "You're coming with me now!!"

Mio - "Au… au… Aunt Misoshi…?"

Kaito and Mio arrive at Misoshi's house and it looks pretty crappy, the white paint of the wall is falling apart, a bunch of finished alcohol bottles, packets of cigarettes everywhere. Kaito and Mio look down as they are extremely sad and devastated.

One day, Kaito was sleeping in his room and Mio was sleeping in the same room but individual beds. Kaito heard loud TV noises downstairs and it woke him up, he looked at his bedside clock and the time was 2:28 A.M. He goes down the stairs to see what Aunt Misoshi is doing and if she could turn the volume down. Kaito went down the stairs and Misoshi drinking a lot of alcohol while watching TV, alcohol bottles all over the little table. The wood on the floor that Kaito was walking on cracks. [CRRACK]

Misoshi looks behind her with a drunk and furious look. She gets up and walks up to Kaito furiously.


Kaito looks down terrified while trembling, his breath was shaking and his voice,

Kaito - "S- s- sorry… Misoshi… could you please just… turn the volume dow…"

Misoshi - "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!"

She pushes Kaito to the ground and kicks him in the leg.

Kaito - "ouch…"

Misoshi walks to the kitchen and grabs a wooden spoon, and walks back up to Kaito. She looks down at him with hatred.

Misoshi - "You should sleep at night and not disturb me! I only adopted you for the money!"

Kaito says in a trembling voice,

Kaito - "Au…"

Misoshi - "SHUT UP!!"

She raises the wooden spoon in the air and starts beating Kaito brutally, again, again, again, again, again. Mio, woken up by the screams, goes downstairs to try to see what's going on. She walks into the living room and she sees her brother getting beaten by Misoshi with a wooden spoon. His hands were bleeding.

9 years later, as soon as Kaito turns 16, on his birthday, Misoshi kicks Kaito and Mio out of the house.

The flashback stops and Kaito reaches the door to the apartment and opens it. He sees his sister Mio crying on the couch. He looks at her worried.

Kaito - "Mio?"

Mio's eyes widen and she looks back at Kaito hopeful.

Mio - "Kaito?"

She gets up and runs to Kaito. She hugs Kaito and wipes her tears.

Mio - "Where have you been?"

Kaito - "It's a long story…"