
Practicing skills

After taking rest Xiu Luo woke up and start memorising again and then he get up and try to imitate the the first screen man and channeld the spiritual qi and send the palm strike but it didn't even create any noise as it can be guessed he failed but he tried again and again and he fail.

His condition is worsening his black hairs were dishelved and breathing were irregular and he took one hour rest and get up again, this time he was like a statue and channled the spiritual qi in his palm and feets this time he took his right foot back and left foot front and palm was beside the chest and he strike the palm strike this time it was success becuse there is a noice of the tree fracture. His strike can't crush the mountain but at leat he could strike the tree he was happy. Atleast something he got after practicing.

But the strike had taken one third of his spiritual qi and he have the spiritual sea which will store more amount of qi. Seeing this both golden fire and black lightning forms the huge vortex which absorbing the surrounding spirit power. Finally Xiu Luo successful mastered the mountain crushing palm strike no can say tree crushing palm strike. And exhausted as laid down.

Even with the help of golden fire and black lightning he was able to manifest his strike only seven times. And the golden fire and the black lightning also get exhausted and floating down in his his spitual sea.

Again he get up he still had half of spiritual sea energy but he he didn't continue practicing went deep into the forest. He heard the water flowing he went there. It is a long waterfall and from it the river water is flowing Xiuluo became happy by seeing this as he can practice river floating steps.

But first he removed the upper clothes and sat under the waterfall the water pressure was falling bit he tried to concentrate his focus he mediated their fo whole whole day and suddenly he got up and came in front of the waterfall glaring toward the waterfall and start to imitate the same action and channeled his qi and shouted.

Mountain crushing palm seal

There is deep pit in the mountain where the water is falling, on the plam strike water is splitting and avoiding that area after sometime the water start falling down in the same usual manner. He can't se the changes. So he went toward the waterfall and checked through his hand as he tried to touch here and there. And there is a deep pit of five feet as it leave behind palm mark on the mountain.

A small smile appeared on his face and he came back to practice again but he fell down due to exhaustion as his spitual qi drpleted and his whole spiritual sea become dry and looks like bareen land and there is only golden fire and the black lightning floating as they were also exhausted

Xiu Luo was lying down there only.

Next morning-

Xiu Luo woke up, he is still in not good condition. He checked his spiritual sea but there is no spiritual essence present and looked at golden fire and black lightning . Both of them were exhausted seeing this he took out the spirit grass from the man's storage bag and tries to refine it directly.

And after refine all the spirit grass his one fouth of spiritual sea filled with essence and golden fire and black lightning also recovered.

"This move can't be used frequently." He thought to himself as his half of his spiritual sea was empty for that move. But the result was satisfaction as he had some skill in his hand.

"Next is river floating steps " he came down the river. He dip his hand in the river to feel the flow of water. The water is flowing calmly and there is no disturbance in its path. But after certain after distance there is boulder that obstruct the water path as the water was clashing with the boulder it making noice. As Xiu Luo senses are too good except for eyesight, he heard the voice and went towards the boulder.

He put down his hand near the boulder in the water tried to see the situation.

The boulder is big it is obstructing the water path but the water didn't stop made its waves that some are higher and some are lower than the boulder. The lower waves were clashing with the boulder and the higher waves were passing over the boulder and the remaining remaining water flowing beside the boulder.

The situation is like when you meetthe opponent more powerful either you clash with them and get crushed or defeat them by surpassing your limits or just sillently avoid them.

And then Xiu Luo sat on that boulder and start mediating and he got up in the evening he came along the shore and start imitating the same movements as he saw in the second sceen.

First he tried practicig without channelling the spiritual qi in his body and his body ache from the movement but he didn't gave up as he continued till the night.

Then he contiued the movement by channellingthe spiritual qi his movements are good but his skin is erupting and blood is flowing from the legs near achilles tendon but the cultivator has fast recovery ability so he recovered fast.

after sometime the recovery rate slowed down as the spiritual sea is depleting but Xiu Luo doesn't care about injury as he continues to practice till the morning and finally he felt exhausted as his spitual sea was dried again and he fell down. But he successfully mastered the river floating steps.

When he woke up he tried to recover his spiritual energy and after recovering he continued until his spiritual sea get dried again. The process continues till five consecutive days. When he perfectly mastered the river floating steps and mountain crushing palm he tried combining the sequence and the various sequences and adaptation to the techniques and he tried slashing the sword with the river floating steps and he succeeded. The process last till another seven days.

Xiu Luo developed the thunder palm strike same as the blaze palm strike.

He tried to combine the both golden fire and black lightning as he always watched them fusing together and forming the vortex. Xiu Luo fused the two of them but he was unable to maintain them for too long and it get dispersed before he manifest the skill but he tried again and again but it has same result. It is not because Xiuluo can't mainfest them together its just his strength is too low to maintain the fusion for long time and he have to wait for his strength too increase before he could manifest this skill. Finally he stopped practicing.

Xiu Luo is a lean person but now he looks even skinny like a dry corpse due to exhaustion. His whole body has bruises his angular face was now covered in blood clots his cloths were torn. Then he start mediating to recover the spiritual sea.

The shore which looks beautiful, now its whole structure had changed there are various pits broken trees and behind the waterfall it forms the cave due to palm seal and atleast three person could live in that cave.

Its Night time, Xiu Luo was recovering his spiritual sea beside the shore and he was almost done but suddenly he heard the noices from the distance like someone is coming. He activated spirit sense range and obeserve that there are two people coming in his direction. Then suddenly he hide behind the waterfall which he created the pit or to be exact cave.

The two people came near the waterfall and Xiu Luo focus his senses to their conversation. The two people are middle age man and young man.

"Did someone fought here?" asked the young man to the man without looking back.

The middle age man frown by seeing the situation but he can't say what happen.

"Young master we should go back may be someone already came for the opportunity, and judging from the fight it looks like may they be peak foundation establishment realm cultivators. We should inform the clan and come back with the elder." The man told the young man nervously seeing the situation.

"No only our Xu clan know about the situation and it didn't spread and may be the wild monster fought here. And for me its an opportunity to make a breakthrough to foundation establishment realm ." The young master coldly replied to the middle age man.

"And tonight we will stay here ." Said by the young man. The man just simply nodded.

But suddenly a shocking scene happened, the black shadow attack the middle age man. Both the young man and middle age man didn't hear anything until the middle age feel chills in his spine as he felt killing intent, he dodge the attack but he got a deep wound back of his shoulder.

But when the young man and middle age man look at the black shadow their expressions changes because they recognise this person.
