
Immortal Pill Emperor Jie Tian

Xiu Luo moved deep into the forest, and he sat under the tree as he is eating the brought food and he is in deep though as he ate the food.

Xiu Luo knows that his cultivation is too low, he won't be able to kill the man head on if the man had taken him seriously may be he would have died today. He clenched his fist.

'I am too weak if i want to take revenge I have to beacome strong' and for that he had to inrease his cultivation speed.

He took out the storage bag of the man and removed all the items. There are ten thousand spirit stones and one small box is present , he opened the box and found there is a pill in it.

"Haa.. did he stolen it from others... ha I did best by giving him a chance for repenting on his action." And Xiu Luo checked other items there are some sprit grass and two bracelets. He took the pill from the box and tried to scan the pill pattern with his spirit sense as he can cheque the patterns by condensing the spirit sense method over the pill.

"Hmm only one pattern pill... well its better than nothing." Xiu Luo was not disappointed with having only one pattern pill as there is a saying 'its better to have something than nothing and don't be too greedy or else you will lose everything'. He brought the pill toward his mouth his mouth and swallowed it and sat in a lotus position trying to refine the pill. He circulated the golden flame around the pill starts the refining process and it didn't take too much time for him to breakthrough into the fifth rank of Spirit gathering realm.

He opened the eyes in surprise well there blindfold cover and can't be seen.

"The golden flame can refine the pill potency to the hundred percent." It shocked him because there will be some wastage of pill power during refining process but the golden flame refined it fully without wasting anything.

"Should I start practicing the alchemy now that I have the fire." Xiu Luo thought about it. Because now he had golden fire and he need too much resources to upgrade his cultivation. And this is the best method he thought. So he summoned the goden fire on his palm and which is jumping in joy as it refined the pill.

"What is your level of fire now " he asked to the goden fire and the jumping fire stop its movements and sat there like its crying.

"Haahaa ..." he laughed heartily as he watched the golden fire reaction .

"Hey don't be upset I was just kidding." He knows that they exhausted their strength in order to open spiritual sea in his dantian and he ask just to tease the little one. And the goden fire start jumping again.

The fire levels are divided into five levels

Beast fire

Spirit fire

Earth fire

Heavenly fire

Immortal fire

Some cultivator transform their spiritual qi into fire and they use it to make the piils but the percentage of making the pill reduces.

And usually all cultivators tried to hunt fire beast to take their essence and convert it into beast fire. And from the heaven and earth treasures they will upgrade the fire level or by swallowing other fires to transform nirvana.

The spirit fires are rarer than the beast fire.

The earth fires also rarer than the spirit fire as it is creation af heaven and earth.

And the heavenly fire can be found by hanful of people.

And there is only one person had the immortal fire till now in Xuan continent and that person is the Immortal pill emperor Jie Tian

"Immortal pill emperor Jie Tian" Xui Luo muttered the name and there is admiration on his face because the latter was the sixth Immortal Emperor among the eight Immortal Emperors of Xuan continents.

'Nine thousand year ago immortal pill emperor became the Immortal emperor and ruled the xuan continent and he is the only alchemist who reached Immortal pill emperor level and refined the nine patter pill. So there is admiration on Xiu Luo face.

Alchemy levels

Pill apparantice. ( can refine 1and 2 pattern pills)

Pill master. ( can refine 3 and 4 pattern pills)

Pill grandmaster. ( can refine 5 and 6 pattern pills)

Immortal pill king. ( can refine 7 and 8 pattern pills)

Immortal pill emperor. ( can refine 9 pattern pills )

And the nine pattern pill is the only that helps in breakthrough from half immortal emperor realm to immortal emperor.

Immortal Pill Emperor founded 'Immortal Pill Dao Temple' and during his age it can said that it was the golden age for alchemist. And Immortal pill dao temple has the Imperial heritage of Immortal pill emperor and it is located at between the borders of eastern and southern region. And this is the eastern region which is occupied by the eight immortal sects.

"Should I join the Immortal Pill Dao Temple, there I can get the knowlege about pill refining. Then its decided." Xiu Luo clenched his left fist and made up his mind to travel the south and join the Immortal Pill Dao Temple. Then he sent back the golden fire in his spiritual sea.

"But first I should learn some techniques." As he removed the scrolls from his loot.

The cultivation has different techniques like martial skill which uses the spiritual essence and strenghth of the human body to attack and defence. The movement skills coordinate the spiritual qi with the strength of human body and thus increases the speed . The cultivation method which is very important for the cultivator it will accumulate the spiritual essence in the dantian and enhance their cultivation.

And Xiu Luo had deceloped his own cultivation technique which is spirit sense cultivation technique, with it he can sense within the range of his ability.

And attack martial skill called Blazing palm strike which utilizes the golden fire and his spiritual essence.

And he knows sword close combat skills, but not how to utilze the strength so he felt he had to practice cultivation techniques.

And the scrolls are placed in front of him but he can't see it. He chuckled at his own situation he has martial techniques in front of him but he can't even see. He picked up the scrolls and tried to put back it in storage bag but two ray of light flewed out of his body.

Golden fire and black thunder are present in Xiu Luo spiritual sea and they were roaming here and there as they werefree but when they sensed that Xiu Luo's depressed face and see what happened outside as they can share the senses with Xiu Luo. They flew out of his spiritual sea and and burn the scrolls.

Seeing this Xiu Luo was amazed because the scrolls were too costly and they burn four scrolls in front of him. He didn't say anything as he owed them too much and the scrolls are no valued to him if can't even see the content.

"Haa ... come back..." he just sighed and called them back but he was shoked because when they came back they formed the huge vortex in his spiritual sea and the ink letters are floating inside the vortex and the ink letters systematically arranged in four groups as it indicate the four scrolls.

And the four group of ink letters emit the ink colour radiance and form the four black sceen.

First screen - 'the middle aged man is standing his back was facing Xui Luo and suddenly channelled his spiritual qi and send a palm strike toward the mountain it create a big illusory palm and the mountain was crushed into pieces'. There four letters are written on the screen Mountain crushing palm seal.

Second screen- the young man is moving in a zig zag manner like he is floating in the river with the flow of water. His movements looks graceful. This movement skill is River floating steps.

Third screen- the man is stting in a lotus position and not wearing his upper cloth and he is regulating his spiritual power towards the chakra points and meridians but the man had many spots where blood clot could be seen Blood swallowing body refinement.

The fouth sceen- the man is holding the sword while regulating his spiritual qi towards his hand and feet and the sword circuits and the sword glowed then he slash towards the empty sky. The void broke from the sword strike. Void splitting sword strike.

Xiu Luo watched the four sceen and ink radiance disappear and the sceens disappeared and the huge black and golden vortex disappear and they return back to their normal appearance.

"Thank you " Xiu Luo gently smile and thanks them but they start floating around him like they want more praise, seeing this Xiu Luo genty crassed both of them. They moves away and started roaming around the spiritual sea. Xiu Luo brought his consciousness to his body tried to memorise the seens by sitting in lotus position trying to meditate.

Xiu Luo stopped his meditation and it was already morning he can see the the rays penetrating his eyes. Atleast he can guess the timing. He streched his body and yawn and layed on the ground watching the sky but can't see.