
Chapter 4

"It's amazing to be able to utilize every bit of physical energy for training. It's incredibly satisfying!" Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but smile, pleased with the results of his internal visualization of the Chakra Pathway.

After successfully visualizing his Chakra Pathway, Uchiha Tsuki could effectively utilize each bit of physical energy, combining it with his spiritual energy to condense Chakra. The Chakra reserves he obtained from just one training session surpassed his previous levels. This surprise brought great joy to Uchiha Tsuki, not to mention his progress from today's training.

However, instead of taking a break after pushing his physical energy to the extreme, Uchiha Tsuki continued training to restore the energy within his body. Training Chakra requires pacing, just like a stretched string that needs rest to avoid collapsing.

Upon completing his Chakra training, Uchiha Tsuki followed the flow of Chakra within his Chakra Pathway using his internal visualization ability. He observed that Chakra was not flowing through all the Chakra Pathways in the human body.

"Why aren't all the Chakra Pathways within the Chakra flow track?" Uchiha Tsuki wondered.

Noticing this anomaly in the Chakra flow, Uchiha Tsuki used his abundant energy to control those Chakras, extending them into the empty Chakra Pathways. However, certain Chakra Pathways couldn't accommodate Chakra flow due to their natural limitations, such as the Eight Gates in the Eight Inner Gates. Forcing Chakra flow into these pathways would cause severe damage to the body.

Thanks to Uchiha Tsuki's extensive theoretical knowledge, he could determine which Chakra Pathways could be expanded and which ones couldn't. While expanding the Chakra Pathways within his body, Uchiha Tsuki discovered that each expansion not only increased his Chakra reserves but also enhanced the speed of Chakra recovery.

These benefits resembled the effects of permanently opening the Eight Inner Gates described in the novel.

Once again, Uchiha Tsuki marveled at the power of internal visualization. He continued expanding his Chakra Pathways throughout the entire night until they were fully expanded.

Now, Uchiha Tsuki's Chakra Flow trajectory within his body was completely different from that of other ninjas. His training speed and Chakra recovery were twice as fast as those of ordinary ninjas. With this training pace and his ability to make optimal use of his physical energy, Uchiha Tsuki was confident that within three months, his Chakra reserves would reach the level of a Genin.

Furthermore, since Uchiha Tsuki had expanded certain Chakra Pathways within his body, his Chakra Flow trajectory was entirely different from that of ordinary individuals. As a result, the Hyuga Clan's Gentle Fist technique posed no threat to him, as the primary danger of this technique was the ability to target and disrupt an opponent's Chakra points.

With his Chakra reserves skyrocketing overnight, Uchiha Tsuki was full of confidence in his future and even believed he could surpass Hatake Kakashi. However, becoming a Genin relied on comprehensive strength rather than Chakra reserves alone.

With Chakra training no longer a concern, Uchiha Tsuki turned his attention to developing his physical strength. Fortunately, he had numerous Ninjutsu Scrolls collected by Uchiha Naraku, giving him confidence in his strength growth. After all, even Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke in the original work lacked the advantages Uchiha Tsuki possessed as he grew up.

"On the path of being a ninja, I have taken a step ahead of others, but I must not become complacent! I will train hard to become stronger and protect my parents and family! I won't give up! Uchiha Tsuki!" Uchiha Tsuki quietly encouraged himself.

With determination in his heart, Uchiha Tsuki had breakfast with his servant and prepared to go to the Academy with his mother, Minako. It was the first day of school at the Academy.

Minako, his mother, was eagerly waiting for Uchiha Tsuki, ready to accompany him to report at the Academy. Although Uchiha Tsuki felt he was capable of reporting on his own, Minako saw him as a four-year-old child and insisted on accompanying him. Unable to refuse his mother's request, Uchiha Tsuki reluctantly went to the Academy with her and the smile of his father, Uchiha Naraku.


What Uchiha Tsuki couldn't have anticipated was that as they left the house, a rushing figure accidentally collided with him.

"Sorry! I was helping an elderly woman cross the road and realized I might be running late. I apologize for bumping into you!"