
Chapter 3

Counting today, Uchiha Tsuki has been training Chakra for three days and has initially accumulated a certain amount of Chakra.

However, in Uchiha Tsuki's understanding, merely accumulating a certain amount of Chakra is just the first step. To truly master the use of Chakra, one needs skills in Chakra control. Being familiar with the original work's plot, Uchiha Tsuki decides to start training in Tree Climbing to practice Chakra control.

To his surprise, Uchiha Tsuki discovers that his Chakra control is sufficient to climb tall trees. However, due to his limited Chakra reserves, he eventually falls from the tree and gets stunned.

This experience of struggling with tree climbing training makes Uchiha Tsuki realize the importance of Chakra training. He understands that accumulating a certain amount of Chakra is necessary to complete the Tree Climbing training.

Additionally, during the tree climbing training, Uchiha Tsuki also realizes one of his advantages after transmigrating—he possesses an extremely large amount of spiritual energy.

Ordinary individuals have no way to train their spiritual energy, as it naturally grows with age. However, Uchiha Tsuki is different because he transmigrated with the soul of an adult, giving him far more spiritual energy than an ordinary baby. As time goes on, his spiritual energy grows at a rate almost ten times that of his peers.

This vast amount of spiritual energy not only grants Uchiha Tsuki extraordinary abilities but also enhances his control over his body and Chakra.

Realizing this advantage, Uchiha Tsuki starts searching for countless Ninjutsu Scrolls to find ways to utilize his spiritual energy to increase his Chakra reserves.

However, to his slight disappointment, after reading all the Chakra training Ninjutsu Scrolls, he fails to find a way to rapidly increase Chakra.

"Hey, real transmigration and the transmigration described in the novel are quite different!"

After carefully reading all the Chakra training scrolls, Uchiha Tsuki sighs deeply, realizing that the Naruto transmigration novels' portrayal of the protagonist's unique innate talent to permanently open the Eight Inner Gates and increase Chakra and physique is nothing more than deception.

Uchiha Tsuki understands that if he wants to accumulate a certain amount of Chakra, he must work hard.

Despite his disappointment, Uchiha Tsuki sets aside the Ninjutsu Scrolls and prepares to focus on training his Chakra.

He also understands that there are no shortcuts on the training path; success relies on his own efforts.

Chakra is the power generated by the fusion of physical and spiritual energy. While Uchiha Tsuki possesses an enormous amount of spiritual energy, his physical body poses limitations. To store Chakra in his Chakra Pathway, Uchiha Tsuki needs sufficient physical energy and corresponding physical development. It can only be achieved through gradual accumulation over time and relentless effort.


Just as Uchiha Tsuki sits down and prepares to concentrate on training Chakra, he makes a startling discovery.

"Hey? Is this even possible?"

"My spiritual energy... Has it reached the point where I can internally visualize my Chakra Pathway?"

According to some records in the Ninjutsu Scrolls, only a very small number of ninjas, except those with special Kekkei Genkai, can internally visualize their Chakra Pathway.

Upon realizing this, Uchiha Tsuki is surprised because he knows that once he can internally visualize his Chakra Pathway, he will undoubtedly find a better way to accumulate Chakra.

In his previous world, Uchiha Tsuki was an analytical person. Since transmigrating to the Naruto world, he has utilized his analytical abilities to the fullest. Therefore, his theoretical knowledge of Chakra training surpasses that of most elite Chunin and even some Jonin.

With his extraordinary memory, Uchiha Tsuki easily summarizes the difficulties in Chakra training.

Now that Uchiha Tsuki can internally visualize his Chakra Pathway, he can innovate the original Chakra training methods.

This newfound ability gives Uchiha Tsuki a unique advantage, surpassing other geniuses of the same age.

"Internal visualization truly aids in Chakra training!"

After calming his excitement, Uchiha Tsuki, now capable of internally visualizing his Chakra Pathway, resumes training and discovers the benefits of this ability.

Originally, Uchiha Tsuki was training Chakra using the most basic method, relying on the vast amount of physical energy within his body. This method instinctively mobilized the physical energy in every cell of his body and condensed it into Chakra, storing it in his Chakra Pathway. However, after successfully internally visualizing his Chakra Pathway, Uchiha Tsuki realizes that the ordinary Chakra training method only absorbs the physical energy from a fraction of the body's cells.

In simpler terms, the normal Chakra training method results in some physical energy being wasted.

Uchiha Tsuki refuses to accept such waste and decides to make full use of all the physical energy within his body, combining it with his spiritual energy to condense Chakra.

The lack of physical energy had always limited Uchiha Tsuki's Chakra accumulation.

Now, Uchiha Tsuki can perfectly utilize every ounce of physical energy within his body, significantly increasing the speed of his Chakra training.

Furthermore, when Uchiha Tsuki exhausts the last bit of physical energy, he discovers that the results of his Chakra training are ten times greater than usual.

With the ability to maintain this pace, Uchiha Tsuki is fully confident that within six months, he will have Chakra reserves at the level of a Genin.