
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs


Craver, undeterred by the bloodstains on his tuxedo coat, ripped it off and threw it to the forest floor. Troxil, eyeing his worn and chipped axe, recognized the toll the battle had taken on his trusted weapon. With a resigned nod, he tossed it aside, the thud resonating through the clearing.

"Look at you. You're finally being a man and stopping the depending on a weapon," Craver remarked, rolling up his sleeves to reveal the sinewy musculature beneath.

Troxil, unclasping his gauntlets, shot Craver a steely look.

"Just shut up and fight me."

The air between them crackled with tension as they both assumed their fighting stances. The forest, now a silent spectator to this personal duel, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the clash between these two rivals.

Craver moved first, a lightning-quick jab that Troxil deftly blocked. The exchange of blows was swift and fierce, the forest echoing with the impact of their strikes. Troxil, now without his trusty axe, relied on brute strength and well-practiced combat techniques.

Craver, with a quick succession of strikes, aimed for Troxil's midsection. Troxil parried with a block, retaliating with a powerful uppercut that Craver narrowly dodged. The momentum swung as Craver unleashed a flurry of kicks, each one met by Troxil's resilient defense.

" not bad, baldie," Craver quipped between punches, a smirk on his face.

Troxil, grinning in response, delivered a sweeping roundhouse kick, forcing Craver to somersault backward. The forest floor, marked with the signs of their duel, echoed their every move.

They circled each other, looking for an opportunity to strike ,Troxil quickly aimed for a decisive strike, but Craver sidestepped with uncanny agility. The tension in the air heightened, both warriors sensing the stakes of this duel.

Craver, breaking the rhythm, lunged forward with a rapid jab. Troxil countered, but Craver, in a display of unmatched dexterity, flipped over Troxil's outstretched leg. The two warriors locked eyes, neither willing to yield an inch.

In a synchronized move, they disengaged, creating a brief reprieve in the relentless combat. The forest, previously filled with the sounds of their clash, fell into an uneasy silence. Troxil wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, and Craver cracked his knuckles, preparing for the next onslaught.

"Looks like You're more agile than last time, Craver," Troxil admitted, a grudging respect in his tone.

Craver, catching his breath, responded with a nod. "And you're tougher than you look, Troxil. But this ends now."

As Craver shifted into his stance, a metallic layer spread across his arms, transforming them into gleaming structures of iron. The forest, once a serene backdrop, now bore witness to the manifestation of Craver's formidable ability—iron fists ready to strike.

{Iron Fist},

Troxil, recognizing the imminent threat, tightened his focus. The forest seemed to hold its breath as Craver unleashed a jab, the iron fist hurtling toward Troxil with deadly precision. At the last possible moment, Troxil evaded the blow, feeling the rush of displaced air as the metal fist grazed his cheek, leaving a shallow cut in its wake.

"Full Metal..." Troxil muttered, his mind racing with strategic solutions. He knew that Craver's ability allowed him to cover specific body parts in an impenetrable layer of metal, making his hax and strikes all the more potent.

Troxil wiped the trickle of blood from his cheek, his eyes narrowing in determination. He needed to find a way to counter Craver's enhanced attacks. The forest floor beneath them, now marked with the scars of their duel, became the battleground for a clash of abilities.

Craver, undeterred by Troxil's evasion, pressed on. His iron fists blurred as he unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes, each one a calculated assault on Troxil's defenses. Troxil, agile and resilient, parried and dodged, but the sheer force behind Craver's blows tested his limits.

As craver flinched for a moment,Troxil saw an opening. With a swift motion, he aimed a powerful kick at Craver's head. Craver, reacting with lightning speed but blocked the kick with his iron-clad forearm, the collision resonating through the forest.

Troxil, recognizing the need to adapt, unleashed a series of rapid strikes, aiming for the gaps in Craver's metallic armor. His fists connected with the iron surface, each impact sending vibrations through Troxil's hands. Craver, unyielding, countered with powerful jabs, aiming for Troxil's vulnerable points.

A vicious cycle of attack and defense ensued, the combatants locked in a dance of strength and skill. The forest floor bore the imprints of their struggle, each footstep leaving a mark as they circled each other. Troxil, fueled by determination, landed a solid blow to Craver's side, denting the metallic layer. Craver grunted in response, a testament to the effectiveness of Troxil's assault.

In retaliation, Craver executed a sweeping kick, catching Troxil off guard. The impact landed with a resounding thud, and Troxil staggered, momentarily thrown off balance. Craver seized the opportunity, delivering a series of rapid punches that left Troxil reeling.

The forest seemed to respond to their intense duel, leaves rustling in the unseen breeze. Troxil, undeterred by the damage he'd sustained, gathered his resolve. He sidestepped a jab from Craver, countering with a devastating uppercut that shook Craver's metallic defense.

Craver, feeling the force of Troxil's strike, retreated momentarily, reassessing the situation. The metallic layer on his arms stung alittle, a testament to the toll of Troxil's relentless assault.

As they stood, a mutual understanding passed between them. The forest, having borne witness to the evolution of their rivalry, seemed to exhale a silent breath. Troxil and Craver, both showing signs of fatigue, circled each other once more, the air heavy with the anticipation of the next exchange.

The metallic layer on Craver's arms flickered, a temporary reprieve as he adjusted to Troxil's relentless onslaught. Troxil, though battered and bruised, maintained a steely resolve, his eyes fixed on the opponent before him.

Craver, fueled by the momentum of his relentless assault, pressed on with a barrage of strikes. His iron fists blurred as he landed blow after blow on Troxil, who struggled to maintain his defense. The forest, once a backdrop to their rivalry, now bore witness to a one-sided pummeling.

The unseen announcer's voice resonated through the trees, intensifying the atmosphere of the battle. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's an absolute spectacle! Craver, with his Iron Fist technique, is dominating the fight against Troxil! The clash of these titans is reaching unprecedented heights!"

Craver, amidst the flurry of strikes, began to notice something amiss. Troxil, known for his resilience and fighting prowess, wasn't mounting the usual counterattacks. Doubt crept into Craver's mind as he questioned why his rival wasn't fighting back.

"What's wrong, Troxil? Is this the best you've got?" Craver taunted, the metallic echo of his voice reverberating through the forest.

Troxil, seemingly absorbed in the fight, remained silent. The once animated dance between them now took on a one-sided rhythm as Craver continued his assault.

The announcer, sensing the shift in dynamics, fueled the intensity of the moment. "Craver, the relentless force, dominating the battlefield! Troxil, the stalwart warrior, seems to be struggling to find his footing. What's happening here?!"

Craver, mid-jab, took a step forward, a flicker of concern in his eyes. "Why aren't you fighting back!?" he demanded, his metallic fists still poised for action.

Troxil, catching his breath, looked up with a knowing glint in his eyes. "I'm just getting started."

Craver, in the heat of the moment , almost forgot about Troxil's formidable hax. As he attempted to dodge, a glowing yellow fist, powered by Troxil's hax, his fist met his face with an explosive impact. The force sent Craver hurtling towards a nearby cluster of trees, demolishing them upon impact.

The unseen audience, held captive by the unfolding spectacle, gasped as the forest echoed with the destruction caused by Troxil's powerful counterattack.

Craver painfully rose from the debris, the side of his face now covered in a patchwork of metal where he had instinctively protected himself at the last possible moment. Blood dripped from his mouth as he wiped it away, grinning despite the pain.

"I almost forgot about that damned {fraction punch} of yours," Craver said, acknowledging Troxil's potent ability.

The announcer's voice, filled with enthusiasm, declared, "At the brink of defeat, Troxil unleashes his signature move! Craver sent flying, but is this the turning point?"

Troxil, gathering the energy from Craver's relentless assault, stood ready for the next phase of their battle. The forest, now a chaotic battleground, seemed to pulse with the aftermath of Troxil's counter.

Craver, undeterred by the setback, assumed a defensive stance. The metallic layer on his face, a testament to the {fraction punch} he had barely managed to mitigate, glowed with residual energy.

Craver, though battered and bloodied, launched himself back into the fray. The forest, now a chaotic battlefield, saw the resurgence of their intense duel. Troxil, fueled by the absorbed power of Craver's attacks, met his opponent with renewed vigor.

With a primal roar, Troxil charged at Craver, his fists a blur of motion. The metallic layer on Craver's face glowed as he intercepted Troxil's strikes with calculated precision. The impact reverberated through the clearing, each collision leaving its mark on the landscape.

Craver, tapping into his own reservoir of strength, retaliated with a series of powerful kicks. Troxil, now embracing the {fraction punch} power, absorbed the blows, his body pulsating with stored energy. As the forest floor cracked beneath their intense exchanges, the two warriors danced on the precipice of exhaustion.

Suddenly, Troxil unleashed a barrage of rapid punches, each one carrying the absorbed force of Craver's earlier assault. The air crackled with the unleashed energy as the force of Troxil's strikes became an overwhelming tide. Craver, caught off guard, struggled to mount a defense.

The forest echoed with the sounds of their brutal confrontation—fists meeting flesh, the clash of metal against metal. Trees trembled as shockwaves radiated from their duel. Troxil, relentless in his assault, pressed Craver to the brink.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, Craver tapped into his own unique ability. The metallic layer on his hands expanded, transforming into razor-sharp brass nuckles. With a swift motion, he slashed through the air, forcing Troxil to retreat momentarily.

But Troxil, undeterred, seized the opportunity. Channeling the absorbed energy, he unleashed a devastating haymaker, the force of the punch magnified by the stored power. Craver, unable to fully defend against the onslaught, was sent sprawling backward.

Not wasting a second Craver instantly rose from the forest floor, a determined glint in his eyes, he bellowed, "Full Metal!"

In an instant, his entire body was enveloped in a gleaming layer of impenetrable metal. The transformation was swift, and the forest bore witness to the formidable presence of a warrior now encased in an armor of his own creation.

With newfound power, Craver lunged at Troxil, his metallic fists aimed for a decisive strike. Troxil, undeterred by the challenge, met Craver head-on, their clash creating shockwaves that rippled through the surrounding trees.

The forest, already scarred by the intensity of their battle, trembled as the two warriors reached a stalemate. Troxil, utilizing the stored energy from the {fraction punch}, delivered a series of devastating blows that reverberated through Craver's metallic defense. Craver, with his Full Metal transformation, absorbed the onslaught with stoic resilience.

The air crackled with energy as the warriors engaged in a relentless exchange of strikes. Each punch and counterpunch sent shockwaves through the clearing, and the forest seemed to pulse with the force of their combined strength.

Flesh met metal, the clashing sounds echoing through the woodland. Troxil, now fully utilizing the {fraction punch} energy, managed to dent Craver's formidable armor. On the flip side, Craver's relentless assault chipped away at Troxil's endurance.

The once-serene groves were now a battleground, trees swaying with the force of the combatants' blows. Troxil and Craver, locked in a fierce struggle, showed no signs of yielding. The forest, having borne witness to the evolution of their rivalry, stood on the precipice of the ultimate resolution.

As the battle reached its climax , both Troxil and Craver, dealing and absorbing damage in a precarious balance, seemed to recognize the mutual cost of their relentless clash. The scores, temporarily forgotten, became irrelevant in the face of the toll their abilities took on each other.

With a simultaneous step back, Troxil and Craver disengaged, the forest falling into an eerie silence. The aftermath of their epic battle was etched into the landscape—broken trees, scorched earth, and the palpable tension that hung in the air.

Troxil, breathing heavily, looked at Craver with a begrudging respect. Craver, his Full Metal form dissipating, acknowledged Troxil's resilience. The forest, now a testament to their indomitable spirit, awaited the final moments of this fierce rivalry.

Exhausted and sprawled on the forest floor, Troxil and Craver shared a moment of camaraderie amid the wreckage of their intense battle.

"Man, you're stubborn as hell," Troxil remarked, a tired but genuine smile playing on his face.

"Just for your information, I won this fight," Craver retorted, his voice carrying a hint of playful defiance.

"I think I might've hit your head too hard because I won," Troxil replied, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

Amidst the laughter that echoed through the battered groves, the scores and abilities that had defined their rivalry became inconsequential.