
Astral Dogma

100 years ago the demons waged a fierce war on the 5 realms, only to be eventually sealed within their own domain. Fast forward almost 17 years later, and the demon known as Belial discovers a method to break free from his confinement. Emerging into what appears to be an idyllic new world, Belial is filled with hope, perceiving it as a true paradise. However, as Belial embarks on his journey, to find a way to unseal his people soon after the façade of this seemingly perfect realm begins to crumble, revealing a sinister truth lurking just beneath the surface. The once-promised land transforms into a nightmarish labyrinth, harboring mysteries foretold . Compelled to confront the consequences of his choices, Belial becomes entangled in a treacherous web of lies and malevolence. Every step he takes risks everything he holds dear, challenging him to his very core. discord: Blackstar_sashi

TheBlackstar · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Rivals (1)

Troxil's sinewy muscles strained as he swung his gleaming axe, cleaving through the last of the grotesque monsters that dared cross his path. A cascade of foul blood sprayed across the weapon's once-polished surface, but Troxil merely flicked it with a nonchalant expression, removing the gruesome residue.

Undeterred, Troxil forged ahead, his footsteps marking a determined rhythm against the natural symphony of rustling leaves and distant wildlife. Amidst the dense foliage, his keen senses caught a familiar presence. There, on the edge of a cliff, stood Craver, a fellow warrior and, strangely enough, a close friend.

"You feeling suicidal or something, Craver?" Troxil's voice cut through the tranquil air.

.Craver still looking down below, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"Maybe," he replied, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Despite being on opposite sides, their friendship ran deep, woven with the threads of rivalry and mutual respect. Troxil approached Craver, and together, they surveyed the abyss below. Hundreds of monsters congregated, a seething mass of malevolence waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

As they stared into the abyss, Troxil's gaze shifted upward, revealing a curious set of scores hanging in the air like ethereal markers of their prowess.



A wry smile played on Troxil's lips. "I guess we're even right now."

The tension in the air was palpable, a prelude to the impending clash between the forces of light and darkness. Troxil and Craver exchanged a knowing look, the unspoken acknowledgment of the battles they had faced together and the countless yet to come.

Troxil couldn't help but chuckle, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed through the stillness of the forest. "You always find a way to make things interesting, Craver."

Craver's eyes glinted with a mixture of mischief and determination. "Life's too short for dull moments, my friend."

"Remember what happened last time we got into guild wars?" Craver asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Troxil turned toward him, a confident grin on his face. "Yeah, I beat you," he declared boldly.

"That's a lie." Craver's response was immediate, a bland expression masking any acknowledgment of defeat.

A competitive spark ignited between them, and Troxil, ever the provocateur, seized the moment. "How about this: first one to 5,000 is—"

Before Craver could finish his sentence, Troxil, fueled by the thrill of competition, leaped off the cliff without hesitation. The air rushed past him as he descended into the abyss, the forest canopy giving way to the chaotic scene below.

Craver watched in mild disbelief as Troxil's figure disappeared from view. A moment of silence stretched, broken only by the distant sounds of monsters stirring in anticipation.

"That's one way to start a competition," Craver muttered to himself, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He took a moment to gather himself before following Troxil's daring lead, leaping into the unknown with a mixture of determination and amusement.

Troxil landed with a resounding thud, displacing a cloud of dust as he faced the oncoming horde of monsters. His axe gleamed, hungry for more battle, as he locked eyes with Craver, who descended moments later without a weapon in hand.

Craver's landing lacked the finesse of Troxil's, but he rolled to his feet, adopting a defensive stance. "Bold move, Troxil, but you'll need more than a head start to beat me," Craver declared, his bare hands ready for the impending clash.

Troxil chuckled, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's see if you can keep up, Craver."

The monsters, sensing fresh prey, lunged toward the warriors. Troxil swung his axe with precision, each strike a dance of lethal elegance. Craver, weaponless but undeterred, relied on swift movements and precise dodges to navigate the chaos.

As the battle raged on, the forest echoed with the clash of steel against scales, roars of monsters, and the occasional banter between the two competitors. Troxil, reveling in the heat of the moment, taunted Craver between strikes.

"Come on, Craver! You're not even trying!" Troxil called out, a smirk playing on his face.

Craver responded with a calculated grin, narrowly evading a monster's claws. "I don't need a weapon to beat you, Troxil. I've got something better—skill."

Their banter fueled the intensity of the battle, and the monsters, caught between two aggressive warriors, faced a relentless onslaught. Troxil and Craver, both driven by a competitive spirit, moved in tandem despite being on opposite sides.

Amidst the chaos, Troxil noticed Craver's clever maneuvers, exploiting the monsters' weaknesses with strategic precision. Despite the lack of a traditional weapon, Craver fought with a finesse that showcased his mastery over combat.

The scores in the air flickered, each successful strike contributing to their ever-growing tally.



Troxil's axe cleaving through the monsters with brutal efficiency. Craver, weaponless but undaunted, engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a grace that defied the chaos surrounding him. His fists moved like a blur, each strike more brutal than the other Troxil, impressed by Craver's skill, couldn't resist a sly comment.

"Not bad, Craver. But you might want to borrow a weapon unless you're planning to wrestle every monster here."

Craver chuckled mid-punch, a testament to his unwavering confidence. "Real men don't need weapons, Troxil. We rely on our instincts and strength and style."

Their banter, interwoven with the sounds of battle, became the soundtrack to their clash. The forest floor trembled beneath their combined assault, and the monsters, caught between two aggressive forces, struggled to retaliate.

As Troxil and Craver fought side by side, a strange synergy developed. Troxil's sweeping arcs with the axe cleared a path, allowing Craver to move in with swift, calculated strikes. It was a dance of destruction, a tandem assault that demonstrated their unspoken understanding and camaraderie.

The monsters, sensing the change in strategy, adapted, becoming more cunning and relentless.

Troxil found himself locked in a fierce struggle with a particularly formidable creature, while Craver faced a trio of agile monsters. The air crackled with energy as each warrior battled against the odds.

Craver, displaying incredible agility, somersaulted over a monster's back, delivering a powerful kick that sent it sprawling. Troxil, not to be outdone, unleashed a whirlwind of strikes, his axe a blur of deadly arcs.

The scores in the air continued to climb:



Their competition fueled their determination, and the forest, once a serene haven, now echoed with the roars of monsters and the clash of warriors. Troxil and Craver, fueled by adrenaline and rivalry, fought on, each move a step closer to victory.

As the battle raged, Troxil and Craver found themselves back-to-back, surrounded by a sea of adversaries. The monsters, sensing the warriors' momentary vulnerability, launched a coordinated assault. In that moment of peril, Troxil and Craver shared a glance, a silent agreement that spoke volumes.

With a synchronized battle cry, they faced the encroaching horde, a united front against the relentless onslaught. The forest, witnessing this epic clash, held its breath as the fate of the duel hung in the balance.

The forest fell silent, a pregnant pause preceding the emergence of a colossal, B-rank monster. Its massive form towered over the battlefield, muscles rippling with strength, and ominous red eyes glared at Troxil and Craver. The air seemed to thicken with tension as the new threat announced itself.

[Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like they found the boss monster!]the disembodied voice of the announcer resonated through the forest, and the crowd heightening the gravity of the situation.

Troxil and Craver, momentarily putting their rivalry aside, turned to face the impending menace. The ground trembled beneath the monster's heavy footsteps as it advanced, an embodiment of raw power and malevolence.

The scores in the air became irrelevant in the face of this new adversary. Troxil gripped his axe with renewed determination, while Craver assumed a defensive stance, his bare hands poised to counter the impending assault.

The boss monster roared, a deafening sound that reverberated through the forest. It unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks, forcing Troxil and Craver to evade with acrobatic grace. The once-coordinated dance between them dissolved into a chaotic struggle for survival.

The announcer's voice continued to echo, providing a grim commentary to the unfolding battle. [Will our intrepid hunters overcome this formidable foe, or is this the end of their battle?!]

Troxil and Craver, united by the common threat, exchanged a glance that spoke volumes. There was no time for words; their actions would determine the outcome.

Troxil charged at the monster, axe swinging in a determined arc, while Craver weaved between its colossal limbs, striking at vulnerable points with precise blows.

The forest bore witness to a clash of titans, as the boss monster unleashed its wrath upon the warriors. The battle became a symphony of steel, muscle, and sheer willpower, echoing through the once-silent groves.

As the minutes ticked by, the resilience of Troxil and Craver began to wear down the monstrous adversary. They exploited weaknesses, dodged with split-second timing, and fought with a ferocity that transcended their rivalry. The forest, once a canvas for their competition, became the arena for an epic struggle between man and beast.

The time remained ongoing:

[Time:01:00 hours]



The onslaught from the colossal monster intensified, its massive limbs crashing down with the force of a battering ram. Troxil and Craver, battered but unbowed, found themselves in the heart of the chaos. The forest echoed with the clash of steel against scaled hide, the monster's roars reverberating through the air.

"Don't give up on me now!" Troxil shouted above the din, rallying his strength for another assault. His axe swung with unyielding determination, each strike aiming for a vulnerable spot on the monster's colossal frame.

Craver, dodging and weaving with unmatched agility, shot Troxil a defiant glance. "Watch me kill it first, baldie!" he retorted, a grin playing on his lips despite the intensity of the battle.

The relentless struggle unfolded, Troxil and Craver pushing their physical against the seemingly strong monster. The forest, once a serene sanctuary, now bore witness to a clash of epic proportions.

The monster, sensing the tenacity of its opponents, unleashed a final, desperate onslaught. Troxil and Craver, battered and bruised, stood their ground. Troxil's axe cleaved through the air with an unyielding determination, while Craver danced around the monster's attacks with calculated finesse.

In a moment of synchronicity, Troxil and Craver locked eyes, an unspoken understanding passing between them. The monster reared back, preparing for a devastating blow, but the warriors seized the opportunity. Troxil lunged forward, distracting the beast with a feint, while Craver unleashed a series of rapid strikes on its exposed flank.

The forest held its breath as the decisive moment unfolded. Troxil's axe found its mark, embedding deep into the monster's side, while Craver's strikes landed with surgical precision. The boss monster roared in agony, its once-imposing form faltering.

"Don't let up!" Troxil roared, a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. The duo pressed their advantage, relentlessly attacking the weakened monster. The forest seemed to pulse with the rhythm of their coordinated assault.

The announcer's voice cut through the chaos, a declaration of their impending victory. [Incredible! It looks like our warriors are turning the tide against the boss monster!]

With one final, concerted effort, Troxil and Craver delivered the decisive blows. The monster, now teetering on the brink of defeat, collapsed with a ground-shaking thud. The forest fell silent once more, the echoes of battle replaced by the victorious breaths of the weary warriors.

Troxil and Craver, standing amidst the fallen foe, exchanged triumphant glances. The scores in the air seemed pointless now.

As the forest settled into an eerie calm, craver couldn't help but chuckle.

"Damn blood got on my suit."craver complained

Troxil , wiping sweat from his brow, grinned in agreement. "Not bad, craver. Not bad at all."

"But," Troxil said, catching his breath amidst the aftermath of the battle.

"It's about time we settle this," they both declared simultaneously, their eyes locked in a shared resolve.