

"Astral Chaos" is a thrilling adventure that explores the themes of power, destiny, and the consequences of our actions. It's a story of self-discovery, redemption, and the power of love, set against a backdrop of cosmic battles and mystical powers. This is a story about an orphan who was never accepted in the world of immortals due to his unique but destructive power. A story which depicts his struggle to find the reason for his existence as well as reason to live. As Aarav learns more about the true nature of his powers, he discovers a dark secret that threatens the entire world. Even after all the thing he faced due to people around him, will he come forward to save them? Can someone finally make him realize what it meant to care about others?

AADI01 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Astral Chaos: Chapter 4 - A Big Problem

Aryan was walking in the street, walking around the town without any destination while thinking about something.

He whispered to himself, "I have tried many manuals from the library in town by sneaking inside, but I am not able to cultivate any of them. I think I have to wait until I awaken my bloodline element."

He continued, "According to what I have learned, if a person don't have connection with some element, or don't possess some bloodline related to martial arts he or she can only be a ordinary people in their life. Since I have turned 6, i should be able to awaken my element or bloodline . If not, it seems i can only live my life like a small doctor like Grandpa."

It was not that Aarav didn't like his grandpa's profession, which also led to helping so many people. It was just that it was his dream to be a cultivator, a dream he has been pursuing since he got to know about this profession (Cultivation).

While he was walking in the town, he saw a group of children who were looking the same age group like him or a few years older. After seeing them Aryan tried to change his path so that he could avoid meeting them, but at the same time, he turned, he heard a voice of a child,

"Oh! Isn't that the little thief, Aarav?".

Aryan tried to ignore them and continued to walk, but soon he felt a hand on his shoulder, which by force threw him on the ground. It was the hand of one of the oldest in the group. He didn't have a handsome face with light brown hair and black eyes, he seems mediocre in looks, but he wears expensive clothes, which showed his status from some rich families.

"I thought our little friend would like to meet us." A boy who was standing in front of all others in his group spoke. He was approx. 6 years old and from his clothes he could be said from one of biggest families in town. All others were quite respectful towards him, and that could be said his family was quite influential.

"Leon, what do you think? If your father is mayor of the town and most powerful one in the town, you can do anything to the people living here?"Aarav replied.

"You a grandchild of a small doctor also have guts to speak to me like that, have you forgotten your boundaries. You even enter school that is only made for future cultivators like us to learn about the world before we start cultivating."Leon replied with a cold smile as he was looking down on Aarav for his background.

"Maybe I don't come from some big background, but you must remember one thing you can not mock my grandfather."Aarav replied with an angry face. He was looking seriously into Leon face. He have tolerated all things that Leon did to him or say to him till this date as he didn't wanted to create a problem for the old doc but he can't tolerate Leon saying anything about his grandpa.

All the anger he stored for Leon suddenly erupted within him and punched Leon on his right cheek.

But before he could have done anything else, he was attacked by other children together. He was not able to defend against them as they outnumbered him. When these children threw Aarav to the ground and started to beat him, a voice came, "Don't meddle in between. I will repay this punch myself."

All the children quickly dispersed without any thought of going against these words and made way for Leon.

Many people passing by saw this, but nobody dared to take action against mayor's son. They just tried to ignore it as nothing was happening. Leon came and put a leg on Aryan chest and said,

"A person should know his position and never try to go above it. You should always be inside your limits and be loyal to people like us otherwise you..... Will not have a peaceful life."

He continued, " Sam, show him what a cultivators power is like, let him see a person who can cultivate and possess a bloodline power."

After these words come from his mouth, a person who first threw Aarav to the floor and was oldest of them all came in front. He lifted his arm, and suddenly, it seemed the power of his punch increased by 10 times.

'What happened suddenly to increase in his power.'This was the first thought that struck Aarav's mind, and soon he understood this seem to be the effect of cultivation(bloodline). he thought, ' No, wonder why cultivators are said to king be of the world and this was only power of a child who awakened his powers recently not to mansion people like city lord.

He used his fist to hit Aryan on his face and continued hitting him till he started bleeding. Aryan had a big bruise on his forehead and some small wounds all over his face, with blood flowing from all over his face. Blood was flowing from the side of his lips as he twitched them.

By this, it can be seen that powerful are respected and a weak person's life doesn't matter to anybody. Nobody showed any sympathy and tried to help Aarav from being beaten.

He was still barely able to keep himself conscious, it was because he was beaten up every time he was caught sneaking in library and school, so he was used to this type of beating and it don't do much harm to him. He was just looking towards all these kids, he don't know all of them, but he knew one thing they all are quite rich and have an influential family background.

When he was getting beaten, a familiar figure appeared on the street and when he saw Aryan being beaten, rushed towards all of them pushed all those children which were trying to kill him and immediately picked Aarav from the floor and looked towards all these kids with an angry look.

Aarav was like one of his family member for him, Aarav use to call him senior brother and they both shared a very close bond like real brothers and when he saw him in this condition he cannot keep his calm.

"Hey captain, go away from here or else after complaining to my dad. I will expel you from your job."Leon said with an angry face.

"I became guard of the city to protect people, I will not let you hurt anybody without reason, not to mansion if it is Aarav and even if he have done anything wrong it is decision of mayor for punishment, it has nothing to do with you to hurt somebody."The captain replied with a nervous look as after all he was talking to the son of mayor.

"You think you have the ability to stop Young Master from doing anything in this city? Don't forget I am a cultivator whose bloodline has been awakened. "Sam said with a prideful face and suddenly attacked the captain as he thought a person who could not cultivate was not his match as he was 1 star Mortal Awakening level and was above ordinary humans.

Captain not only dodged Sam's attack but with a light hand, pushed him aside and said,

"Yes, maybe I am not a cultivator but you forget I am a captain of elite force of this city, I possess power to content with 1 star  cultivators myself and you think you can take me down just with your strength, hahaa....."

To be precise he can win against these small cultivators due to his abundant battle experience he have gathered all these years protecting the city but if compared to a experienced cultivators it is easy to kill him just with a strike.

He then saw Aarav, who was still unconscious, and he was bleeding from his head, and his hands and legs were injured as well. He picked him up in his arms and rushed towards the cottage of old doc.

People around the place saw all this with their own eyes, and many people around started talking within themselves, "Now, it is going to be a good show", "I think Mayor will take side of his son and take action against this boy and captain.".

"I think this matter is going to be a big one.".

When the captain reached Old doc's cottage, the old doc was sitting on the same chair in the courtyard thinking about something, but when he saw injured, Aarav carried by captain towards the house. He was shocked by seeing blooding dripping from Aryan's forehead. He walked towards them as fast as he could and asked the captain,

"Wh....Wh....What happened to him?"

"It was some conflict btw him and mayor's son that led his friend to beat him to this state. Fortunately, I was on time and was able to save him. Otherwise, it would have been worse than this."The captain replied while rushing inside the house and putting him on the bed.

"Now those kids even beat him in groups?"Old doc replied but didn't continue on saying anything and started putting medicines and treating his wounds. It took him an hour to completely treat Aarav as his arms and legs were having some slight injuries but his head and chest had many major injuries on them which not treated on time can even take a persons life.

"Even if this fight was started by Leon, I am pretty much sure Aarav will be the one paying the prize Mayor will not let this matter go this easily and I think those pill houses will also support mayor in his decision as there business was not growing due to you old doc."Captain said with a confused look while thinking of a solution for the problems.

"I know .....I know, they will not let this matter go easily, but for me, this child's life is more important than any other thing in this world. And captain, I haven't thank you for saving this brat, or he might have died under those children's attack.", old doc said while continuously looking towards Aryan who was unconscious due to head injury.

"Old doc, don't embarrass me. You have saved my lives countless times when I ever got injured over the years. It is just a small bit I can do to repay you."The captain replied with a smile on his face.

It's been 3 days since that incident, Aarav regained consciousness the next day but is still on bed rest due to injuries. When the old doc was making some food for Aarav, who was on the bed just lying their without having anything to do, he heard a person running towards the cottage from the courtyard. When he looked towards the gate, he saw Captain approaching with a disgusted look on his face.

As the captain reached the cottage, he have a frightened look on his face and when old man saw him this frightened he knew his worst dream that he saw in past 3 sleepless nights have come true, they are finally here.

What was Old Doc nightmare and exactly who came to make Caption who can easily go hand to hand with a low level cultivator?

Have some idea about my story? Send a Review to me which will greatly motivate me for my future writing and let me know your thoughts.

AADI01creators' thoughts