

"Astral Chaos" is a thrilling adventure that explores the themes of power, destiny, and the consequences of our actions. It's a story of self-discovery, redemption, and the power of love, set against a backdrop of cosmic battles and mystical powers. This is a story about an orphan who was never accepted in the world of immortals due to his unique but destructive power. A story which depicts his struggle to find the reason for his existence as well as reason to live. As Aarav learns more about the true nature of his powers, he discovers a dark secret that threatens the entire world. Even after all the thing he faced due to people around him, will he come forward to save them? Can someone finally make him realize what it meant to care about others?

AADI01 · Fantasy
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Astral Chaos: Chapter 3 - The Cultivation World

Its been 6 years since the old doc find a child in barren lake, he adopted him and cared for him like his own grandchildren.

In rural area within Barren City,

In a shabby house an old man was sitting on his chair and resting. He was wearing some old clothes, which looked like it was repaired many time.

"Dev, go and see there is an patient coming." , old man after saw a person approaching the cottage, he turned towards a child. When we look at the cottage of the old doc we cannot see any major differences from 6 years ago but we can see their are more herbs growing than before in the courtyard of his hut. We can see two people in the garden, a old man and a small child of around 6 years old. Old man was siting their while the child was collecting some herbs from around the garden. The child had a cute little face and his eyes were deep black which seem like everything in existence can be swallowed in them whereas his hair were black with shade of brown which currently were quite messy but none the less he still looked handsome.

the child when heard the old doc speaking he immediately replied,

"Yes, grandpa.", the little boy replied.

"But you have to remember your promise to let me go after this work. So that I can go around the town" ,the little boy said.

"I might not be able to understand you ever. Why do you always to go to that school for cultivators only to look from outside? We are just some common people who cannot compare to those high class people who can cultivate. So, why do you go there and learn things by sneaking."

"Maybe we cannot cultivate and not have long lives like them but by going there I can at least learn about the continent and other people lifestyles and habits. I can use it in my medical treatment".

After saying this the child ran towards the door and greeted a middle aged man who have a wound on his hand which needed to be treated. That child took the man inside the cottage and started treating the wound by himself but surprisingly that man didn't hesitate at all as if he have total confidence in this child medical expertise.

Old doc was seeing this from the courtyard and he started thinking something and whispered to himself,

"This child's comprehension ability is quite terrifying. He is only 6 years old but his medical ability can be easily comparable to that of an adult. All he need now is experience, even a person like me with more than 35 years in medicine now have nothing to teach him. He might show his talent when he get experience by travelling in the continent."

"But he is different, when I found him in barren lake and I decided to keep him with me after hearing news about his mother, I knew it that one day you might be able to become an powerful person, I didn't have any reason for it but it was the thing that came to mind."

Old doc after saying this saw towards Dev with admiration and continued with pain in his voice.

"I have lived my life. Now it is time that you live yours. His pendant is the last clue to find his parents, he might be from some wealthy family. I think you might have talent in cultivation and I will try my best to give you the best I can till I am alive."

He continued, "Children from those rich families have many treasures that help them in their growth. But you didn't have any of those, you were bullied by those high class people for sneaking in school. But rather than being impulsive you continued your dream for knowledge. I am quite old and I cannot suppress by diseases by any medicine, I might only live for some months but you have your whole life in front of you. You should live your live to fullest and by your own rules."

He was seeing towards Dev whose name was given due to the aura he possess despite only being a child. Old doc can clearly feel that Aryan had an aura around him that led to people being attracted towards him. This aura was probably from his birth as even when he was found in Barren Lake that was famous for its death aura, at that time his aura was easily able to protect him from death energy. Old doc remembered when he saw Dev for first time in barren lake and all these years together with him, Old doc couldn't control his tears as he was the only person he have truly loved after his children left him. But now due to his health condition he have to leave this little child in the world alone.


After some time when Aryan treated the wound of the person, he came near old doc and handed him 5 copper coins, money on this continent is simply divided into copper, silver, gold coins and platinum coins. Each of which was 1000 time in value than the previous and gold coins are very few on the whole continent who possess them as these are symbol of Royalty not even to mention platinum coins which can be said to be a legend. Even mayor of the city might not have a single gold coins not to mention a platinum coins. As even if a person possess money to exchange for gold coins it's not easy to get one.

Old man didn't have any greed towards money, so for many years he have been healing people without thinking of getting money, this was also the reason why he was this poor and old doc cannot afford to send Dev to a normal school not even to mention city's no. 1 pre-elementary academy for cultivation.

This is the world where people can cultivate in martial arts, these people mainly focus on different ways to strengthen their body that allow them to possess different ability. Children from powerful(cultivation) families start training from a small age and when they break the barrier btw a normal human and cultivation they can start cultivating. 

Cultivation has a high dependency on genes that led to more cultivators in big and powerful families. But it is not like it is not possible to cultivate without coming from a prominent families, if a person can cultivate, he can be the cornerstone to start his own cultivation family. But such a situation only occurs 1 in million.

But after starting cultivation he/she form a bond with a element as their future partner, each awakened person have affinity to one of the five elements.

These people use element in their surroundings to cultivate and strengthen their body and they can control the element which they have affinity towards, like a person with fire affinity can use fire as he wish either be cooking food with it or turning a whole city to ashes.

Elements can be classified into

1. Fire

2. Water

3. Earth

4. Wind

5. Lightning

The person who have affinity with any of these element are considered a cultivator. Every person is born with different compatibility with their element. As a fire element can be used to burn grass as well as more powerful fire can even burn the whole forest.

Cultivators can also choose their future as they can either chose to become a Elemental Warrior that use element to strengthen their body and fight in close range or use long range attacks and become a Elemental Master( Elemental Master are quite rare as to control long range abilities a person need a terrifying mental strength that is not common and can only be found in 1 among a million cultivators ).

Cultivation on the continent is divided into 2 realms and these 2 realms are further divided into 9 levels with each level representing a star:

1. Mortal Awakening

2. Spiritual Level

When a person awaken his/her element , he/she enter Mortal Awakening level. It is said that cultivation can directly affect your age as some powerful cultivators can even live up to 1000 years .

Even the City Lord of the Barren City was only 4 star Mortal Awaken Level and is considered an invincible being for the residents and also provide a reality check to all the residents who dream to cultivate and show just how tough it is for a person to reach a higher realm.

These were the knowledge Aarav have gathered through sneaking inside academy. He was beaten many times by children from higher class but for his own thirst of knowledge he continue to sneak in libraries and school. It is also show his determination and his way of thinking can fit this popular line" If you want to learn something new, nobody can stop you other than yourself."

It might consist some grammatical mistakes as didnt have time to correct them.

Looking forward to all reviews and comments about your thoughts on the future development of the story.

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