
Aster, the Living Solar System

TLDR: *Based only loosely on the events of Dragon Ball and the other series that will be referenced *Each volume will only be 6-10 chapters *MC won't be a saiyan for Volume 2, but will regain their form in Volume 3 (Chapter 15-ish) Long version: This is a story about a saiyan child born two hundred years after the events of DBZ, at the beginning of the Dragon Ball Online story, said by Toriyama to be his "true" ending to Dragon Ball. This is my way of giving back to the late author, where I also add in several of my favorite characters from various anime and manga. That said, I am tweaking them to make their stories better fit the mechanics of Dragon Ball. Basic summary of plot: Shin is trying to honor the legacy of the late Goku and Vegeta, but he makes a mistake that ends with the main character finding themselves in the body of the fallen Prince Sadalla. Sadalla, who wants to be like his idols Goku and Vegeta, chooses to go on a journey to reach Super Saiyan.

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Power Levels (Relevant in early chapters)

Sadalla remembered the old power system that had initially been used by saiyans and the Frieza Force. It didn't have much meaning, but Sadalla knew there were a few basic benchmarks:

A power level of 1 meant basically no strength. Even a very weak punch from a saiyan infant could kill you. 

A power level of 10 was considered extremely weak. You could destroy at most a few cities or a small country.

A power level of 100 was where things got serious. The old master Roshi on Earth could blow up the moon at this power level. Earth's moon is on the scale of a very small planet, a little above half of the size of Mercury, the smallest planet in Earth's Solar System.

Power at 1000 was capable of destroying most gas giants, but their gravity may pull them back together. Even at their peak, no one on Earth could clear this benchmark until after the saiyan Raditz had invaded.

Once you reached 10,000, there was no question. Only a handful of the strongest saiyans could reach this level. Small white dwarf stars would be threatened by your power, and at 100,000 you might destroy a red dwarf star completely. No saiyan on Planet Plant had ever reached this strength threshold.

Upon reaching 1,000,000, you could blow up even the medium-sized stars like Sol. Only beings like Frieza or King Cold could surpass this. Until Goku, at least, where this was just a threshold.

Ten million. That was the benchmark. Large stars and neutron stars came under threat. Frieza himself had only reached 60,000,000, and King Cold was behind even that.

Lastly, there was 100,000,000. Only the largest stars remained outside of your grasp. Feats beyond the speed of light became possible, and small solar systems could be blasted from existence. No power levels existed beyond this because technology couldn't detect them. Any being at that level could declare themselves a god, and only the gods themselves would contest it. 

While not quite accurate to the source material, this is my attempt to grant more meaning to an otherwise meaningless system. In DBZ, these are hyper accurate, and kill a lot of the drama. No one with a higher power level ever loses to a character with a lower power level, and to be honest I like that. Hax abilities are neat, but they take away from a series all about skill and strength. Don't expect hax abilities to make a huge difference in fights between characters with a large power difference.

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