
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The arrival of hammer of freedom

As the months passed, Natalie tried to stay strong for the sake of the younger children. She knew that they were looking to her for guidance and support, and she didn't want to let them down. But behind the facade of a carefree and happy Natalie, she was struggling.

She couldn't stop thinking about her friends, Jinn, Alex, Michael, Sarah, and Thomas, who were still locked up in their cells, and Jake, who had been killed months ago.

The details of that day still remain clear in Natalie's memory.

She didn't know if they were still alive, or if they had been subjected to the same cruel treatment that she had seen firsthand.

Every day, Natalie would play with the younger children, trying to keep their spirits up. She would organize games and activities for them, and tell them stories to distract them from the harsh reality of their lives. But as the days passed, she couldn't help but feel guilty for being able to move on with her life while her friends were still suffering.

She would often sneak away from the younger children, to be alone with her thoughts. She would cry, thinking about the other older children, and pray that they were still alive and safe. She felt guilty for not being able to do more to help them, but she knew that she had to stay strong for the sake of the younger children.

Natalie knew that she needed to come up with a plan to help her friends, but she didn't know where to start. She was just a single person against the Ironclad, and she knew that she couldn't do it alone. She needed to find allies, and she needed to be careful not to attract the attention of the Ironclad. But she knew that she couldn't just sit back and do nothing. She would have to be patient, and wait for the right opportunity to present itself.

Beth walked up to Natalie, who was sitting alone in a corner, lost in her thoughts. "Hey Nat," she said, sitting down beside her. "I know things are tough right now, but we have to stay strong for the others. They're counting on us."

Natalie looked up at her, her eyes filled with tears. "But what can we do? We're just kids. We're not strong enough to fight the Ironclad."

Beth put her arm around Natalie, pulling her close. "We may not be strong in the traditional sense, but we have something even more powerful: our determination and our will to survive. We can't give up hope, Nat. We have to keep fighting, no matter how hard it gets."

Natalie wiped her tears, taking a deep breath. "You're right, Beth. We can't give up. We have to keep fighting, no matter what."

"That's the spirit, Nat," Beth said, smiling. "We'll get through this together, no matter what happens. We're a team, and we'll never give up on each other."

Suddenly, one of the younger children approached Natalie. The child handed her a small teddy bear made out of an old cloth. "Here, Sister Natalie," Maya said with a smile. "I made this for you. It'll make you feel better."

Natalie took the teddy bear and hugged it tightly. The gesture touched her heart and brought a smile to her face. "Thank you, Maya," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "This is the best gift anyone could give me."

Maya smiled, happy to see Natalie happy. "I'm glad you like it," Maya said. "I made it especially for you."

"I'm going to make one for Beth too," Maya said, smiling. "But I need to find more materials first."

Natalie smiled at the child, her heart warmed by the act of kindness. "That's very thoughtful of you," she said. "I'm sure it will bring a lot of comfort to Beth too."

Natalie hugged the child tightly, feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination. She knew that no matter how tough things got, she would always have the support of her friends and the younger children. Together, they would fight for their freedom and bring an end to the Ironclad's reign of terror.


Close to the Ironclad continent, in a small village that is unknown,

A mother sat next to her lovely child, while reading a book out loud.

"And in this academy, they teach not only reading, writing and arithmetic but also how to defend oneself, how to lead and manage people, how to survive in the wild," his mother read aloud.

Jinn listened intently, his eyes wide with wonder as his mother read to him. He had never heard of such a place before, and the idea of going to an academy where he could learn all these things was exciting to him.

"Can I go to an academy too, Mama?" Jinn asked, looking up at his mother with hopeful eyes.

His mother smiled and ruffled his hair. "Maybe one day, my dear. But for now, let's focus on finishing this book and getting you to bed."

Jinn nodded, feeling a sense of contentment as his mother continued reading to him. He knew that the idea of going to an academy was just a dream for now, but it was a dream that he would hold onto and work towards.

As his mother finished reading the chapter, she closed the book and kissed Jinn on the forehead. "Good night, my dear," she said, blowing off the light and closing the door behind her as she left the room.

Jinn lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts of the academy and all the things he could learn there. He knew that it was just a dream for now, but he promised himself that one day, he would make it a reality. And with that thought, he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the day when he would finally be able to attend an academy and learn all the things he had always wanted to know.

In the morning, 4-year-old Jinn sat at the dinner table with his parents, who were both doting on him as they served him his favorite dish. His mother smiled warmly as she spooned more food onto his plate, while his father looked on with pride.

"You're going to be a strong and smart young man, just like your father," his mother said, ruffling his hair affectionately.

Jinn smiled, basking in the love and attention of his parents. But then, his mind wandered to the book his mother had read to him last night, the one about academies where children were educated and trained to become powerful and influential.

"Mother, can I really go to an academy?" Jinn asked, looking up at her with hope in his eyes.

His mother's expression softened, and she looked at his father. "I'm afraid that's not possible, my dear," she said, her voice gentle. "Academies are for the wealthy and powerful, not for people like us."

Jinn frowned, a feeling of disappointment creeping into his chest. "But why not? I want to learn and be smart like them."

His father put a hand on his shoulder. "I know you do, Jinn. But we have to make do with what we have. Your mother and I will make sure you learn everything you need to know."

Jinn nodded, understanding. He knew that his parents were doing their best for him, but he couldn't help feeling a little bit jealous of the kids in the book who got to go to the academy.

Jinn's heart sank, knowing that he would never have the opportunity to attend an academy and fulfill his dream of becoming powerful and influential. But even so, he cherished the time he spent with his parents and the love they gave him.

"Don't worry, Jinn," his mother said, noticing the look on his face. "You'll be able to do great things in this world, even without a fancy education."

"Well, whatever you decide to do, we'll be proud of you," his father said, smiling at him.

Jinn smiled, feeling a little better. He knew what her mother said was right. He would make something of himself, no matter what.

"Thanks, Dad," "Thanks, Mom," Jinn said, feeling content and loved in that moment. He didn't want it to end and he enjoyed being with his family, but it was just a memory, a dream that he had while being locked up in the cell.

In the present, as the flashback ends, Jinn sat chained to the wall, weak and thin, his body covered in scars from the torture he had endured. But even though he knew it was all in the past, he still held onto the memories of his parents and the love they had given him, using it as a source of strength to keep going.

As he grew older, he still cherished those memories, holding onto them tightly as he navigated the harsh realities of the orphanage. But now, as he lay chained to the wall, weak and broken, those memories were all he had left to hold onto. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain and fear, and focused on the happy memories of his family.

He remembered the sound of his mother's laughter, the way she would twirl around the kitchen while cooking and the way his father's eyes would light up when he was proud of him. He thought about how much he missed them, how much he longed to be back in their loving arms, and how much he wished he could turn back time.

Jinn's eyes slowly opened and he saw Michael lying next to him, also weak and thin. Michael's eyes were closed and he was barely breathing.

"Michael," Jinn croaked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Can you hear me?"

Michael's eyes slowly opened and he looked at Jinn with a weak smile. "I'm here," he said, his voice barely audible.

Jinn tried to move, but the chains that bound him to the wall were too tight. He let out a groan of pain as he felt the wounds on his body.

"We have to get out of here," Jinn said, determination in his voice. "We can't let them win."

Michael shook his head weakly. "We can't escape," he said, his voice barely audible. "We're too weak."

Jinn closed his eyes, feeling a sense of hopelessness wash over him. He knew that Michael was right, they were too weak to escape. But he couldn't give up, not when there was still a chance.

Suddenly, the door to their cell opened and Captain Willard walked in, accompanied by a group of Ironclad soldiers.

"It's time for your punishment," Captain Willard said, his voice cold and unfeeling. "You will be sent to the Ironclad Institute of medical and science laboratory for further experimentation."

Jinn and Michael looked at each other, their hearts filled with dread.

"Don't think for a second that we'll beg for mercy," Michael mustered up all the strength he had left and spat on Captain Willard's face, his voice filled with anger and disgust.

Captain Willard's face twisted in rage and he stepped forward, delivering a swift punch to Michael's face. "You'll pay the price for your disobedience, along with your other friends." he sneered, as he and the Ironclad soldiers began to beat Michael mercilessly.

Jinn tried to intervene, but he was quickly overpowered and beaten as well. The two of them were dragged out of the cell, their screams of pain echoing through the corridors as they were taken away to their doom.

Jinn and Michael were thrown into a transport vehicle, along with Captain Willard and several Ironclad soldiers, and taken to the Ironclad Institute of medical and science laboratory for further experimentation. They knew that whatever experiments they would be subjected to would be cruel and inhumane. All they could do now was hope for a miracle and pray for a way out.

As the sound of Jinn and Michael's screams filled the air, Alex, Thomas, and Sarah woke up in their separate cells, their hearts racing with fear. They knew that the same fate that had befallen their friends was now going to happen to them. The sound of the guards' heavy footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer to their cells.

Suddenly, the door to their cell opened and the guards walked in, their expressions cold and unfeeling. "You will be transfer to the Ironclad Institute of medical and science laboratory for further experimentation." One of the guards said, his voice devoid of emotion.

Alex, Thomas, and Sarah looked at each other, their hearts heavy with dread. They knew that whatever experiments they would be subjected to would be cruel and inhumane. But, instead of begging for mercy, they stood tall, determined to face their fate with dignity.

The guards dragged them out of the cell. The three of them were determined to stay strong, to cling to the hope that one day, they would be able to escape and be reunited with their friends and family.

Suddenly, the sirens blared, Alex, Thomas, and Sarah were momentarily confused. They had been resigned to their fate, expecting to be taken to the laboratory for further experimentation. But the sudden commotion outside their cell caught them off guard.

The guard who had come to take them away was equally confused. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. That's when the sound of gunfire and explosions reached their ears. The guard's expression changed to one of alarm as he realized what was happening.

"The resistance is here," he muttered, before quickly leaving the cell and rushing outside.

Alex, Thomas, and Sarah exchanged worried glances. They had heard rumors of the resistance, a group of people who were fighting against the Ironclad empire. But they had never expected them to come to the orphanage.

The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air as the resistance fighters battled their way into the Iron Haven Orphanage. Alex, Thomas, and Sarah could hear the sounds of screams and shouting coming from outside their cell. Suddenly, the wall to their cell burst open and a group of resistance fighters rushed in, guns at the ready, They were heavily armed and wore expressions of determination.

"Come on, we're getting you out of here," one of the fighters shouted, gesturing for them to follow.

The three older children didn't hesitate, they immediately followed the fighters out of the cell and into the chaos that was happening outside. The resistance had managed to breach the walls of the orphanage and were engaged in a fierce battle with the Ironclad soldiers.

The scene was one of utter destruction, with buildings on fire and debris litter the ground. Alex, Thomas, and Sarah were momentarily paralyzed by the sight, but the resistance fighters urged them to keep moving.

As they made their way through the battle-torn streets, the older children could see the ironclad soldiers falling one by one, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and ferocity of the resistance fighters.

Meanwhile, inside the Iron Haven Orphanage dormitory,

As the sound of gunfire and explosions grew louder outside, Natalie and Beth quickly gathered the younger children together, trying to keep them calm and safe. "Stay here," Natalie said, her voice firm but reassuring. "We'll protect you."

The younger children looked up at them with wide, frightened eyes, but they nodded, trusting in their older siblings.

Just then, the door to the dormitory burst open and a group of resistance fighters stormed in, their weapons at the ready.

"Don't be afraid," one of them said, seeing the children huddled together. "We're here to rescue you."

Natalie and Beth exchanged a relieved glance, tears of joy and hope welling up in their eyes. They knew that they were finally going to be free, and that their friends, who have suffered and been locked up for months, would be saved too.

The resistance fighters quickly secured the area and began moving the children out of the orphanage, fighting off the remaining Ironclad soldiers as they went.

As they were being led to safety, Natalie and Beth couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph and vindication. They knew that this was only the beginning of their journey to freedom and that they will fight for the rights of the other children just like them, who are still being held in captivity by the Ironclad empire.

The fight was intense and brutal, with both sides taking heavy casualties.

"For freedom!" the other resistance fighters shouted in unison, their voices rising in a deafening warcry as they charged forward, weapons at the ready. The sound of their battle cries filled the air as they fought fiercely against the remaining Ironclad soldiers, determined to take back the orphanage and free the children who had been held there.

Natalie and Beth, who were being led to safety with the younger children, watched in awe as the resistance fighters fought bravely, their determination and courage giving them the strength to overcome their enemies. They could see the hope in the eyes of the younger children, who clung to them tightly, as they knew that they were finally free.

As the last of the Ironclad soldiers fell, the resistance fighters let out a victorious roar. The battle was over and the Iron Haven Orphanage was finally free. Natalie, Beth and all the younger children were overjoyed and crying with happiness, they were finally free from the oppression and mistreatment they've been experiencing for a long time.

As the smoke cleared and the fighting died down, Alex, Thomas, and Sarah looked around in wonder at the destruction that surrounded them. But they knew that they were finally free, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future.

The three older children looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had finally achieved the freedom they had been fighting for. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they were determined to rebuild and create a better future for all the children in the orphanage. They knew that Jinn and Michael who were taken away to the laboratory were still in danger but they knew that the resistance will do their best to save them.

As the resistance fighters secured the Iron Haven Orphanage, Natalie, Beth, Alex, Thomas, and Sarah were finally reunited. The younger children were overjoyed to see their older siblings again, and they swarmed around them, hugging and clinging to them tightly.

Natalie was the first to spot Sarah, and she ran straight to her, tears streaming down her face. "Sarah!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her tightly. "I can't believe it. We made it out alive."

"I know," Sarah said, her voice shaking with emotion. "I can't believe it either."

Alex and Thomas were also surrounded by the younger children, who were overjoyed to see them again. They hugged and kissed them, and the older children hugged them back, tears streaming down their faces.

"We did it," Alex said, a look of relief on his face. "We're finally free."

Thomas, who had been through so much, let out a cry of joy, but it was more of a comical cry that made the younger children laugh. He was still overwhelmed with emotion, but the laughter helped ease the tension and made the moment more lighthearted.

"We did it together," Natalie said, looking at all of the children gathered around them. "We're a family and we'll always have each other's back."

The group hugged, tears of joy and relief streaming down their faces as they finally felt safe and free. They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but they were determined to rebuild and create a better future for themselves and the other children in the orphanage.