
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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66 Chs

The High-Stakes Game

In the heart of Metropolis City, the skyline glittered with a myriad of lights as day gave way to night. The penthouse in the towering skyscraper offered a panoramic view of the city's splendor, a fitting backdrop for the unfolding drama.

The young woman, known for her captivating beauty and cunning intellect, reclined languidly on the plush sofa. Her presence in this opulent penthouse was a testament to her status and influence in the criminal underworld. She had successfully cultivated an image of both seduction and power, a deadly combination that had served her well.

As the old man, whose name was Viny, entered the penthouse, his eyes scanned the room with a practiced vigilance. He had been a loyal servant of the young woman's family for decades, his unwavering loyalty matched only by his resourcefulness and skill.

"Is it done?" she inquired once more, her crimson lips curling into a confident smile.

Viny nodded, his silver hair glinting in the dim light of the penthouse. "Indeed, milady. The artifact is in our possession."

A sense of triumph filled the room, but the young woman's inquisitive nature compelled her to seek more details.

"And their team?" she probed further.

Viny hesitated for a moment, carefully measuring his words. "There was... an unfortunate incident. One of them did not survive."

The young woman's eyes gleamed with a mixture of satisfaction and ruthlessness. She thrived in a world where danger lurked around every corner, and casualties were an unfortunate but accepted reality.

"Did you ensure that all tracks have been erased?" she asked, her voice holding an undertone of urgency.

Viny's response was resolute. "Every trace has been meticulously eliminated, milady. From the surveillance footage to any potential recorders, and even our intermediary."

Their actions had left no room for witnesses or evidence. It was a testament to the thoroughness of their operation, a quality that had earned Viny's trust over the years.

As the young woman's gaze returned to the cityscape, her thoughts took on a more contemplative tone. Her brilliant mind was always at work, plotting and scheming, seeking the next advantage in this high-stakes game.

"Viny," she began, "our pursuit of power and artifacts is far from over. We must remain vigilant. There are forces at play that we cannot underestimate."

Viny nodded in agreement, fully aware of the complexities of their world. "Indeed, milady. We shall tread carefully and strike when the opportunity presents itself."

In the shadows of Metropolis City, where power and deception reigned supreme, their alliance was an unbreakable bond. As they continued to navigate the treacherous waters of their criminal empire, a sense of anticipation hung in the air—a prelude to the next chapter in their high-stakes game.

30 minutes earlier

Deep within the dense forest, a helicopter descended gracefully, touching down on a small clearing. From the sleek, black helicopter, two figures emerged. They were clad in attire that blended seamlessly with their covert operation.

Davidso, the man in question, was dressed in a tactical ensemble, his attire a testament to his profession. He wore a form-fitting black tactical suit with reinforced armor panels, offering both mobility and protection. His dark sunglasses shielded his eyes, adding an air of mystery to his appearance. A well-maintained beard framed his chiseled features, and his gloved hands conveyed a sense of readiness.

Beside him stood Zelda, a woman of equal skill and determination. Her attire, while practical, exuded a certain elegance. She wore a fitted black jumpsuit with strategic padding and pockets for concealed tools. Her chestnut hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and her piercing green eyes held a spark of intelligence.

"Zelda, you're doing a good job," Davidso acknowledged, his voice carrying a tone of appreciation.

Zelda's response was noticeably reserved, her thoughts occupied by the impending mission. Her silence spoke volumes, for she was not one to indulge in unnecessary words.

"Yeah, Davidso, I've been lucky," she finally admitted, though her humility did not hide her keen intellect.

Davidso decided to steer the conversation toward the artifact that rested between them in the van. It was a highly valuable item, steeped in mystery and danger.

"Hei, Zelda, can I take a look at the artifact?" Davidso asked, his curiosity piqued.

Zelda nodded and carefully handed the artifact to him. It was a small, ornate box made of intricately carved dark wood. Its surface was adorned with ancient symbols, each etching telling a story of its own. The artifact emanated an aura of antiquity and power, drawing anyone who gazed upon it into its enigmatic world.

"Yeah," Zelda replied, her voice betraying a hint of respect for the object's significance.

Davidso, however, couldn't resist making a sly comment, knowing how to push Zelda's buttons.

"Hei, Zelda, what about your love, Alex?" Davidso teased, referring to the elusive man's complex history. "He seems to be ignoring you after his wife is gone."

Zelda clenched her fists, irritation flashing across her face, but she held her tongue. Before the conversation could escalate further, a sudden hail of gunfire erupted around them. Their van was pelted by bullets, and panic gripped them.

"We've been caught!" Davidso exclaimed, his training kicking in.

The machine gun fire rained down from above, the attackers hidden from view. Davidso's mind raced, questioning how their secure operation had unraveled so quickly.

"How could we have been found? I erased all the tracks," Davidso muttered, perplexed by the sudden turn of events.

As the van hurtled through the forest, carrying the valuable artifact, a chilling realization dawned on Davidso. He turned to Zelda, his partner and confidante, expecting a reassuring glance. Instead, he was met with a gaze that betrayed her intentions.

Without warning, Zelda activated her Shadow Skill – a power known only to those in their secret organization. Dark tendrils of shadow energy emanated from her being, wrapping around Davidso's limbs and constricting his movements. His skill was momentarily paralyzed, leaving him defenseless and bewildered.

"What are you doing, Zelda?" Davidso gasped, struggling against the ethereal restraints.

Zelda remained silent, her actions speaking louder than words. With deliberate care, she slipped out of the van's side door, her lithe form landing gracefully on the forest floor. A cold, calculated expression adorned her features as she distanced herself from the van, which carried Davidso and the artifact.

As Davidso grappled with the shadowy restraints, his mind raced to comprehend the betrayal unfolding before him. He couldn't fathom why Zelda had turned on him, especially when their mission was hanging in the balance.

"Zelda, why?" he implored, his voice laced with both confusion and desperation.

Zelda didn't pause to offer an explanation. She knew that time was of the essence, and her actions were shrouded in a deeper purpose. With the van now vanishing into the forest's depths, carrying the artifact further away from her, she would need to act swiftly to achieve her clandestine objectives.

As Davidso's eyes fluttered open, the world around him remained a blur of smoke and wreckage. His body ached with searing pain, and as he tried to move, he realized that he was pinned beneath a portion of the van's mangled frame. Panic surged through him as he fought against the agony, struggling to free himself from the wreckage.

With each labored breath, he realized the gravity of his situation. The explosion had left him gravely injured and trapped, and as his vision cleared, he became acutely aware of the lifeless silence that enveloped the forest clearing. There was no sign of Zelda, no sign of assistance, only the relentless grip of solitude and despair.

Davidso's mind raced as he attempted to assess the extent of his injuries. Blood trickled from various wounds, and the wreckage had left him battered and bruised. He knew that he was running out of time, that the forest held unknown dangers, and that his only chance of survival lay in breaking free from the van's entrapment.

Davidso Trasmmitter suddewnly connect

"Alex Don't Come here, there is a trap"

Summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, he pushed against the twisted metal with desperate determination. The pain was excruciating, but his resolve remained unshaken. Inch by agonizing inch, he managed to free himself, his body protesting at every movement.


suddenly there are Second Rocket that Burn Everything 

In the aftermath of the van's destruction and Davidso's tragic demise, there was little left to find. The explosion had obliterated the vehicle and its contents, leaving behind only a scorched and blackened crater in the forest clearing. The force of the blast had scattered debris far and wide, making it nearly impossible for anyone to piece together what had transpired.

As hours turned into days and the forest gradually swallowed the remnants of the explosion, any traces of Davidso's presence faded away. There was no body to recover, no evidence to suggest foul play, only the eerie silence of the woods.

Zelda's treacherous act had left behind a trail of unanswered questions and mysteries that would linger in the shadows. Davidso's fate remained a secret buried deep within the forest, a casualty of a dangerous game played in the world of shadows.