
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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The Domain of Zephyrian (2)

Frustrated by Zephy's steadfast defense, Von pushed his domain to its limits. His domain began to pulsate with an ominous, turbulent energy, causing the shadows within to twist and writhe violently. The Domain of Knives became more chaotic and aggressive, intensifying the onslaught of ethereal blades and filling the air with an eerie sense of foreboding.

Von Realized that zelda will run away, He using his dominion best skill 

Tempest Unleashed is Von's ultimate dominion skill, a manifestation of his mastery over shadows and blades. This technique combines the fluidity of shadow manipulation with the cutting precision of his shadow blades, creating a devastating storm of ethereal blades that are unleashed upon his foes.

Von begins by drawing shadows from his surroundings. His dominion allows him to effortlessly summon and mold these shadows into tangible forms. Simultaneously, he channels his shadow blades, infusing them with raw, concentrated power. His mastery over blades enables him to create countless ethereal blades, each honed to perfection.

Von forcefully releases the ethereal blades, sending them hurtling toward his targets. The blades are propelled with incredible speed, filling the battlefield with a storm of shimmering, razor-sharp forms. Upon release, the ethereal blades fan out in all directions, creating a chaotic and near-impenetrable storm. This swarm of blades can overwhelm multiple opponents simultaneously, making it a formidable offensive technique.

Despite their chaotic appearance, Von's mastery allows him to guide the blades with pinpoint accuracy. He can control their trajectory and adjust their path to track and strike down his chosen targets. Each ethereal blade possesses the lethality of a real blade, capable of slicing through even the toughest defenses. Their otherworldly nature makes them difficult to parry or evade. Tempest Unleashed draws upon the full potential of Von's dominion. It represents the culmination of his shadow manipulation and blade control abilities, making it a devastating and iconic technique.

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Zephy communicated telepathically with Zelda, urging her to initiate their escape plan.

  Zelda, it's time. Activate your teleportation spell.

Zelda, unwavering in her commitment to her master's plan, responded with determination.

Understood, Master. Brace yourself.

With a swift hand gesture and an incantation, Zelda initiated the "TELEPORTATION" spell, a powerful mystical ability she had honed over years of training. This spell would allow them to escape the clutches of Von's domain and emerge elsewhere, far from the confines of the deadly battle.

Shadow Galestep is a unique shadow skill employed by Zelda, who has mastered the art of shadow manipulation and wind control. This skill allows her to harness both elements to execute swift and evasive teleportation maneuvers.

  Zelda initiates the technique by first gathering shadows from her surroundings. Her mastery over shadows allows her to draw them towards her, enveloping her form in an inky shroud. Simultaneously, Zelda channels her control over the wind. She creates a localized pocket of wind around her, encasing her in a whirling vortex of air. This wind serves as a conduit for her teleportation, allowing her to traverse distances with incredible speed.

Zelda performs a specific hand seal that combines elements of both shadow manipulation and wind control. This intricate seal serves as the key to unlocking the teleportation. With the seal complete, Zelda's form dissolves into shadows and is carried by the gust of wind she has harnessed. She essentially becomes one with the shadows, allowing her to traverse the landscape as an ethereal presence.

"You won't escape me, Zelda! My dominion will crush you!"

"Master Zephyros, now!"

  "It's time, Zelda. Let's show him the true power of our bond."

  "NOO!". Von Roar

As the ethereal blades of Tempest Unleashed swarmed around them, Von's rage and frustration grew. However, before he could make another move, Zelda and Zephyros activated their combined wind teleportation technique. They transformed into a powerful wind, breaking free from Von's domain at breathtaking speed.

"You can't escape me!"

The duo's wind form, bolstered by Zephyros's mastery of the wind domain, allowed them to outpace Von's attacks. With the tempest of ethereal blades left in their wake, they emerged from Von's dominion, leaving him seething with anger and defeat.

As Zelda and Zephyros soared through the ethereal expanse of the Domain of Zephyrian Winds, Von's furious cries faded into the distance. The wind roared around them, carrying the echoes of their escape as they ventured deeper into the heart of Zephyros's domain.

Zelda could feel the immense power surging within her, the profound connection she shared with Zephyros, the wind beast. It was this unique bond that had allowed them to break free from Von's clutches and evade his relentless pursuit.

The wind itself seemed to embrace them, guiding their path through the ever-shifting currents of Zephyros's realm. They moved with unparalleled grace and speed, effortlessly navigating the intricate maze of ethereal corridors.

Von's attacks, now a distant memory, no longer posed a threat. The Domain of Zephyrian Winds shielded them, its protective aura deflecting any remnants of Von's dominion that dared to follow. It was as though the very essence of the wind had become their guardian, ensuring their safe passage.

Zelda and Zephyros shared a silent understanding, their thoughts connected in a telepathic communion. This escape had come at a price, the release of an immense amount of energy to activate their wind teleportation within another domain. Yet, it was a sacrifice they had been willing to make.

As they continued their flight, they knew that their journey was far from over. They had faced Von and his formidable domain, but greater challenges lay ahead. With the wind at their backs and the bond between them unbreakable, Zelda and Zephyros pressed on into the unknown, ready to confront whatever trials awaited them on their path.