
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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66 Chs

Point of View

Amidst the vast and unforgiving desert landscape, Zelda and Zephyros finally came to a halt, a thousand miles away from the treacherous Domain of Blades. The relentless winds of the desert whipped up grains of sand, creating a mesmerizing dance of golden particles that stretched to the horizon.

Here, the scorching sun beat down upon the arid terrain, casting long shadows across the dunes. The sky above was an unbroken expanse of brilliant blue, devoid of the ethereal twilight that had marked their escape. It was a stark contrast to the surreal beauty of Zephyros's domain, but it offered a sense of freedom and sanctuary that they had yearned for.

Zelda could feel the weight of her recent ordeal slowly lifting from her shoulders. She took in the endless expanse of sand dunes, each one sculpted by the ceaseless forces of nature. It was a harsh and desolate environment, but it also held a certain raw beauty.

Zephyros, in his majestic wind beast form, stood beside her, his presence a reassuring and protective presence. The wind itself seemed to whisper secrets of the desert, carrying stories of ancient travelers and forgotten civilizations.

"Thank you, Zephyros," Zelda whispered, her voice carried away by the desert breeze. She knew that they had faced a perilous journey, and the challenges ahead were uncertain. But in this moment, as they stood in the heart of the desert, they were free from the grasp of Von and his Domain of Blades.

Zephyros's ethereal eyes met hers, and he let out a gentle, rumbling purr that resonated through the desert sands. It was a silent affirmation of their bond and a promise to stand together in the face of whatever trials awaited them.


On a Dimly Building

Von's rage knew no bounds as he stormed through his private quarters within the Domain of Blades. His once-immaculate abode was now in disarray, furniture overturned, and valuable artifacts shattered in his furious quest for information. Every corner of the room was searched, every drawer rifled through, as he sought any trace of the enigmatic figure known as Zelda.

His loyal attendants trembled at the sight of their master's uncontrollable anger. They dared not interfere but instead frantically scoured their resources for any tidbit of knowledge regarding the elusive intruder. The very mention of her name had become a whisper of dread within the ranks of Von's organization.

"Zelda," Von seethed through gritted teeth, "I will have every detail of her existence. Every thread that makes up her life, every secret she hides, every weakness she possesses – I want it all!"

His thirst for revenge burned with an intensity that threatened to consume him. He couldn't forget the humiliation he had suffered within the Domain of Zephyrian Winds. The wind beast and its master had eluded his grasp, slipping away to parts unknown.

As the search continued and his attendants scurried to fulfill his orders, Von's obsession grew. He knew that his pursuit of Zelda would lead him down a perilous path, one filled with danger, deception, and the unknown. But he was willing to risk it all to settle the score and reclaim his wounded pride. The hunt for Zelda had become an all-consuming mission, and Von's relentless determination would stop at nothing to achieve his revenge.

Von's relentless obsession with Zelda knew no bounds. He was a man possessed, consumed by an insatiable thirst for vengeance that transcended reason and sanity. As he tore through the remnants of his personal quarters, he couldn't shake the vivid memories of their last encounter within the Domain of Zephyrian Winds.

The humiliation he had endured at the hands of Zelda and her enigmatic master, Zephyros, was etched into his psyche like a festering wound. Their escape from his grasp, their laughter echoing in the wind as they left him defeated, had wounded his pride beyond measure.

The attendants who scurried to carry out his orders could feel the palpable tension in the air. They knew better than to question their master's madness, for Von's fury was a force of nature in itself. He demanded every ounce of information, every morsel of intelligence, and every shred of detail that could lead him to the elusive Zelda.

The once-immaculate room now resembled a battlefield, with shattered artifacts and overturned furniture serving as the physical manifestation of Von's inner turmoil. His life's work, the collection of rare and treacherous knowledge, had become collateral damage in his relentless quest for revenge.

"Zelda," he muttered through clenched teeth, his voice trembling with fury, "you will pay for the humiliation you've inflicted upon me. No stone shall remain unturned until I uncover your every secret."

In the midst of this storm of rage and determination, Von's attendants worked feverishly. They knew that their master's pursuit of Zelda would plunge them all into the heart of darkness, where secrets were traded like currency, and alliances were as fragile as glass.

As Von's obsession deepened, the shadows of the world he inhabited whispered of the dangers that lay ahead. The hunt for Zelda was no longer just a mission; it had become a reckoning, a clash between unstoppable forces that threatened to reshape the very fabric of their clandestine world. And in this relentless pursuit of revenge, Von was willing to gamble everything, even his own sanity, to emerge victorious.


In the opulent chamber, a woman of captivating allure reclined leisurely upon a lavish divan. Her presence commanded attention as effortlessly as the moon's pull on the tides. Cascading tresses of fiery crimson framed her delicate, porcelain features, accentuating the alabaster perfection of her complexion. Her eyes, like orbs of molten amber, held the secrets of countless realms, and they sparkled with an enigmatic wisdom that few could fathom.

She was adorned in resplendent attire, a gown of deep scarlet silk that flowed like liquid fire around her form, accentuating every graceful curve. Intricate patterns of gold and onyx adorned the fabric, a testament to the finest craftsmanship. At her throat, a necklace of sapphires and rubies glimmered like captured starlight, and her fingers bore rings of inestimable value.

In her hand, she cradled a precious photograph, a relic of memories long past, its edges worn with the passage of time. Her gaze fixated upon the image, a poignant melancholy lingering in her eyes.

A hushed tension permeated the opulent chamber as a man, his countenance marked by determination and strength, entered with purpose. At his side, a finely crafted sword rested in its ornate scabbard, a symbol of his unwavering loyalty. He knelt before the resplendent woman, his posture the epitome of reverence.

"You come late," she intoned, her voice a mellifluous melody that filled the room with an air of regal authority.

"Yes, milady," he replied, his voice a steady, unwavering affirmation.

With the weight of her gaze upon him, he produced the coveted artifact, a relic of untold power. It gleamed with an otherworldly radiance, resonating with ancient energies that whispered of forgotten realms and forbidden knowledge.

She accepted the artifact, her slender fingers tracing the arcane symbols etched upon its surface. As it came into her possession, her lips curled into a smile—a smile that held both promise and peril, a darker smile capable of moving the very world.

The artifact, now reunited with its mistress, pulsed with newfound vigor, as if acknowledging the one who held dominion over it. In the presence of this enigmatic woman, the boundaries of reality seemed to blur, and the world itself seemed to bend to her will.

In that luxurious chamber, amid opulence and intrigue, the wheels of destiny turned, and the fates of those who dared to serve her were bound to the whims of a power that defied comprehension.