

Roan was your average kid, he made friends, went to school, and enjoyed life. In a single night his life changed, when he started to have dreams of two different people. One fought to save humanity by taking free will, while the other fought for freedom of the people.

Though_that_then · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 2:Helicopper Chase

Roan was approaching the ground very quickly, he did not twist or turn and just simply closed his eyes. Faith was a bizzare thing that could encourage people to make very questionable choices. Normally one would aleast look for a chance to survive while falling from a high fall, maybe and body of water or a truck full of cotton of pillows.Roan had no fear and just waited as he fell dowards.

( Crash)

A loud thud happened as Roan hit a large airbag that stuntman used it movies to proctect themselves. It just so happens that at the time Roan was falling a stuntman was peforming a scene for a movie on a inflatable airbag.

Roan sat up and looked around then ran away while repeatedly yelling the words sorry to the surronding people. The surronding people mouths were so wide their fist could fit.

'Where in space did he come from'

"Wa-Wait" the movie crew tried to stop him, but he wasn't listening

Roan gathered force in his legs a propelled himself off the ground like a pogo stick, he then grabbed onto the railings at the top of the futurisic house like building and pulled himself up the building and began running. He made it seem simple like anyone could do on their second attempt, it was all fast an in a swift motion that seemed inhuman like.

The surrounding movie crew team where shocked even more and it seemed that even two fist were not enough. One of the movie crewmates who happened to be a old man loudly yelled.

"Go get him, we need him as our stuntman!!!!!!" No one moved "Hurry Our carreers are on the line!!!!!" Even then none moved, even if they did the young man with a covered face was long gone.

The old man sighed and hoped he would see that magestic stuntman while he was out one day.

Roan had been running for a while but it seemed like he was full of boundless energy, he had not even showed the slighest indication of being tired. His slience was broken by the loud and consant sound of a helicoper that repeatedly sliced the air like a sharp swird.

'I really dislike this newer tech, my ancestors never had to worry about getting chased down by a loud helicopper, or having to scale a seventy story plus building, or even automatic guns. He really wished he could go back to a period where he did't have to worry abkut his face getting seen or getting caught on a survey camera.

He ran towards the edge of the building he was currently on and decended towards a lower building. He could easily shoot whoever was driving with elf like aim, but he would have to worru about the aftermath of ehen the the chopper crashed into civilians. He didn't want that so he acended and decended across serveral bulidings in this vast colorful city. This man seeemed like a pointless stuggle, but in fact it was anything but pointless.

As he was decending and acending he was slowly taking over the helicopper. If he did it non-stop it would be noticed, so by accending near the helicopper he took over it control slowly and while decending he lost it but he never lost more than he gained. It was like a percentage rising to 20 then dropping to 17 then going up to 26.

It finally happened after this boring chase were not a single bomb was fired, he took over the chopper and flew it dowards towards him directly.

The man inside was shaken, but Roan paid him no mind as he pulled him directly out of the vehicle. He grabbed his by his collar and slamed his fist repeatedly at top the man's face. Blood and tears flew out as he thrashed the man with his fist. He was done hurting the man and began to ask his questions.

Why ask questions first when you can beat them into begging you to ask questions.

"Tell me how many more safehouses you lot have in the world as I threaten you?" Roan said with a bloody raised fist that looked as if it could crash down at any time.

" There are 4 in South Africa , 7 in Asia , and 10 in North America and South America, five for each.

"I dont really know what questions to ask to tell me whatever you think can be used for me to let you live a little while longer.

The bruised man began to shake as he scanned through information threw his brain.

"One of the bosses is planning a expedtion in south africa to look for a shard of eden" the man unhesiantly responded, why would he care about his carreer when his life was on the line.

"Hmmmm" Roan pondered and thought about the infomation, but if the one of the bosses find out he knew they would directly call it off. In short the snitching information bearer had to die.

"Thanks, I will make it quick for you" he said as he opened his hand a blade hidden in his sleaves shot out and pieced the man's throat before he could even slighty rebuttal.

His lifeless corspe fell to the ground, like a stack of heavy potatoes

Roan checked the lifeless mans pockets briefly before running away like a theif who just pickpocketed at easy target.