

Roan was your average kid, he made friends, went to school, and enjoyed life. In a single night his life changed, when he started to have dreams of two different people. One fought to save humanity by taking free will, while the other fought for freedom of the people.

Though_that_then · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 14: Voice That Awoke Him and Helping The Elderly

In a collasped museum building, bodies were scattered around like toys in a child's room after a playdate. Not a single one could be identified by normal means, there faces and bodies where decitmated and only one remained to tell the tale.

["Roan! Roan! Roan!"] This voice could be identified as Ron-Ica, a false lifeform that was created by Roan to ease the solituide he felt. This emotion was the most amount of emotion Ron-Ica had ever mustered in its lifetime.

It screamed and screamed, if it was a normal human its voicebox would probably be unable to ever produce sound again.

Roan's eyes fluttered and the eden shard that remained in his hand, bright light had already dimmed out.

Roan coughed loudly and sat up before looking around and thinking that he had died

'So this is my place of punishment for my sins? I expected something…more'

["Roan thank goodness you are ok, im so glad"] Ron-Ica said in a similar manner as it usually did, but this time the emotion was clear and visable.

Roan looked upwards at the sky then said in a confused manner

" Eh…Ron-Ica? How did you get down here?"

["You aren't dead scatterbrain. That object in your palm saved you, from what I can see"]

Roan's eyes opened widely before he rubbed them like he had tears he was trying to hide

"Ron-Ica why are you talking like this? Did someone replace your circuits while I was out?"

["No, I could only talk like this when I felt an emotion strongly, Im sorry for hiding it"]

'So this is real' Roan's confused brain finally accepted reality and ajusted

"Its alright, you clearly don't have bad intentions and I created you so I know you best"

He coutinued on speaking

"But how did you gain a consious?"

The voice that was no longer, as robotic as before was silent as if it was really thinking about the question it was being asked. The voice spoke again in certainity.

["It was the time when you first had gotten that object in your hand now"]

'[So does it somehow relate to these shards of eden' Roan thought before Ron-Ica voiced out words in a paniced voice.

[" Ah,The old me is coming back! Im sorry I have you go for n-!]

Before the emotion filles Ron-Ica could finish, she was transfered away by the orginal Ron-Ica

["Roan we have to escape before more come"] The orginal robotic voice had returned once more

Roan had sighed loudly before he had rushed out of the collasped museum's sight opening, that was so small he had to suck in his stomach to get out.

When he came out of the collasped building that was no longer smoking or had fire, he saw a large number of reporters, policemen trying to keep the reporters away, firemen, and paramedics.

He quickly hid, even those looking in his direction before he came out thought that their own eyes were playing Loki level of tricks on their eyes, so they brushed it off and continued to record for their soical media. They wore sad faces while recording, but had happy faces inside that were joyful at their chance to be famous because of this grand incident.

Roan opens his backpack and took out some light clothing to completely hid his face, in the case it just so happened to be seen by some random person. Roan like a peak level human quickly escaped the scene. While escaping the scene he saw a older looking man who watched the scene before him with a sad expression.

He went up to the man and attempted to exchange words with the sad lookimg man.

"Sir, are you alright?" Roan said while knowing why the older looking man was sad

"Why does it matter? Can you change something that has already happened? Could you have saved that" the man said while pointing at the museum before he coutinued

"This museum was a way for me to cope with this things happening around me. It gave me a chance to read and see how other people lived their lives. It gave me a chance to forget about the racid grandchildren who want to take away my inheirtance, but now its completely in shambles and gone for good"

Roan sighed deeply and started to feel bad for the older man. A bright idea popped inside of his head, he decided to help the man.

"Sir, you may not know me but allow me to help you"

"Youngster im extremely thankful for the kind words, but I mean no offense when I say this, how exactly can you help me? The older looking man's face slighty cheered up when he heard the young man's words before saying this.

"Watch me" Roan said as he smiled

Roan took out his phone a called a series of companies to create a even greater museum in his names, to which they happily accepted the deal as it mean't alot of money for them. This museum would be a all in one package and would contain a number of things, so people wouldn't go bored but those things would also relate to history so people won't just come to have fun.

"Sir cheer up, right now you might not believe me but i promise to you in the next month or two you will obtain a even better museum to spend your time." Roan said while patting the shoulder of the older looming man lightly with a pure smile.

The old man laughed and said

"Alright, since you tried so hard I will take you up on the offer and wait" the previous sad looking man now had a smile on his face as he said this.

"Lets exchange contacts, tell me how much you like it later… Roan said while dragging out his sentence to imply he wantes the man's named

The man lookes at Roan before nodding and saying

"Calvin" The man said as he reached out his right hand

"Roan" Said while accepting the man's hand that was as rough as a farmer

Roan and Calvin exchanged words and bid each other farewell before Roan asked Ron-Ica to book a flight back home.

Little did Roan and Calvin know but this museum would be known as one of the greatest museum's in the history of the entire world and remain standing even after tens of thousands of years.