One week has passed and now I have everyone in my war band situated in the correct positions along the red keep waiting on Lord tywins men to start sacking the city at any given moments notice.
Once the commotion starts outside me and my lieutenant will give the signal to completely lock down the royal chambers nobody gets in without going through any of us first and honestly I can't see that happening.
My archers are situated along the corners of the room with open lines of sight and the knights under my employment are all loyal to me and only me so I don't have to worry about Tywin bribing them away. As I'm in my own thoughts I start to hear banging on the throne rooms door
"Open this bloody fucking door!! This is the army of the lannisters and we're here to secure the palace!!!"-lannister soldier
"Oh yeah? Then why is the city on fire outside if you're truly here for what you say you are ser….?"-Michael
"THIS IS THE BLOODY MOUNTAIN YOURE TALKING TO PEASENT! And I'm amory lorch! Under the command of lord Tywin I demand you open this door now! Or else we'll have to see you as a enemy good ser!"-amory lorch
"See that's what's funny! Normally a lord would send a raven but lord Tywin did no such thing? And he sat out of the rebellion between the kingdom and the starks, tullys, Arryn and stormlands! Why should we trust someone who's more of a coward then the freys themselves!!"-michael
"….you… dare!?!?!? A mere commoner dares to insult a lord paramount?!? I'll have your fucking head when we get in there! I'll kill the royal family to just like the lord ordered! I'm tired of this farce, OPEN THE DOOR!"-lorch
As I'm contemplating on the information I just discovered and what to do with it I start hearing thumping on the door which tells me the mountain is here and is trying to break through with sheer fucking strength.
Gathering my thoughts I tell the men to start the plan and they move in swift motion, the archer group is grabbing the oil and dipping there arrow heads in them and lighting them on fire to shoot at the oil covered floor and door in the throne room.
The knights are spread through the throne room in groups to keep the enemy from realizing slowly but surely we will be falling back into more secluded hallways and take them out one by one no matter how long it takes.
I'm not loyal to the prince or this family at all so you may be wondering why would a man like me even fight for these people? It's simple. Those kids. They didn't deserve this, Elia didn't deserve this. As I've grown over the years and more and more of my time has been in this kingdom since I left the free cities at 7 I've come to treasure these feelings and I've taught that onto prince aegon and princess rhaenys as much as I can in our short time together.
The prince loves riding on my shoulders and my extremely long sword and the princess just wants to hold my hand when she isn't feeling safe which almost never happens because well…I'm here.
As I'm going through my memory I see a behemoth of a man finally break through this god foresaken door that was the last barrier between us and a lot of future dead men but you know what? No! My men will not die here! The royal family will not die here! For as long as I draw a breath in this world I will kill anyone in there way.
2 hours later-
As the fighting in the room has been raging I can see countless Lannister soldiers dead, burned, cut in half, missing a head…it's a sight only the strong can endure and right now that's us.
Originally the plan was for us to slowly fall back into the hallways and cut them down one by one but I wasn't expecting that Tywin fucking Lannister would be so bold as to send what I estimate would be close to 600 troops in the royal castle. Never did it cross my mind how much hatred one man can have for a whole dynasty, I start to think that this is it. That this would be my last fight and that everything I've done has amounted to this…..bullshit.
As the fighting subsides just for a minute I use this moment to my advantage to tell my men my new orders and looking over to my lieutenant who's name is bronn, he used to be a sellsword until I ran into him at a pub and we got black out drunk, next thing I know we've been fighting together for 7 years he follows every order to the letter.
"Bronn. Take the men get Elia Martel and the royal children out of the red keep to the harbor and get them to dorne with prince duran, our ships have already gotten the signal to wait for you and them to depart. This is my last order friend" -Michael
Bronn looks down but back up to me with clear determination "aye" an that's all that needed to be said.
As I see my men clearly emotional and not wanting to leave me behind run through the hallways to make sure everything we've done isn't for vain while I sit here and wait for the stranger as he clearly sits on his throne and waits for my demise. I close my eyes to get my bearings and when I snap them open I see more men standing in front of me. Nothing less then 100 men but not more then say about 200.
"Do you all have any prayers you want to say before the seven meet you in there halls? If not then why are we standing here?"-michael
Hey guys, I’m not here to beg for power stones or ask you to donate to a patreon, I’m here because I actually enjoy writing and want to eventually make my own book series like ASOIAF, anyways basically I just want your thoughts and anything you might consider to be a good plot point or if we should introduce more characters from that world or maybe not. anyways thanks for the read you guys none of this happens without you. love you. thank you.