
Asking for Immortality in Another World

I've witnessed chaos and the fall of dynasties in the mortal realm. I've seen a wise ruler emerge, reshaping the world's landscapes. In my prime, I stood among the crowd, observing with my hands in my pockets. Later, I learned about immortals, acquired immortal techniques, and embarked on the path of immortality. Along this journey, I faced challenges and stumbled. While geniuses led the era and set trends, I remained a mere bystander in the mortal world, facing its ruthless nature. As years passed and beauty faded,and as time flew by, the world transformed. Eventually, step by step, I achieved immortality on the path of seeking. Some say immortality is but a dream, while others urge cultivators to push forward. Some claim that ten thousand years is too long, advocating for seizing the day. Yes, indeed. ——Excerpt from "Memoirs of the Immortal" by Gu Changsheng, the immortal king of Enlightened Way!

VenerableofTime · Eastern
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79 Chs

Chapter 35: After a hundred years of honing the sword, it is finally unsheathed

Chapter 35: After a hundred years of honing the sword, it is finally unsheathed.

  Upon leaving the mountain this time, he received news of Emperor Xuanshi's death and acquired Qing Yao's disguise, the floating shadow sword technique, obtained 30,000 taels of silver notes, several boxes of gold and silver, and a complete box of medicinal materials.

  If he weren't so resilient, he wouldn't have been able to handle it.

  Thanks to the enthusiastic sponsorship of Qingcheng Sect!

  Two newly obtained secret books, and the first-class chapter of Cloud Palm, are enough for him to practice for a long time.

When his strength was fully restored, it wouldn't be too late to leave the mountain.

Upon returning to the deep mountains, Gu Changsheng wasn't in a rush to resume practice.

  Instead, he relaxed for a few days.

  This time, he would not go out of the mountain again unless he practiced to the state of no further improvement.

  And this will definitely be a very long process.

  There is no rush for these few days.

  Gu Changsheng sat cross-legged at the edge of the cliff, facing the long waterfall. Below him lay a small lake with clear water and rocks.

He held a bamboo rod, with a long fishing line tied to its top, dangling into the small lake.

Given his unconventional fishing method, it's no surprise he couldn't catch any fish.

  But is he fishing for fish?

  No, what he is fishing for is the years.


  Time flies.

  Thirty years later. 

  Gu Changsheng has spent over fifty years in this mountain.

For more than half a century, he has explored every corner of this mountain range.

He knows the exact count of wild wolves, tigers, and bears residing here, their habitats, and their hunting routines.

You can never predict how someone passes time when bored.

Now, he is already a hundred and ten years old.

  A hundred years.

   Time seems to have passed quickly.

Xuan State and his contemporaries are probably gone now.

No, it was called Chu State at that time.

  Gu Changsheng sat on a huge rock, boredly watching the two animals fighting below. 

  He took a sip of wine and blinked his eyes.

   I don't know what year it is today!  

 [Name: Gu Changsheng] 

  [Talent: Immortality] 

  [Age: 110] 

  [Realm: Bone Meridian (First-rate Perfection)] 

  [Martial Arts: Cloud Palm (Perfection)] 

  [Skills: Confucianism (Minor Perfection) Medicine (Minor Perfection) Finger-Flicking Divine Arts(Perfection) Treading on the Waves (Perfection) Qing Yao Disguise (Great Perfection) Floating Shadow Sword Technique (Great Perfection)]

He has already reached the first-rate perfection. 

  The next step is to work hard to become an innate warrior. 

  In fact, as early as two years ago, his martial arts realm was already at a point where there was no room for improvement.

He had practiced Cloud Palm to the limit.   

However, in order to practice Qing Yao Disguise and Floating Shadow Sword Technique, he stayed for another two years.


  The innate realm was also mentioned at the end of Cloud Palm.

After a first-rate warrior has reached perfection, their skin, flesh, bones, and meridians in the human body have all reached their utmost potential, making the body unified as one.

If you obtain the method, you can directly enter the innate realm.

What is innate?

Innate is when qi and blood are transformed into innate qi, flowing through the entire body like that of a god or a demon.

  The content of Cloud Palm ends here. 

  As for the most important Innate method, there is no record of it.

   This is also commonplace. After all, Cloud Palm is merely a first-class martial art. To comprehend numerous aspects of Innate warriors, one must be extensively knowledgeable.

Just like Gu Changsheng, his understanding of the Innate realm is largely derived from Cloud Palm or hearsay. His knowledge is extremely superficial!

  He should also step into the world of martial arts and work hard to discover the innate method, thus becoming an innate warrior.

After many experiences, he returns as a young man.

With his sword prepared, he sets out into the world of martial arts.


  Gu Changsheng naturally knows where the innate skills exist.

  Those, the big sects, the Xuan Kingdom government, have them.

  But he is not crazy, and he is not thinking of these forces.

  There must be some in the martial arts world, as long as you look for them slowly.

  Anyway, time is worthless to him.

  Always remember, safety first!

  With his current state, he is not invincible in the martial arts world.

  First-class warriors can't kill him, and innate warriors will not appear in the martial arts world.

  There are actually not many innate warriors in Xuan Kingdom.

Among the government and all the major forces in the states, they can almost be counted on two hands.

  And almost all of them are the ultimate foundation of the forces.

  In the martial arts world, the most common individuals are actually warriors below the innate level.

As long as he doesn't draw too much attention and provoke others to call for his death,

it's unlikely that he will encounter an innate warrior who would attack him.

  In the past, Emperor Xuanshi employed four innate warriors as steeds to dominate the lands.

Perhaps because he, the master, watched from behind.

Everyone chose to be timid.

  But it can also be seen from this that the deterrent power of innate warriors.

  "Young man, this is not how you use a sword."

  Gu Changsheng had just come out of a horse and donkey business in the city.

  He lay on a donkey casually, not caring about the surprised eyes of passers-by.

  The sword was placed beside him, and he held a gourd in one hand.

  Passing by a courtyard in the city, he saw a young man practicing sword.

  Perhaps he saw his own figure practicing martial arts in Yuzhou City in the past from this young man, so he said something.

  The young man stopped his sword skills and glanced at this strange man.

  "Watch it."

  Gu Changsheng didn't care about the eyes of passers-by at all.

  He practiced martial arts just to protect himself and communicate with his own thoughts.

  This sword seemed to come from the sky, dazzling and beautiful, floating like a fairy, but it carried a deadly and hidden murderous intent that was not easy to be detected.

  With the sword retracted, Gu Changsheng drank a mouthful of the wine in the big gourd in his hand, looking like a drunken sword fairy.

  "If you can learn 30% to 50% of this sword, you will be famous in the world!"

  Gu Changsheng put the sword aside and said proudly.

  The boy's eyes were amazed, even horrified.

  He immediately understood that the strange man in front of him was definitely not a psychopath.

  He was a martial arts master, or even a top martial artist!

  "Senior, what is the name of this sword?"

  The boy looked at Gu Changsheng's figure riding a donkey and gradually going away.

  He asked loudly behind him.

  "From the sky... Flying Fairy!"

  A voice with a slight pause and a slight smile came from the front.

  After a hundred years of honing the sword, it is finally unsheathed.