
Asking for Immortality in Another World

I've witnessed chaos and the fall of dynasties in the mortal realm. I've seen a wise ruler emerge, reshaping the world's landscapes. In my prime, I stood among the crowd, observing with my hands in my pockets. Later, I learned about immortals, acquired immortal techniques, and embarked on the path of immortality. Along this journey, I faced challenges and stumbled. While geniuses led the era and set trends, I remained a mere bystander in the mortal world, facing its ruthless nature. As years passed and beauty faded,and as time flew by, the world transformed. Eventually, step by step, I achieved immortality on the path of seeking. Some say immortality is but a dream, while others urge cultivators to push forward. Some claim that ten thousand years is too long, advocating for seizing the day. Yes, indeed. ——Excerpt from "Memoirs of the Immortal" by Gu Changsheng, the immortal king of Enlightened Way!

VenerableofTime · Eastern
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79 Chs

Chapter 34: Floating Shadow Sword Technique

Chapter 34: Floating Shadow Sword Technique

The Finger-Flicking Divine Art says that even the lightest objects, like falling leaves and petals, can kill people.

But it is not only such light objects that can kill.

  Normal people would think of using silver needles, or something similar, right?

  Obviously, Gu Changsheng is such a normal person.

  But there is a problem. Needles are too thin and too small. As long as the body is not hit in a fatal part, it is difficult to kill people with poison alone.

  There may be a kind of poison that kills people immediately, but he does not have it.

  The poisons used are just a few dozen common mixed poisons.

  The best use of the Finger-Flicking Divine Arts is not in such a densely built place, but in the wilderness and open areas.

  The two second-rate warriors of the Qingcheng Sect, the only two who survived so far, were very smart.

Holding sharp swords, they either chopped, blocked, or dodged, and their movements were precise as they quickly made their way toward the door.

  The dark night added a layer of concealment to the deadly silver needles.

From the moment they were fired to the moment they hit, there was only a slight sound of air being cut.

The two men tightly protected the vital parts of their bodies.

They were repeatedly stabbed in less critical areas.

  Unfortunately, dodging these waves of silver needles proved more challenging than anticipated. As they neared the door, a critical mistake occurred.

A scream echoed through the night as one of them fell to the ground, clutching a bloody ankle.

Moments later, several more silver needles found their mark in his forehead, swiftly ending his pain.

  "Junior brother!"

  The head of the Qingcheng Sect heard the screams behind him but didn't dare to look back. He could only roar in anger.

  Looking at the head of the Qingcheng Sect who had already escaped into the building.

  Gu Changsheng's eyes were very calm. He had known and understood clearly the shortcomings of the finger-flicking divine arts. It really could not be fully utilized in this terrain.

  He jumped up and landed steadily in the yard.

  He knew more than just the finger-flicking divine arts.

  He reached out and took a sword from the corpse on the ground.

  Gu Changsheng shot several silver needles at the closed door.


  The sound of the door opening was particularly loud in the silent night.

  He looked around and saw no one.

  Gu Changsheng, without hesitation, employed his Qinggong technique, propelling his body backwards in an almost supernatural manner.

  Sure enough, the next moment, the place where he was originally.

  There was a flash of cold light from a sharp sword!


  The head of the Qingcheng Sect was now already bloody in many parts of his body.

  He looked at the figure hidden in black clothes not far in front of him.

  He suddenly laughed uncontrollably.

  However, there was a bit of sadness in this laughter.

  "You're a first-class warrior, aren't you? The Qingcheng Sect hasn't offended you before, so why would you come to our doorstep and destroy us?"

Even now, he remained deeply perplexed, having no idea who the figure in the black clothes before him was.

  Gu Changsheng remained silent, showing no intention of engaging in conversation.

When killing someone, it's wise not to argue with your enemy.

Otherwise, you might easily fall victim to others.

  After all, villains die because of talking too much!

  Gu Changsheng held the sword he had just picked up horizontally in front of him.     A Cloud Palm slapped the blade of the sword fiercely.

  The next moment, countless fragments of different sizes shot at the leader of the Qingcheng Sect again.


  The leader of the Qingcheng Sect had just escaped from this move, and before he could speak, a Cloud Palm slapped his head.

  Blood splashed in front of him. Gu Changsheng never asked why the Qingcheng Sect sent people to rob and kill him.

  There was no need.

  As long as the result did not change, the reason was not that important.

  And now the result is that the first major force in Qingmo City, the Qingcheng Sect, which has been passed down for three hundred years, is destroyed today.

  All the famous warriors of the Qingcheng Sect died in this courtyard.

  There are also the two people who died outside the mountain.

  With this style of behavior of the Qingcheng Sect, there are probably countless enemies.

  After tonight, there are many people who will add insult to injury.

  It's almost inevitable—they will fade into history!

  Then Gu Changsheng captured a few of the remaining inferior warriors of the Qingcheng Sect, and after questioning them one by one, he confirmed that no one was lying.

  Seeing the familiar corpses on the ground, they were all trembling and shaking. They didn't even dare to breathe, and no one dared to lie in front of a killing god like him.

He also asked these people to go to the inner storehouse of their own sect and bring out all the treasures of Qingcheng Sect in the past.

  The main reason was that Gu Changsheng was afraid that there would be some traps inside.

  It turned out that he was overthinking, and there were no traps inside. There were quite a lot of miscellaneous things.

  Several boxes of silver and half a box of gold, and 30,000 taels of silver notes!

  There were also many medicinal materials needed by various warriors.

  There were also many martial arts secrets.

  It can be said that Gu Changsheng has never been so rich in his life!

  Indeed, a man cannot become wealthy without unexpected fortune, just as a horse cannot grow fat without grazing on night grass!

  But Gu Changsheng did not want to do this kind of business without capital.

  Just as the Qingcheng Sect challenged him this time, they met their match, leading to the sect's destruction.

  Although silver is of some use to him, it is not that useful.

  The most useful things to him among these things might be the big and old medicines.

  Of course, there are also martial arts secrets.

  Gu Changsheng found a very useful secret among these martial arts secrets.

  Floating Shadow Sword Technique!

  This should be the sword technique used by the head of the Qingcheng Sect.

It is indeed worthy of praise and makes people feel amazing.

  Unfortunately, he never managed to confront Gu Changsheng before his demise.

He was gradually killed, which was deeply distressing.

  The other martial arts books were not martial arts, but just second- and third-rate and inferior martial arts.

  This was of no use to Gu Changsheng.

  After looting the entire Qingcheng Sect, Gu Changsheng put the things that were useful to him and had a certain value in these gold and silver boxes.

  He also kept his promise and did not kill these Qingcheng Sect disciples who were only inferior warriors or even not warriors.

The one responsible for the killings was Lin Dong.

What does it have to do with me, Gu Changsheng?If you seek revenge, look elsewhere first!

  Not to mention, even if he didn't do it himself, it doesn't mean that others wouldn't do it, especially those enemies of Qingcheng Sect in the past.

  As for the remaining kittens of Qingcheng Sect, who are still alive, there is no telling how many of them will survive in the end!

  The murderous and arsonist Lin Dong, the kind-hearted Gu Changsheng!