
Chapter 5: Meeting Lan Shingming.

Aria woke in the morning and Lan Mei told her about everything they discussed with her parents. Aria didn't mind them and took a shower. The dou went down stairs and ate breakfast. When Mei asked Aunt Yang where her parents were she told her that they were still upstairs. 

Aria and Lan Mei were in the car going to the Lan Company. " Aria no matter what don't let my brother intimidate you. He can be scary sometimes." 

" Am actually looking forward to meeting him. I want to see if he is really that scary as you paint him to. Are you sure they are still allowing applications? "

" Yeah, definitely even though they are not, l will still get you the job since the president is my brother." She said with a care free emotion.

Aria wanted to get a job but in the right way. " Look Mei l want to get a job but l want to go through the right procedures." Aria looked at her friend.

" Okay, but if things don't go r. ight, l will definitely help you whether you like it or not." 

" As you wish the Queen of possibilities." Aria said sarcastically.

The car parked in front of a tall building. It had luxurious glasses and people were moving from left to right. They were all wearing dark clothes. Literally no one was wearing any colored clothes. Aria looked at the black dress she was wearing and smiled at herself for choosing the right dress to wear.

They entered and checked in at the reception and entered the elevator. The elevator stopped at the tallest level of the building. The upper part of the building was even more beautiful. The glass windows made it easy for one to see everything taking place in the city. The Lan Cooperation, this was definitely the tallest building in M City.


Since her brother had no personal Secretary, her desk was empty. Suddenly, the door to the President's office opened and a man in his late thirties came out sweating severely. " Secretary Wen, what's wrong. Why are you sweating like that." Lan Mei asked.

" Oh, Young Mei Mei, welcome back to China. Am sweating because your brother has rejected all the applications for everyone who applied and tasked me to find someone or else l will loose my job. Please madam help me, l can't loose my job my wife is pregnant." Mr. Wen said with a worried expression. 

" I think lady luck is on your side today because my friend here is looking for job and just applied right now.So what is the next step."

" She will have to go and get interviewed by Mr. President. When Secretary Wen looked at Aria he was immediately shocked. The girl was a beautiful green eyed godess. One glance and he knew she was not Chinese. He couldn't help but ask. " Young Mei Mei, can your friend speak Chinese." 

Even though they were speaking Chinese, she could still understand every word they were saying. " Of course she can speak Chinese."

" Miss Aria welcome to China and Lan Cooperation. Please you may follow me in to the office."

" Sure. Thank You for welcomeing me." Aria said and entered the President's Office.

The room had cold vibes. There was definitely no color in the room. But good enough, the room was quite spacious. There was a area which had chairs and looked like a mini living room. On the desk there were files and a computer and many other office staff. Behind the luxurious desk there was man completely wearing dark clothes but most importantly, he was as handsome as the god of beauty himself. His hair was nearly combed behind. He lifted his head up and looked at Aria.

The moment he saw her a flash of surprise appeared in his eyes but he hid it quickly. He looked at Secretary Wen and asked " Why are you here aren't you supposed to be looking for more people for me to interview." 

" Yes sir l found her. Miss Aria right here is looking for a job." Secretary Wen said before he was ordered by Lan Shingming leaving Aria alone with him.

" Sit." He said in English since she wasn't Chinese.

Aria didn't hesitate and sat down and looked at the beautiful man in front of her. 

"Name." He ordered her.

" Aria Lightning Winterswood."