
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 30: Elina knows he's a Vampire

Asher sighed after Elina disappeared from the training ground then he looked at Sunny before standing on his feet.

" Take care of yourself and prepare for the next mission." Sunny said and he entered his house and Asher nodded in response. He picked his sword from the ground and he thought about his fight with Elina, he didn't even have the opportunity to attack before he was beaten up.

" You are strange." Asher said to the sword as he raised the sword, most supernaturals that have come across the weapon have treated it like a strange tool. And he couldn't get the detailed memory of the past owner of his body stealing the sword. He walked into his room as his wounds healed.

A month quickly passed and he had completed numerous missions for Sunny during that period and he had earned enough money to stop working for Sunny. But he wanted to meet Elina before leaving Sunny, he had not met her since the day she beat him up.

" How's the food?" Sunny asked Asher as they ate breakfast.

" Good." Asher responded with indifference, the food didn't taste well in his mouth after all, blood was the only thing that tasted well in his mouth. Speaking about blood, he had been feeling hungry the past days, not the normal hunger but the hunger for blood. But he didn't know how to get blood into his stomach unless he hunts for animals or he can get human blood from hospitals, his thoughts were cut short when he heard Elina walk into the room.

" Good morning everyone." Elina said cheerfully before sitting beside Asher.

" Hey Asher, how's the meal?" Elina said then she turned to face Asher with a bright smile on her face.

" It's good." Asher said slowly, Elina was making things awkward by acting cheerfully after beating him up a month ago.

" Actually, I am sorry for what happened." Elina said and the smile on her face turned to an apologetic look.

" I lost control and I regret, please forgive me. I will make it up to you." Elina said and she ended her words with a mischievous wink, a shiver crept up Asher's neck after seeing Elina wink.

" No problem, are we resuming sword training?" Asher asked.

" Yes." Elina responded with a bright smile, they quickly finished their breakfast and Asher moved to the training ground with Elina.

" Asher, tell me the truth, how did you get the sword?" Elina asked before starting the training.

" And don't tell me it's your family property." Elina added before Asher could respond.

" I stole it." Asher said truthfully, since Elina already knew about the sword, it wasn't necessary to lie again.

" You should have said this since the beginning… Now let's start the training." Elina said and she made her short sword appear in her hands.

" Before that, tell me about this sword and why it's so important." Asher said curiously.

" You didn't even know the importance of what you stole." Elina sneered before chuckling.

" I can't remember clearly."

" That sword you are holding is the first successful product of an experiment to make powerful weapons. That sword has the power to conduct elements." Elina said she explained to Asher that the sword, unlike other weapons, can cultivate one or two elements and use them in combat.

The sword is capable of attacking and defending against attacks but it requires magic crystals to upgrade which means more cost of developing the weapon and it might develop a consciousness.

" I didn't know that I had something this powerful with me." Asher said after listening to Elina's explanation then he looked at the sword carefully, how was the past owner of his body able to steal the sword? He would never know until the memory of the occurrence gets more detailed.

" Enough talking and let's spar for a bit, so I will know your present skill and where we will start from." Elina said and she unsheathed her sword then Asher also followed suit.

" No powers right?" Asher asked.

" Sure." Elina said and she dashed towards Asher, getting to Asher, she swung her sword at Asher.

The attack was quick, quicker than he expected but Asher managed to block the attack, but before he could recuperate a kick hit his knee. Asher backed away from Elina with a few steps then he stabbed his sword at Elina but she parried the attack easily before stabbing her sword at Asher's shoulder.

The sword grazed Asher's shoulder before he could block the attack and he backed away from Elina, her attacks were swift and he could only avoid the attacks if there was enough distance for him to react. Elina moved closer to Asher and she swung her sword at him, the attack was too fast and Asher wasn't sure he could block it so he used his Vampire powers and he escaped the attack.

" I give up." Asher said.

" Why?" Elina asked, feigning curiosity, she clearly saw how Asher used his powers.

" You are too quick." Asher said.

" I am coming, let me go get water." Asher said and he moved away from the training ground.

" You are a Vampire, right?" Elina asked Asher and he froze after hearing Elina. Asher was stunned, which could have made her think that he is a Vampire.

" I am willing to help you." Elina said.

" How did you know?" Asher asked as he turned to face Elina.

" I have my ways." Elina said and Asher moved closer to her.

" How are you willing to help me?" Asher asked.

" I will give you that Vampire book and I will state my price now."

" What's the price?" Asher asked.

" There will come a time I will need your help and when that time comes, I want you to help me, that's the price." Elina said.

" What kind of help?" Asher asked.

" I need you to fight a battle with me." Elina said.

" Deal." Asher said and he stretched his hands towards Elina and he shook her hand as the deal was sealed.