
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 29: The Strange sword

" Then the Vampires were the leading race and that period was called the golden age, the Vampires named the period the golden age. It was the golden age for the Vampires because they ruled the celestial world and they destroyed anything they wanted. They treated humans then as walking food and they killed any creature they wanted except for some races like dragons on the celestial world.

But as time went on, the humans fought back but they didn't have enough power to save themselves from the Vampires so they aligned with the witches and mages. The witches then carried out a dangerous project and they discovered a world that was created during the war of gods also known as the Celestial war. The witches accessed the world and they changed it to suit their needs after discovering that the world was suitable for living.

The witches and the mages with the humans moved to the world and that world is planet Earth we are standing on. But they paid a huge price, hundreds of galaxy witches paid the price with their deaths. The witches on Earth banned other creatures from accessing Earth but there were many loopholes in the curse, some creatures were able to access Earth, creatures like dwellers and demons.

But there was a problem with Earth when the witches landed on Earth, dark and chaos energy was abundant on Earth. And this brought the existence of dark witches, dark mages and necromancers because they made the dark energy do their bidding.

Vampires couldn't come to Earth because they were also cursed by the witches but some Vampires managed to come to Earth and I don't know how they managed to do that." Elina stopped the story and she looked at Asher as he took the information in.

" This is… " Asher muttered softly.

" I will be leaving now, have a good sleep." Elina said and she disappeared from his room. Asher sighed before sleeping a few minutes later. Hours later, Asher shot up from his bed as he panted heavily, he had a bad dream. He dreamt that Elina killed him with his sword that was under his bed.

" What are you doing here?" Asher snarled.

" What happened?" Elina asked softly as she appeared from the shadows.

" Get out of my room now!" Asher shouted as he looked at Elina.

" Okay." Elina said and she disappeared from Asher's room.

Asher took a cup of water and he managed to sleep again after a few minutes. The next morning, he woke up early and went outside his room to eat breakfast, seeing Elina preparing the dining table, he felt a bit bad for shouting at her last night.

" Stop snooping around my room." Asher said firmly as he found a seat beside the dining table.

" Okay." Elina responded cheerfully.

" You keep saying okay and that doesn't stop you from snooping around my room next time."

" I really mean it this time." Elina said with a smile and Sunny walked over to the dining table before sitting.

" You have a job tomorrow." Sunny said to Asher.

" Give me the details later." Asher said.

" If you are the one asking Elina to hide in my room, tell her to stop." Asher added as he stared deeply into Sunny's eyes.

" No problem." Sunny said and he started eating his breakfast.

" By the way I saw a sword in your room, it is beautiful, how did you get it?" Elina said as they ate and Asher almost spat the food in his mouth.

" It's my family property that was passed down to me." Asher lied smoothly.

" Your family must be interesting." Elina commented.

" You know how to use the sword properly?" Elina asked.

" No."

" I am an expert with the sword and I might teach you a few things." Elina said with a slight smile on her lips.

" Really?" Asher blurted out with surprise washing over him, he wanted to know how to use the sword because the sword would enhance his strength. The problem is that he didn't know how he would learn how to use the sword, it's not like he could search it up on google. But now, opportunity is presenting itself right in his face.

" Yes." Elina added.

" Then teach me how to use the sword, please." Asher said.

" But you have to pay a price, I will be using my time and energy to teach you after all." Elina said and Asher scowled, he didn't think that Elina would blow air into eyes if something went wrong with his eyes for free.

" What's the price?" Asher asked.

" Your earnings on your next mission." Elina said and a mischievous smile crawled over her face and Sunny almost choked on his food after hearing what Elina said.

" Okay." Asher agreed without thinking, learning how to use the sword will make him more powerful but the money he would earn from his next couldn't do that.

" Do you even know how much you will be earning on your next mission?" Sunny butted in.

" How much?" Asher asked with indifference.

" Hundred thousand Raira." Sunny said and Asher frowned immediately, that amount of money will make him stop working for Sunny but now he has to pay the money to Elina so he would know how to use the sword.

" Whatever." Asher muttered as he continued his food while Elina chuckled.

" So when are we starting?" Asher asked.

" When you are ready."

" I am ready now." Asher said and he abandoned his meal before heading to his room to get the sword.

" You won't finish your meal?" Elina asked.

" Yeah." Asher responded and he got the sword before walking to the training ground in Sunny's house. Getting to the training ground, he saw Elina waiting for him with a short elegant in her hands, he noticed shock appearing on Elina's face as he moved closer to her.

" Let me see the sword. Elina said and she disappeared and she reappeared beside Asher before grabbing the sword.

" Your family property, huh?" Elina said after looking at the sword properly.

" What's your problem?" Asher snarled as he grabbed the sword back from her.

" You lied because you stole this sword, it is not your family property." Elina said and she punched him with her left fist coated with fiery red flames. Asher managed to block the attack with the sword in his hands before moving away from Elina.

" What's wrong with you?" Asher shouted at Elina, she just attacked him without a reason.

" Nothing." Elina responded as she conjured a whip made of lightning before swinging it at Asher.

Asher dodged the attack and he removed his sword from its sheath before running towards Elina but before he could reach her, sixteen lightning bolts headed towards him. He couldn't block all the lightning bolts so some hit his chest and he was sent flying.

Elina took the sword from his hands and she walked away from the wounded Asher that laid on the ground.

" Return the sword." Sunny ordered as he arrived on the training ground, Elina stopped in her tracks before turning back to place the sword by Asher's side and she disappeared from the training ground.