
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 24: Strange Vampire

Sunny managed to hold Asher down, if any of them stood up or raised their heads, they might get shot. But he wouldn't take the risk of standing so they just stayed down while they expected what was about to happen.

" I think we should get out of the living room." Sunny whispered and he crawled to the dining room and he quickly took a gun he had left on the dining table. Asher also crawled to the dining room and he laid beside Sunny. Asher turned to look at Sunny and he noticed the gun in his hands, he wasn't surprised, Sunny did bad things after all.

Sunny makes illegal drugs and he distributes them and he would need to protect himself if something happened and a gun might protect him.

" They would come in through the door." Asher said, due to his enhanced hearing, he could hear their attackers preparing to break the door down.

" How can you be so sure?" Sunny asked with doubt.

" Just expect them to come through the door any minute." Asher retorted as he prepared to face their attackers.

" Alright." Sunny said as he readied his gun then Asher stood up and he sat on a chair in the dining room.

" What the f*ck are you doing?!" Sunny managed to whisper as horror was plastered all over his face.

" Expecting them." Asher responded as he smirked.

" You will get yourself killed!" Sunny said sharply.

" Don't worry about me, just hide." Asher responded, he felt confident that he wouldn't get killed. He knew that just five men attacked them and they were humans. Three men were planning on coming inside the house while the rest will keep watch outside. His thoughts were cut short when the door was blasted open and three men creeped in with silenced guns in their hands.

" Stay down now!" One of the men shouted when he saw Asher, he was clearly the leader. Asher went on his knees and he raised his hands.

" He is not Sunny." Another said when they already surrounded Asher. One of the men pointed a torch light at Asher's face but the bright light didn't affect Asher's eye sight, he could still see clearly.

" Where is Sunny?" The leader asked as he pointed a gun at Asher's face.

" I don't know who you are talking about." Asher responded.

" Stop lying to me, if you don't tell me the truth, you will die." The leader added.

" Even if I told you the truth, you will still kill me." Asher said as he raised his head to look into the leader's eyes.

" Search the house." The leader ordered and one of the men left to check the other rooms. Unknown to everybody else, Sunny already followed the man that went to search the house. He planned to kill the man, he was alone after all.

" You should have just told me the truth." The leader said as he shook his head slightly, he prepared to shoot Asher's head when a loud gunshot sounded in the house. Asher knew that Sunny was the one responsible for the loud sound, but others didn't know. They turned to look around the house, ignoring Asher.

" Big mistake." Asher said as he stood behind the leader and the other man. They quickly turned back to face Asher but they couldn't do anything before Asher sliced their throats with his claws. They didn't even know how it happened, Asher was too fast for them to react to his attack.

" It was a big mistake to turn your back to me." Asher said.

Meanwhile Sunny held his gun tightly as he walked to the dining room, something wasn't right. He just killed one of the attackers and the other attackers weren't coming to check on him and he hadn't heard anything from the living room. He knew that Asher was there alone with the other attackers, he put his thoughts aside as he continued to walk towards the dining room.

" You don't have to hide." Sunny heard Asher say, Sunny quickly ran into the dining room and he saw Asher sitting on a dining chair. He looked around and he saw four dead bodies on the floor then he put on the light in the room before looking at Asher. He couldn't believe his eyes, all the attackers were killed by Asher, he didn't look like someone who would kill anybody.

" Did you kill them?" Sunny asked Asher.

" Obviously." Asher responded as he smiled brightly, Sunny stared at the bodies and he noticed that their throats were sliced with something like a knife.

" Do you know them?" Asher asked, snapping Sunny out of his thoughts.

" Yes, they are members of a gang I messed with." Sunny responded.

" If you weren't here, I would have been killed." Sunny added.

" Get your things, we are leaving here right now!" Sunny shouted and he went to his room to pack his things.

" Other gang members will be here soon." Sunny added before leaving the room. Asher didn't say anything, he just went to the room that was assigned to him and he took his sword and he waited for Sunny.

" Is that all?" Sunny asked when he saw that Asher just held a sword.

" Yes." Asher responded and they left the house quickly.

" So where are we heading to?" Asher asked as they walked away from Sunny's house.

" My house." Sunny responded.

" You have another house?" Asher asked, he was surprised that Sunny had another house.

" Yes." Sunny responded as they continued walking, they took a public bus that took them to Sunny's house.

Minutes later, they reached Sunny's house, Asher was surprised when he saw Sunny's house. The house looked extravagant, it wasn't like the house where they got attacked. They entered the house and Sunny assigned a room to Asher but Asher stopped him before heading to his room.

" There is someone in this house." Asher said as he pulled Sunny back then he looked around but he couldn't see anyone.

" I can't see anyone." Sunny said.

" Me too." Asher added and Sunny shot him an incredulous look, he just said that someone is in the house and he couldn't even see the person.

" You can't even see the person?" Sunny asked as he smiled then his smile froze, what if the someone is not human.

" Elina show yourself." Sunny shouted and it was Asher's turn to look at him incredulously.

" Elina?" Asher repeated before a beautiful woman appeared in the room. Asher's eyes narrowed when he saw Elina appear in the room, there was no doubt that Elina is a witch or mage.

" Welcome Sunny." Elina said as she beamed a smile.

" How are you doing?" Sunny asked.

" Fine." Elina responded before looking at Asher that was staring at her with a frown on his face.

" Who is she?" Asher asked Sunny.

" Elina, she is a witch and she is my personal guard. " Sunny said but Asher didn't believe him. Shawn told him that witches are few and an ordinary street drug dealer has a witch as his personal guard, who will believe that?

" Good night." Asher muttered and he headed to his room.

" Hey! What's your name?" Elina asked before Asher left.

" Asher." Asher said and he entered his room. The smile on Elina's face disappeared after Asher left.

" Who is he?" Elina asked.

" He is my new distributor." Sunny responded as he sat on a chair.

" He is strange, how was he able to sense my presence?"

" I know that too, come see this." Sunny said and he showed her the pictures of the men that Asher killed at his other house.

" Watch over him." Sunny said and he stood up before heading to his room.