
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 23: A new job

Asher smiled wryly as he looked at his arm that was cuffed to a bench. He was arrested minutes ago by the police when they found him by the dead bodies he saw earlier. They arrested him because they thought he was the one responsible for the death of the bodies, he couldn't blame the police, he was kneeling there after all.

They already asked him questions and he had told them that he wasn't responsible for the murder of the bodies but they didn't believe him. They still kept him at the police station as the prime suspect. What bothered him was not the arrest but the sword he kept in a waste bin before the police arrested him.

If the police found the sword on him, they would give the supernaturals a call immediately then ask them to come check the sword. And that will mean trouble for him, they will take the sword away from him and they will know that he was the one that stole it in the first place.

" Why are you here?" A man that sat beside Asher asked Asher. The man wasn't muscular but he had a great body with green hair, it was dyed. He had large tattoos on his arm and chest and he was also cuffed to a chair. Asher looked at the man for seconds before responding.

" Suspected murder." Asher responded.

" Suspected? For all I know, you might just be the murderer." The man said as he chuckled.

" Why will you say that?" Asher asked, slightly annoyed.

" Do you really think a murderer will tell anyone that he is responsible for a crime?" The man asked and Asher finally realised what the man was trying to say. What the man said is true, a murderer wouldn't tell anyone that he killed anybody, especially when he is cuffed to a police bench in a police station.

" What's your name?" Asher asked.

" Sunny." Sunny responded.

" Why are you here?" Asher asked.

" Theft." Sunny responded.

" I am Asher."

" I have heard that name somewhere." Sunny said as he checked his memories, searching for anything related to Asher. A shiver ran through Asher's spine as he heard what Sunny said, he knew that the past owner of his body was a gangster. A notorious one and Sunny also looked like a thug and the past owner of his body might have messed with Sunny.

" But I can't remember where or how." Sunny said and he smiled wryly.

" My memory is getting worse these days." Sunny added and a police officer approached Sunny.

" You are released, some just came to pay your bill." The police officer said to Sunny and he uncuffed him. Sunny smiled and he stood up and he followed the police.

" We will meet again, Asher." Sunny said before leaving with the police officer. Asher just smiled wryly as he saw Sunny leave, he didn't want to meet Sunny again, what he needed now is money, not trouble.

Thirty minutes later, a police officer approached Asher and he uncuffed him.

" You are released now, the murderer is already found." The police said to Asher but Asher didn't care about what he was saying, as long as he was released, he didn't care.

Asher left the police station after signing some documents and he headed to where he kept his sword. Minutes later, he found the sword where he kept it and he continued moving aimlessly. As he walked through a street, he saw someone familiar appear at his front.

" Asher." Sunny said as he stood opposite Asher.

" Sunny." Asher managed to say, he didn't want to meet Sunny but fate seems to be playing with him.

" I want to speak with you but let's talk over coffee." Sunny offered and Asher thought about it for a few seconds and he agreed to Sunny's offer. He needed money and whatever Sunny wanted to say might bring him money. They both entered a nearby coffee shop and they found a table where they could talk freely before getting two cups of coffee.

" So what do you want to say?" Asher asked as he sipped his coffee.

" I will get straight to the point, I want you to work for me." Sunny responded.

" Work for you? What do you do?" Asher asked.

" I deal drugs." Sunny said.

" Drugs?" Asher repeated, confused.

" Yes, I make illegal drugs and I sell them." Sunny said and Asher finally realised what Sunny had been saying.

" What will I do for you?" Asher asked.

" I will handle the cooking of the drugs but I need someone to distribute it to my clients. My past distributors were arrested, some killed." Sunny said and he added the last sentence to inform Asher what he will be getting into if he worked for him. But Asher wasn't scared one bit, humans can't hurt him.

" But I want to give you my terms, I won't be working for you. I will be working with you."

" No problem, the profit will be splitted seventy thirty. I will take seventy and you will take thirty." Sunny said.

" No, I will be the one doing the dangerous things. Let's make it fifty fifty." Asher retorted.

" No, Sixty forty." Sunny offered.

" Fine." Asher agreed with the offer and he shook Sunny's hands.

" I will be living with you." Asher said.

" Okay." Sunny agreed without thinking. They left the coffee shop and they headed to Sunny's apartment. When Asher got to Sunny's apartment, he was surprised that Sunny was able to own a luxury apartment.

" You can take the room there." Sunny said as he pointed to a room in the house, he didn't wait for Asher's response before heading to his own room.

Asher headed to the room that Sunny pointed to, he entered the room and he flipped the switch, illuminating the room. He looked around the room and he saw that the room was dusty with cobwebs everywhere. It seems that the room wasn't frequently used, although it had the necessary things like a bed and a table.

He couldn't sleep in a room like this so he cleaned the room. Thirty minutes later, he had already cleaned the room and he laid on the bed. He suddenly stood up when he saw someone walk past his window, he quickly turned off the light in the room and he headed out of the room. Getting outside the room, he saw that all the lights in the house were put off then someone pulled him to the ground.

" Stay down! We are under attack." Sunny said as he held Asher to the ground. Asher sighed deeply, he couldn't even get a good night sleep before trouble found him… again.