
Prologue: Hell Fire Bridge.

My eyes snapped open to find myself once again in my room back in the village of Norway. The sound of hammering and fire crackling can be heard even from the sixth flour. I briefly glanced at the window and at the rising sun.

" Gah, this is annoying. Why must I reincarnate every time I die?! (Sits up.) Back into this... oh never mind. I'll just cross hell fire bridge and if I die again I'll just keep on trying." I muttered to myself when I spotted the firey blue bridge off in the distance. Of course I have crossed it before, that's when I started to reincarnate every time I died, I also received, the elements of water and fire protection that can only defend my clothes and other objects on my body. Not to mention the nut cracker sharing my mind.

'Hey! Since when did you think so mercifully towards me?' The nut cracker said inside my head. Sigh.

'We are practically sisters since we share the same body. But I still don't like you, your way to bonkers for that.' I muttered inside the mind communication space. I stood and began to pack my bags, taking out my favorite daggers and swords.

'Don't forget my fox sword!' She screamed making me flinch it really hurts when somebody screams inside your head like a thousand pins and needles were being poked into your brain while a hundred banshees screamed their lungs out with their mouths facing your ears while standing right next to you to boost! And I can't even yell back at her because that would still hurt! I picked her sword up and placed it in its sheet and onto my waist band. Alright time to test that dammed bridge.

' At least you can be called every single persons grandma by now! (She laughed.) I mean your one million years old now! ' She said. That feels like a slap to my face. Sigh, true.

'Shut up, Lily.' I said and threw my bags over my shoulder I turned around and walked through my door. That name doesn't fit her at all, she isn't gentle nor friendly and would kill any one if I loose control over her, unless I command her not to. But it's harder to command her when I loose control. I had by then walked out the main door downstairs ignoring the looks I received from the Smith's and villagers. Because my father was the chief and my mother a mere black Smith, everybody thinks that I'm the off spring of the devil, (no offense Christian's!) But because they both died I was left behind and my uncle was supposed to take care of me. Yeah, like he'd even care!

'Calm down, of it'll start to Rian!' Lily shouted, gah!

' DON'T SHOUT!' Oops, now I've done it. I rubbed my ears and the back of my head as I walked. Lily was laughing like crazy ignoring my scoldings and kept on howling like a madwomen. Wait, that's not right she's already mad.... never mind. This of course made her laugh even harder nearing a shout and harming my ears, dam you, Lily! It's hard enough trying to concentrate while your howling like a wolf inside of my head! And now your even doing it while increasing the damned volume! Oh, whatever, I'll ignore her even if it's hurts. almost at that bridge.

'I wonder if that little Jamey would try to stop you again, won't that be sweet?' Lily asks while cackling.

'I really don't care. All I want is to get back to the worlds meet.' I said.

'Well, they said they weren't there the day before you arrived so they probably won't be there when you do.'Lily said sounding happy for some reason. Oh, wait, there is no reason when it comes to her.

'That is why I will take my time.' I answered.

'Huh?! You'll burn to death! Yay!'She practically shouted again.... sigh. I rolled my eyes as I reached the foot of the bridge. Searing heat came wave after wave from the blue flames.

"Wow, Asher's actually gonna commit suicide! Come look!" Miss Carter the baker screamed with excitement making me want to barf. I shook my head and cast the fire protection spell on everything on me. I stepped into the flames and held in the shock of the sudden heat, that felt familiar to my body, of course it's because I've crossed before, only once though. In my first life. Aw, well. The flames licked at my skin, trying to dry out the blood that flowed in my veins. I ignored the pain and took one step at a time, making my progress painfully slow. Others would have died by now, or have been stark naked, and then they'd die. Last time I received the latter, but didn't die. Though I was left with popped skin and dry veins. Not to mention oxygen deprived. Lilies cackling grew louder distracting me from my burning skin.

'This.... is..... awesome!' She screamed. Another distraction.

'Thw flames are friggin amazing!' She laughed. Sigh, she really is crazy. At least she's distracting me, but I really wish I could strangle the craziness from her. And maybe her loud mouth as well, that'll give me some relief, I hope. But unfortunately I can only wish and hope.