
Chapter 1:

|____Other side of bridge______|

|______Unknowns POV________|

"Yuri, it's been 70 years, why hasn't anybody crossed over yet?" I asked glancing at the girl standing next to my with her golden hair tipped with red and blue tied neatly in a ponytail.

"I don't know, I might have made a mistake, Heru, Nadia and William were messing around while I was making the bridge so there's a slim chance that I had increased the difficulty of crossing over." She muttered. I narrowed my eyes and stared at the other two standing off to the back. William with his black and green hair and Nadia with her brown and orange hair. They bowed their heads, guilt coming off of them in waves. Sigh, I guess everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

"It's fine, then whomever crosses would probably be stronger than the last two that crossed the other bridges." I said loud enough for everyone in the group to hear. This is the world were worlds meet, but where all of the guardians live. In each world there is at least one guardian if not at most six. And there are at least one trillion bridges , each one taking a year for the inhabitants of this world to reach, but those from other world's could reach it in the blink of an eye. Each bridge has its own kingdom, and this one's kingdom is bigger than most, well except for the capital, that's actually the biggest kingdom and the main one that governs over all the others. We are waiting for this bridges guardian since there is another bridge only miles away, so as soon as whomever it is arrives, this bridge would collapse. Which would brake the bind between the two world's. As much as it pains me to hope for someone to arrive early, we need one more person for the team, then we can safely assume our normal routines.

______On Hell Fire Bridge.______

_________Normal POV_________

'Asher, you can speed up now, a day has passed.' Lily said her voice sounding cheery, maybe that's because she's been freely insulting people from my memories and past, and always cackling at one of my past mistakes.

" You've.....been keeping....track of.....time....since we woke up.... yesterday....while you kept on....bothering...me.. haven't you..?" I wheezed out loud.

'Yep, if I hadn't we'd loose valuable time by letting you walk as slowly as you are. I mean your skin is practically burned to a crisp, oh wait, the water rotation on your skin seems to have saved most of it, except for the popped parts here and there. This is quite fun! We should cross the bridge more often.' She laughed. I shook my head and picked up pace.

'How much time has gone by exactly?' I asked.

'29 hours,59 minutes and 26 seconds in counting.' Lily answered. Well,at least I know that she can keep track of time.

'Why didn't you tell me when the mark hit 24 hours?' I ask.

' Cause this is fun and I wanted time to drag on.' She's off her rockers. She laughed.

'Thank you!' She happily said.

_________Heru's POV__________

______A few yards away_______

Everyone else had sat down, the time slowly ticked by, while the bridge was uninhabited by any living soul.

" I'm really sorry, Heru, next time let me do my thing alone. " Yuri said.

" Fine, but if you die then it is your own fault, and theirs." I said casting a long look at William and Nadia, though without malice or hatred. They bowed their heads once more. When suddenly the bridge went up in flames. "You made a Hell Fire Bridge?!?!" I screamed out raged that someone had to go through that to get here, Hell Fire Bridges are extremely difficult to cross alive, heck no one ever crosses through them, ever. A figure of a person appeared amongst the flames shocking me beyond movement. Making me limp. All of us had jumped to our feet when the bridge was set on fire, and now we're struggling to stay up standing. The figure moved closer, quicker than what was supposed to be possible, whomever this is..... is extremely powerful. I just hope that he or she would be alright and alive when they pass the last part of the bridge. Though it seemed highly unlikely.