
Ashen Sun

As a teenager living a fairly normal life, Aaron's life took a radical change when he was caught in a bus accident. It was at the dying moment of his life, that he met a mysterious woman smiling down at him. Offering him a choice to live and join 'Ashen Sun', a secret organization having an objective of eradicating the evils of the world, but underneath it all, things aren't what they portray it to be. With the organization surrounded by mystery and danger, Aaron only had two objectives: survive and live to see his family once more. **************************************************** Discord server: https://discord.gg/w6UWHfGzS8 Hi there, just some things before starting, English is not my mother language, so probably there will be mistakes. I will be grateful if you tell them to me. About the schedule... at the moment there isn't, but expect a chapter every 2 or 3 days. When I finally adjust my schedule I will put it here. Another thing, some of the tags might take their time to see them, like the harem, romance and the antihero, as I intend to do some "slow" character development. Also, I don't mind criticism as long as you are respectful and preferably constructive. If you need it, here is my discord: Donutsaurio#2874 But enough of all that, this is my first novel so have patience with me and don't doubt about giving me advice or correcting me. Said all that, enjoy my novel! *The original art is not mine, if you want to take it down tell me in the comment

Donutsaurio · Realistic
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20 Chs

15 - First mission [7]

-??? POV-

I was walking through the street. My peace was quick, as if I was escaping from something or someone.

I knew for certain that on the outside I had an expressionless face with a hint of coldness in my eyes. However, if you looked inside, you could see a mixture of emotions, with excitement being the main one.

I wanted to talk to him, to see him more, but I knew now wasn't the right moment. In fact, I shouldn't even be here, but I couldn't hold myself the moment I knew he was here.

Ring ring-

Such thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of someone calling my phone. When I checked who this person was, I couldn't help but flinch a little, and my face hardened along with my stiff body. However, that didn't last long until my whole body relaxed again and quickly accepted the call.

[Are you really there?]

That was the first sentence I heard, and to that, I couldn't manage to hold the bitter smile that crept into my face.

"My my, firstly, hello 'mother'."

At my sarcastic remark, I knew that she was annoyed, but she acted like she didn't care.

[Sigh, hello, Liv. Anyway, I know it's difficult to accept, but he isn't here anymore, so please, come home.]

At that answer, my body stopped walking and a voice colder than ice came from my mouth.

"'Mother', stop pretending."

[... We can't do anything about it, at least now, so get out of there.]

"Tch, bye,'mother'."

As I said that, I hung up the call without waiting for an answer. I was very annoyed, even knowing she was right, but that didn't help to calm me down.

Not long later, I managed to calm down, and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

'There is no use being like this now. After all, it's only a matter of time,

Right, 'brother'?'


-Aaron's POV-


I woke up suddenly while trembling and being covered in sweat. I assumed this was due to the nervousness about what day it was today.

It was Saturday, the day we were going to talk with Kyle Beck, and the day when the mission was supposed to end.

I checked the phone on the side of the bed, and I saw that it was earlier than when I was supposed to wake up. Since it wasn't too early, I got out of bed anyway and went to wash.

After I left my room and had breakfast, I came back to the building to start working for the last time here. I met Richard in the same place as always, and we soon started our cleaning routine.

At some moment, while sweeping the floor, Richard said something that made my body stiff.

"Hey, Black, are you okay?"

I tried to act as if nothing had happened, and fortunately, I managed to do it.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it is just that you seem quite anxious about something. If you want, I can lend you an ear."

When he mentioned that, I got a little nervous since I didn't expect him to highlight that.

'Is it so obvious?'

As if he could read my thoughts, he put on his characteristic soft smile.

"Of course, if you don't want to, there is no need to do it."

"O-oh, it's just that I haven't been able to sleep well lately, so I'm quite tired."

I wasn't exactly lying, but I felt bad anyway for lying to him, even though he was just worried for me. But the things that worried me weren't things that I could tell him, so there was nothing I could do.


It was already 4 o'clock. Rachel and I were in the reception waiting for someone to pick us up and guide us to the CEO's office. Without having to wait much time, soon someone appeared. It was Megan, the receptionist, and Rachel's senior.

"Mr. Ellis and Mrs. Hunt, please accompany me. I will guide you to Mr. Beck's office."

""Yes, please.""

And with that, we went toward the elevator. After we entered it, Megan pressed the button on the 30th floor. I was a little surprised by that, since I didn't expect the CEO's office to be so close to the employees' rooms. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't influenced by those movies where the office is on the last floor.

Not long after, we reached that floor, and what greeted us was an elegant door, with two security guards on each side of it. As I realized that the moment was finally coming, one side of my waist weighted more. Coincidentally, there was where I had a gun. This gun was one thta Rachel gave me before coming here.

As that happened in my mind, my suspicions rose, not because there were guards, but because there was too little security, I mean, it was the CEO's office, and there were only 2 guards.

Interrupting my thoughts, Megan started talking again.

"I will wait here. You can enter now."

"Yes, thank you."

As Rachel answered, she started walking toward the door. Then I quickly followed her, and the moment we were in front of the door, the guards opened it.

We entered the room, and the first thing we saw was a desk, and behind that desk was a person, who was our objective, Kyle Beck. He was the same as the photos I had seen of him, a tall and thin man, with bald hair and dark green eyes. He also had a beard and was wearing a simple black suit.

When he saw us, he smiled at us while gesturing for us to sit on the two chairs that were in front of him. We did as he wanted, and then he proceeded to start talking.

"Mr. Ellis, Mrs. Hunt, welcome to my humble office. If you don't mind, I would like to go to the point."


Without giving much explanation, the office was anything but humble. As I was thinking that, Rachel spoke to him.

"Hello, Mr. Beck. Of course, we don't mind if you do that."

When she said that, Kyle's smile remained the same, and then she spoke again.

"Alright. Then,

Who sent you here?"
