
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

21. Dog's Don't Sleep On Beds

He couldn't use his sword since we were in a room, but that didn't stop me from scratching him. He could only defend and block me.

I secretly reached for my space ring in the pocket and took out a water bottle. I threw it on his head and made it burst with mana manipulation technique by squeezing the mana around it.

He was wet. His mask fell off while fighting. Unlike my mask, that will be very hard to crack or destroy since it is an artifact. It's called ' shattered memory '

Its effect is that people who once saw me will have a hard time picturing me. The only thing they will remember is the mask.

' How can he be so petty ? ' I looked at the cat mask in front of me. " Hmph. " I saw his smerk, and it passed me off. But before I could do anything, he pulled out another water bottle and drank it.

" What ? Scared that this one will make you wat too ? " He said. " I'm not a cat like you, so don't worry. " I was prepared for another attack from him byt the he said " you are sleeping on the floor tonight. "

Only then did I realize that there is only one cople's bed, " We can share, " I said. He smirked in triumph and said, " I didn't teach my dog to sleep on the bed."He didn't leave me any room to retort as he walked into the bathroom.

I decided to go downstairs and ask if they have another room available. ' Why am I so unlucky?' I thought as he gave me a simple answer, ' No '

When I came back to the room, I saw silent night in his shorts and T-shirt getting to the bed. He didn't spare me a glance and holled up in the bed. He was back into his normal form. I guess he has some relations to shapeshifters.

I decided to take a bath too. After I was stone, I walked back into the dark room and saw Silent Night asleep. ' Ha, there's no way I'm going to sleep on the floor '

With that thought in mind, I took my clothes off like always and got into the bed next to him. I layered down so my back would be facing him and decided to sleep.

' Fuck what is it ' I woke up in the middle of the night to find that cat pulling my covers. I pulled them back, and that's when he opened his eyes and transformed. He scratched the hand I was pulling the covers back with and scratched me. I reflexively let go and saw him making a marshmallow of himself. Even through his mask, I could feel his last hateful stare before he closed his eyes again.

The next morning, I woke up, and I was like a marshmallow, not that I complained. Looking across the bed, I saw back facing towards me it had scars. He probably got them when he was younger and was bullied in the castle. I reached out my hand and touched them. They went from his neck down. As I was tracing them, I looked down where they headed and saw that this guy was completely necked.

' Fuck why is he sleeping necked has he no shame !? ' I had to get into a good position because I was still like a marshmallow in these covers.

When I was done positioning myself, I kicked him as hard as I could into the back. After that, I saw him flying straight to the ground. I sat up and let go of the covers that were hugging me.

' I remembered telling him to sleep on the floor, so why is he here ? ' A memory flashed in my mind seeing him in the middle of the night trying to take my sheets. ' Well, at last, I scratched him. ' I looked at his arm that still wasn't completely healed.

" Fuck, no good morning " I heard him say and my attention shifted to him. " I saw that big lump of meat between his legs, and I was horrified. ' How can he walk with that. ' I imagined him doing it and almost took pity on the people that had to bear this. I guess this is why he never had a lover.

After imagining it for a while, I could feel my cheeks getting red and yelled, " Go get dressed ! " After that, I turned around and was about to reach for my ring where my clothes were, when suddenly someone grabbed my hand from behind. I was pulled back and was sitting between Astras legs as I could feel his breath on my neck.

" We're you blushing ? " He said with a tone that he used every time he was looking down on me back then. " Let go, " I said with an annoyed and angry tone.

" Are you jealous because mine is bigger small ? " he said in a teasing tone. " Why would I be jealous of a person with such a defective organ. You might as well use that thing as your third leg, " I said, trying to mack him to the best of my abilities.

I suddenly felt his second hand going around my waist and heading down there, so I quickly created a shadow spike on my hand that wasn't grab by his and pointed it ti his neck and with a cold and threatening voice I said " If you don't want to have a hole in your neck then you better behave "

" Ow, how feisty, " he said in a childish voice and put his hands up as if a cop was pointing a gun at him. I took my space ring and headed to the bathroom.

At last, this bathroom isn't like the old one. I took a shower and got into my usual clothes like shadow cloak and my mana covering gloves and hid all the tools. I mostly use lue poison throwing daggers and other things....

I ceked myself in the mirror one more time before I exited the bathroom I saw Astra was already had cloths on and said " I'll be down reading the information Alystar send me on what is currently going on in Zephyr. Take a shower and join me later, " I said as I walked out of the door.

I went downstairs and I asked the receptionist if someone left something for me. After giving her my room number, she gave me a letter and a report in the form of a book that greatly reminded me of the storage room where all the reports looked like boocks in the library.